
时间:2022-10-06 12:23:27

I have been given a code to modify for database records on a website using ajax.


I have the function correctly querying data but the table displayed does not get any of the records displayed with in it. I have code of the functions and the html below.


Please see this link of current version: http://www.eng.nene.ac.uk/~10406206/CSY2028/Ajax/Ajax.html


Function of loadrecords with a callback not sure why a callback is used


<script language="Javascript">

var xmlHttpReq = false;
var xmlHttpReq2 = false;
var xmlHttpReq3 = false;

function loadDatabaseRecordsCallback () 
    if (xmlHttpReq.readyState == 4) 
   alert ("From Server (Load Records):List.php" + xmlHttpReq.responseText);

    var record = xmlHttpReq.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('record');
    var s = "";
    for (var i = 0; i < record.length; i ++)
    var rec = record[i];

    var id = rec.getElementsByTagName("ID")[0].firstChild.data;
    var carname = rec.getElementsByTagName("CARNAME")[0].firstChild.data;
    var fueltype = rec.getElementsByTagName("FUELTYPE")[0].firstChild.data;
    var transmission = rec.getElementsByTagName("TRANSMISSION")[0].firstChild.data;
    var enginesize = rec.getElementsByTagName("ENGINESIZE")[0].firstChild.data;
    var doors = rec.getElementsByTagName("DOORS")[0].firstChild.data;
    var total = rec.getElementsByTagName("TOTAL")[0].firstChild.data;
    var available = rec.getElementsByTagName("AVAILABLE")[0].firstChild.data;
    appendRecord (id, carname, fueltype, transmission, enginesize, doors, total, available);

function loadDatabaseRecords () 
    // Mozilla/Safari
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest) 
        xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // IE
    else if (window.ActiveXObject) 
        xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

    alert ("To Server (Load Records): List.php");

    xmlHttpReq.open('GET', "List.php", true);
xmlHttpReq.onreadystatechange = loadDatabaseRecordsCallback; 

on the same page as the function is the table which is below


  <form name="f1">
    <input value="Load Database" type="button" onclick='JavaScript:loadDatabaseRecords()'></p>
  <table id="DBTable"  border="2">
      <td width="20">ID</td>
      <td width="100">Car Name</td>
      <td width="100">Fuel Type</td>
      <td width="100">Transmission</td>
      <td width="80">Engine size</td>
      <td width="20">Doors</td>
      <td width="20">Total</td>
      <td width="20">Available</td>
     <form name="myform">
      <td><input type="text" name="id"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="carname"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="fueltype"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="transmission"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="enginesize"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="doors"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="total"></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="available"></td>
      <td colspan="2"><input type="button" value="add" onClick="JavaScript:addNewRecord()"></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" value="update" onClick="JavaScript:updateRecord()"></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" value="delete" onClick="JavaScript:deleteRecord()"></td>

The function calls the List.php which is coded as follows


  $link = mysql_connect ("", "********", "*****");
  mysql_select_db ("*******");

  $query = "SELECT * from XYZ";
  $result = mysql_query ($query);

 for ($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows ($result); $i ++)
    $row = mysql_fetch_object ($result);
    print "<b>Car Name:</b> <i>$row->CARNAME</i><br>";
    print "<b>Fuel Type:</b> <i>$row->FUELTYPE</i><br>";
    print "<b>Transmission:</b> <i>$row->TRANSMISSION</i><br>";
    print "<b>Total:</b> <i>$row->TOTAL</i><br>";
    print "<b>Available:</b> <i>$row->AVAILABLE</i><br><br>";

  mysql_close ($link);

So, if you have seen the website you will see that you press the load database button and a box appears with all the database entries. However, once you press enter the table on the page remains empty.


My question is why? can you explain to me where the problem is?


New to Ajax and apologies if I broke rules on posts it's my first one.


2 个解决方案



I am not clear with php, but I remember from my asp + ajax experiences:

我不清楚PHP,但我记得我的asp + ajax经验:

You bring data back to your browser, but you should "re-paint" the page - you can do this in javascript, or may-be PHP has some ready solutions for this.

您将数据带回浏览器,但您应该“重新绘制”页面 - 您可以在javascript中执行此操作,或者可能是PHP有一些现成的解决方案。

When you validated your method appendRecord receive valid values - find your table (DBTable) with javascript by id, and update the values of the row / columns by your record.

验证方法后,appendRecord会收到有效值 - 使用javascript by id查找表(DBTable),并按记录更新行/列的值。

I'd recommend you to take a look on http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_database.asp




You bring data back to your browser, but you should "re-paint" the page - you can do this in javascript, or may-be PHP has some ready solutions for this.

您将数据带回浏览器,但您应该“重新绘制”页面 - 您可以在javascript中执行此操作,或者可能是PHP有一些现成的解决方案。

When you validated your method appendRecord receive valid values - find your table (DBTable) with javascript by id, and update the values of the row / columns by your record.

验证方法后,appendRecord会收到有效值 - 使用javascript by id查找表(DBTable),并按记录更新行/列的值。



I am not clear with php, but I remember from my asp + ajax experiences:

我不清楚PHP,但我记得我的asp + ajax经验:

You bring data back to your browser, but you should "re-paint" the page - you can do this in javascript, or may-be PHP has some ready solutions for this.

您将数据带回浏览器,但您应该“重新绘制”页面 - 您可以在javascript中执行此操作,或者可能是PHP有一些现成的解决方案。

When you validated your method appendRecord receive valid values - find your table (DBTable) with javascript by id, and update the values of the row / columns by your record.

验证方法后,appendRecord会收到有效值 - 使用javascript by id查找表(DBTable),并按记录更新行/列的值。

I'd recommend you to take a look on http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_ajax_database.asp




You bring data back to your browser, but you should "re-paint" the page - you can do this in javascript, or may-be PHP has some ready solutions for this.

您将数据带回浏览器,但您应该“重新绘制”页面 - 您可以在javascript中执行此操作,或者可能是PHP有一些现成的解决方案。

When you validated your method appendRecord receive valid values - find your table (DBTable) with javascript by id, and update the values of the row / columns by your record.

验证方法后,appendRecord会收到有效值 - 使用javascript by id查找表(DBTable),并按记录更新行/列的值。