
时间:2022-10-06 08:17:58

I've just made an upgrade and now partly thinking on web-server directory structure for local workstation for web-development on linux platform. Running multiple hosts and different projects required. Where is it better to put all the server's docroots? /var/www? /srv? /www? I plan to make it as separate partition - could it be good for backups? :) I'm looking forward to your thoughts on this.

我刚刚进行了升级,现在部分地考虑了linux平台上用于web开发的本地工作站的web服务器目录结构。需要运行多个主机和不同的项目。在哪里放置所有服务器的docroot更好?/var/www吗?/电脑?/ www吗?我计划将它作为一个独立的分区—它对备份有好处吗?我期待着你对这件事的看法。

3 个解决方案



For development, you could put the files anywhere - perhaps in your home directory (you can allow Apache to serve files from your home directory by setting UserDir enabled in the Apache configuration: see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/mod/mod_userdir.html).


For production, /srv/www is probably the best place for the files; this is (loosely) defined in the FHS: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#SRVDATAFORSERVICESPROVIDEDBYSYSTEM

对于生产来说,/srv/www可能是文件最好的地方;这在FHS中(松散地)定义:http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html# srvdataforservicesprovibysystem

Additionally, /srv/www is typically (certainly on Fedora, for example) one of the locations that is regarded by SELinux as web content, which allows Apache to read the files.




Under /srv is the proper place for service data files. Making it a separate volume is not necessary, provided the volume it's on is relatively safe from becoming full.




It is well explained in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. It should go in /srv.




For development, you could put the files anywhere - perhaps in your home directory (you can allow Apache to serve files from your home directory by setting UserDir enabled in the Apache configuration: see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.1/mod/mod_userdir.html).


For production, /srv/www is probably the best place for the files; this is (loosely) defined in the FHS: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#SRVDATAFORSERVICESPROVIDEDBYSYSTEM

对于生产来说,/srv/www可能是文件最好的地方;这在FHS中(松散地)定义:http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html# srvdataforservicesprovibysystem

Additionally, /srv/www is typically (certainly on Fedora, for example) one of the locations that is regarded by SELinux as web content, which allows Apache to read the files.




Under /srv is the proper place for service data files. Making it a separate volume is not necessary, provided the volume it's on is relatively safe from becoming full.




It is well explained in the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard. It should go in /srv.
