
时间:2022-10-06 10:13:20

I am moving from Apache 1.3 to Apache 2.063 and am having trouble getting Apache::VMonitor working.

我正在从Apache 1.3迁移到Apache 2.063,在使Apache::VMonitor工作方面遇到了麻烦。

I tried a setup like this, similar to how I had it setup in my old Apache:


  use Apache::VMonitor();
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{BLINKING} = 1;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{refresh}  = 0;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{verbose}  = 1;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{system}   = 1;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{apache}   = 1;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{procs}    = 1;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{mount}    = 1;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{fs_usage} = 1;
  $Apache::VMonitor::Config{apache_sort_by}  = 'vsize';
  $Apache::VMonitor::PROC_REGEX = join "\|", qw(.*)

<Location /vmonitor>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::VMonitor
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from
  Allow from X.X.X.X ## really a valid IP

When I try to start my server I get this error:


ap_scoreboard_image doesn't exist at ...


I found a note in the Apache::VMonitor documentation that says:


NOTE For Apache versions later than 2.0.53 (veriied on 2.0.54, 2.0.55, and 2.0.58), loading Apache::VMonitor in sections and/or PostConfigRequire files does not work due to a change in when Apache initialises the scoreboard object.


The problem is that it doesn't say when I can initialize the scoreboard object in later versions of Apache. I tried to omit the "use" statement and get this error:


panic: del_backref during global destruction.


* Error code 255


Does anyone have any idea how to get this working? I am not stuck on using Apache::VMonitor, I am open to suggestions if anyone can suggest an alternate way to parse and display data from Apache's scoreboard.


1 个解决方案



I've pushed V2.07 to CPAN which should fix the issue (and also removed the dependency on GTop if you don't need the information it provides, or are running on Windows).

我已经将V2.07推给了CPAN, CPAN应该会修复这个问题(如果您不需要GTop提供的信息,或者不需要GTop提供的信息,或者在Windows上运行的话,还会删除对GTop的依赖)。

Using the previous release (V2.06), you should be able to initialise it in your script/application. Basically anywhere after the start-up phase as, if I remember correctly, there's no scoreboard until the child threads/processes are created.


The source is on github ( http://github.com/mjharwood/Apache--VMonitor-2.0 ) should you want it.

如果您需要,源文件在github (http://github.com/mjharwood/apache-- vmonitor2.0)上。



I've pushed V2.07 to CPAN which should fix the issue (and also removed the dependency on GTop if you don't need the information it provides, or are running on Windows).

我已经将V2.07推给了CPAN, CPAN应该会修复这个问题(如果您不需要GTop提供的信息,或者不需要GTop提供的信息,或者在Windows上运行的话,还会删除对GTop的依赖)。

Using the previous release (V2.06), you should be able to initialise it in your script/application. Basically anywhere after the start-up phase as, if I remember correctly, there's no scoreboard until the child threads/processes are created.


The source is on github ( http://github.com/mjharwood/Apache--VMonitor-2.0 ) should you want it.

如果您需要,源文件在github (http://github.com/mjharwood/apache-- vmonitor2.0)上。