IntelliJ IDEA快捷键:Ctrl+空格

时间:2023-12-04 17:39:50

The Code Completion feature lets you quickly complete different kinds of statements in  the code.For example,start typing a class name and press Ctrl+空格 to complete it.When multiple choices are available,they are shown in the lookup list.

代码自动补全:代码完成功能允许您在代码中快速完成不同类型的语句。例如,开始键入类名并按Ctrl +空格来完成它。当有多个选项可用时,它们将显示在查找列表中。


press Ctrl+. to choose the selected (or first) suggestion and insert a dot afterwards.

按Ctrl +. 选择所选(或第一)建议并在之后插入一个点。

Ctrl+向下箭头 and Ctrl+向上箭头 will move caret down and up in the editor.

Ctrl +向下箭头和Ctrl +向上箭头将在编辑器中向下和向上移动插入符号。