
时间:2020-12-17 20:13:25

I'm using the Bullet gem to see where there are n+1 queries in my application. It's telling me to eager load my association taggings when calling my serializer. My code looks something like this:

我正在使用Bullet gem查看应用程序中n+1查询的位置。它告诉我在调用我的序列化器时加载我的关联标记。我的代码是这样的:

render json: @products, each_serializer: ::V1::ProductSerializer, includes: [:taggings], links: links, status: :ok

But after I add that, i'm still getting the same warning from the Bullet gem. Which looks like this:


GET /api/v1/product_feed?state=CA&page=1
USE eager loading detected
  Product => [:taggings]
  Add to your finder: :includes => [:taggings]
Call stack
  /home/jay/current_projects/api/app/controllers/api/v1/products_controller.rb:111:in `product_feed'

Does anyone have any idea why the taggings table is not being eager loaded.


1 个解决方案



You need to include taggings in your query first then the serializer will be able to read the loaded records instead of separately asking for the taggings association record by record


@products = Product.includes(:taggings)
render json: @products, each_serializer: ::V1::ProductSerializer, includes: [:taggings], links: links, status: :ok



You need to include taggings in your query first then the serializer will be able to read the loaded records instead of separately asking for the taggings association record by record


@products = Product.includes(:taggings)
render json: @products, each_serializer: ::V1::ProductSerializer, includes: [:taggings], links: links, status: :ok