DBContext多对多关系 - 数据库优先

时间:2022-10-05 15:13:52

What is the requirement in the database to make DBContext with database first consider two tables as many-to-many and dropping the linking table from the autocreated entities?


I have in database


Table: Book

  • id (Integer, PK)
  • id(整数,PK)

  • name (String)

Table: Author

  • id (Integer, PK)
  • id(整数,PK)

  • name (String)

Table: BookAuthor

  • id (Integer, PK)
  • id(整数,PK)

  • book_id (Integer, FK)
  • book_id(整数,FK)

  • author_id (Integer, FK)
  • author_id(整数,FK)

And Entity Framework 6.0 keeps creating the BookAuthor as en entity instead of creating Author.Books and Book.Authors navigation properties.

Entity Framework 6.0不断创建BookAuthor作为实体,而不是创建Author.Books和Book.Authors导航属性。

1 个解决方案



Try removing the 'id' PK column from the BookAuthor table and just use a composite primary key of book_id and author_id then regenerate the DbContext. A primary key composed of the two columns (book_id, author_id) should be sufficient to uniquely identify entries into the linking, or associative, table.
I believe this will help Entity Framework understand how to model this relationship in the Database Context.




Try removing the 'id' PK column from the BookAuthor table and just use a composite primary key of book_id and author_id then regenerate the DbContext. A primary key composed of the two columns (book_id, author_id) should be sufficient to uniquely identify entries into the linking, or associative, table.
I believe this will help Entity Framework understand how to model this relationship in the Database Context.
