
时间:2022-10-07 00:28:32

I am trying to use mod_rewrite to be able to redirect to my custom html error page, when a 404 is returned. Right now, I have my http server running and my appserver(Websphere) running. When I take down a service on the appserver, it returns a message as follows:


SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle localhost:80 has not been defined.

SRVE0255E:尚未定义处理localhost:80的WebGroup / Virtual Host。

I want to be able to redirect to my custom error message, based on the response, rather than show this error message. Trying to use the ErrorDocument directive within the httpd.conf file does not work,... but I have heard that this is possible to do with mod_rewrite. I am not sure how to do this.


2 个解决方案


Have you tried smth like this:


ErrorDocument 404 /not-found.asp


We Can only post the messages like "Server under maintenance, Thanks for your patience!" , by adding the custom property. We cannot redirect it to the customized static page.

我们只能发布“正在维护的服务器,感谢您的耐心!”等消息。 ,通过添加自定义属性。我们无法将其重定向到自定义的静态页面。


Have you tried smth like this:


ErrorDocument 404 /not-found.asp


We Can only post the messages like "Server under maintenance, Thanks for your patience!" , by adding the custom property. We cannot redirect it to the customized static page.

我们只能发布“正在维护的服务器,感谢您的耐心!”等消息。 ,通过添加自定义属性。我们无法将其重定向到自定义的静态页面。