
时间:2021-07-23 20:17:00

I have 3 models representing Programs and Program Segments that Attendees can register for.


  1. ScheduledPrograms which has many
  2. ScheduledPrograms有很多

  3. ScheduledProgramSegments which belongs to many
  4. ScheduledProgramSegments属于很多

  5. Attendees (which belongs to many ScheduledProgramSegments)
  6. 与会者(属于许多ScheduledProgramSegments)

Attendees has a field registered that is a bool 1/0 to indicate if an attendee is registered or not.

与会者有一个注册的字段是bool 1/0,用于指示与会者是否已注册。

I want to do a query that finds the maximum attendee registration count in a ProgramSegments for a Program. I.E. Something like

我想进行查询,以查找程序的ProgramSegments中的最大与会者注册计数。 I.E.就像是

Max(    ScheduledProgram::find(id)->ScheduledProgramSegments->with([('attendees') => function($query)

Is there a way to write this query in Eloquent or Query Builder? Even using the Raw Expressions from Query Builder if that is the only way?

有没有办法在Eloquent或Query Builder中编写此查询?如果这是唯一的方法,即使使用查询生成器的原始表达式?

Edit: To clarify, I have a pivot table with a field registered and I would like to eager load the count of records, marked registered.


So far it seems that this is not possible unless I add and maintain a count field which I don't want to do, so I run am running a separate query to get the count for each individual record I retrieve from the pivot table.


1 个解决方案



try to update this part in your query





try to update this part in your query

