
时间:2022-05-18 04:30:49

I am porting a windows desktop application to an ASP.NET MVC application. I have a bunch of tables in the database that I am able to create controllers with to generate views and it works fine. I want to create a page to display all the names that have a certain column that is set to false. Because there is no table that stores this data I have to manually query for the result using linq. So what I have done is ignored the creation of the model and created the controller.

我正在将一个Windows桌面应用程序移植到ASP.NET MVC应用程序。我在数据库中有一堆表,我可以创建控制器来生成视图,它工作正常。我想创建一个页面来显示具有设置为false的某个列的所有名称。因为没有存储此数据的表,所以我必须使用linq手动查询结果。所以我所做的就是忽略了模型的创建并创建了控制器。

    private raceEntities db = new raceEntities();

    // GET: Registrants
    public ActionResult Index()
        var registrants = (from per in db.people
                          join personorgrole in db.personorganizationroles on per.PersonID equals personorgrole.PersonID
                          join personeve in db.personevents on personorgrole.PersonOrganizationRoleID equals personeve.PersonOrganizationRoleID
                          join eventcla in db.eventclasses on personeve.RaceEventID equals eventcla.RaceEventID
                          join racecla in db.raceclasses on eventcla.RaceClassID equals racecla.RaceClassID
                          join personeventcla in db.personeventclasses on eventcla.EventClassID equals personeventcla.EventClassID
                          where personorgrole.PersonID == 90946
                          select new { per.FirstName, per.LastName }).ToList();
        ViewBag.Res = registrants;

        return View();

and in the view i have this code


@model IEnumerable<IDFWebApp.Controllers.Custom.peopleController>
    ViewBag.Title = "Index";

    @foreach (var r in ViewBag.Res)

Currently this query is for testing purposes to see if the data will show on the page, but it doesn't display the names.


2 个解决方案


To expand on Karl's answer (anonymous types are internal and cant be accessed in the view), this article gives a good explanation of why it does not work


You need to create a view model


public class PersonVM
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }

And modify the GET method to


public ActionResult Index()
    var registrants = (from per in db.people
                      join personorgrole in db.personorganizationroles on per.PersonID equals personorgrole.PersonID
                      where personorgrole.PersonID == 90946
                      select new PersonVM
                          FirstName = per.FirstName, 
                          LastName = per.LastName
    return View(registrants);

And modify the view to


@model IEnumerable<yourAssembly.PersonVM>
    @foreach (var person in Model)
        // Assuming you want to display the FirstName and LastName properties


Your LINQ projection is creating an anonymous type here:


select new { per.FirstName, per.LastName }

And while that is fine inside the controller, it is actually scoped as internal, which makes it inaccessible to the view. Thus your avoidance of using a server-side view model is making your ViewBag data unusable.


Make a server-side view model and pass it to the view. That is the standard approach to ASP.NET MVC development anyway.

创建服务器端视图模型并将其传递给视图。无论如何,这是ASP.NET MVC开发的标准方法。

Not saying the ViewBag is bad, but I would use it as a secondary approach instead of as a substitute to a view model.



To expand on Karl's answer (anonymous types are internal and cant be accessed in the view), this article gives a good explanation of why it does not work


You need to create a view model


public class PersonVM
  public string FirstName { get; set; }
  public string LastName { get; set; }

And modify the GET method to


public ActionResult Index()
    var registrants = (from per in db.people
                      join personorgrole in db.personorganizationroles on per.PersonID equals personorgrole.PersonID
                      where personorgrole.PersonID == 90946
                      select new PersonVM
                          FirstName = per.FirstName, 
                          LastName = per.LastName
    return View(registrants);

And modify the view to


@model IEnumerable<yourAssembly.PersonVM>
    @foreach (var person in Model)
        // Assuming you want to display the FirstName and LastName properties


Your LINQ projection is creating an anonymous type here:


select new { per.FirstName, per.LastName }

And while that is fine inside the controller, it is actually scoped as internal, which makes it inaccessible to the view. Thus your avoidance of using a server-side view model is making your ViewBag data unusable.


Make a server-side view model and pass it to the view. That is the standard approach to ASP.NET MVC development anyway.

创建服务器端视图模型并将其传递给视图。无论如何,这是ASP.NET MVC开发的标准方法。

Not saying the ViewBag is bad, but I would use it as a secondary approach instead of as a substitute to a view model.
