如何在页面加载后暂时禁用javascript ?

时间:2022-10-06 22:52:38

I want to disable Javascript once a page has already loaded.




Because I want to test how the behavior of something like the following 'degrades' when javascript isn't available, but i dont want the hastle of going to the browser's top level Javascript enable/disable feature. In addition I specifically want to disable it after the page has loaded because I want to isolate my testing to how that one form would perform (I have jQuery running for the rest of the page and I don't want to lose that).


Allowing me to disable JS for this code allows me to test the form postback as well as the AJAX postback.


<form action="/pseudovirtualdirectoryfortesting/company/Contact" id="fooForm" method="post" onsubmit="Sys.Mvc.AsyncForm.handleSubmit(this, new Sys.UI.DomEvent(event), { insertionMode: Sys.Mvc.InsertionMode.replace, loadingElementId: 'submitting', onBegin: Function.createDelegate(this, submitComments_begin), onComplete: Function.createDelegate(this, submitComments_complete), onFailure: Function.createDelegate(this, submitComments_failure), onSuccess: Function.createDelegate(this, submitComments_success) });">

<表单动作=" pseudovirtualdirectoryfortesting company contact" id="fooForm" method="post" onsubmit="Sys.Mvc.AsyncForm " handlesubmit(这个,新的sys.ui.domevent(event), {insertionmode: sys.mvc.insertionmode)。替换,装入符号:“提交”,onbegin:函数。submitcomments_begin createdelegate(这),oncomplete函数。onfailure submitcomments_complete createdelegate(这):功能。submitcomments_failure createdelegate(这),调用onsuccess:函数。createdelegate(这个,submitcomments_success)});">

What plug-ins or tactics could I use. I want to be able to test in different browsers, and some projects I work on are designed only for one browser (not my fault) so I need as many possible solutions as there are.


3 个解决方案



Get the Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox. With it you can disable Javascript at any time, disable cookies, css, whatever you want.

获取Firefox的Web Developer工具栏。有了它,你可以随时禁用Javascript,禁用cookie, css,任何你想要的东西。



Test in FireFox with the NoScript addon.

在FireFox中使用NoScript addon进行测试。



This is not answer to the generic question "how to disable javascript", but was a good solution for me.


I have stopped using Microsoft's AJAX in place of jQuery.


As a result of this I am using unobtrusive javascript and it is therefore much easier to disable just the AJAX handler for my form than it is with Microsoft Ajax.

因此,我使用的是不引人注目的javascript,因此禁用表单的AJAX处理程序比使用Microsoft AJAX要容易得多。

All i do is comment out the line that hooks up the AJAX call to my submit button.




Get the Web Developer Toolbar for Firefox. With it you can disable Javascript at any time, disable cookies, css, whatever you want.

获取Firefox的Web Developer工具栏。有了它,你可以随时禁用Javascript,禁用cookie, css,任何你想要的东西。



Test in FireFox with the NoScript addon.

在FireFox中使用NoScript addon进行测试。



This is not answer to the generic question "how to disable javascript", but was a good solution for me.


I have stopped using Microsoft's AJAX in place of jQuery.


As a result of this I am using unobtrusive javascript and it is therefore much easier to disable just the AJAX handler for my form than it is with Microsoft Ajax.

因此,我使用的是不引人注目的javascript,因此禁用表单的AJAX处理程序比使用Microsoft AJAX要容易得多。

All i do is comment out the line that hooks up the AJAX call to my submit button.
