History lives on in this distinguished Polish city II 2017/1/5

时间:2022-10-04 13:32:56


Some fresh air

After your time underground,you can return to ground level or maybe even a little higher at Kosciuszko Mound. The 34-meter hill is a memorial for a Polish military hero but also offers a panoramic view of surrounding city from top.

For an experience on the streets of KraKow,go back to the energetic main square,called the Rynek Glowny. Filled with street performers,market stalls and restaurants, the square is a place one can shop,observe and enjoy a delicious meal of pierogi,Polish dumplings.

Some quiet thoughts

Though there is much fun and entertainment to be had in KraKow,the dark side of the city's history also compels many to pay their respects. Schindler's Factory,made famous by Halocaust film Schindler's list.is a museum that ushers visitors through the years of World War II. Even more humbling is a visit to the former concentration camp at the Auschwitz Birkenu Memorial and Museum.

After so many years of both great joy and sorrow,history is not simply seen and remembered in KarKow,but also deeply felt.


mount: 土堆,一堆堆的

This emperor's burial mound is closed to the public.

the mound of apples suddently fell apart when a little boy touched it.

panoramic: 全景的

You can enjoy a panoramic view of the vally from the top of the hill.

This smartphone can take panoramic pictures.


the panorama of mountains

compel: 激起,引发,强迫

The performance of the CEO compelled many stockholders to question his ability.

The new low compels all passengers to wear seatbelts.

usher: 引导 陪同

The receptionist ushered us to the manager's office.

The usher at the church welcomed us with a warm smile.


A breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人或地方

hit the sack/ hit the hay 睡觉

Time to home and hit the sack.

dark side of...

to pay one's respects

soboring: 使人警醒的,使人清醒的

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