
时间:2022-10-04 10:11:26

Disclaimer: This is a broad question, so it could be moved to a different source (if the admins find it appropriate).


All the cool kids seem to be dropping relational databases in favor of their NoSQL counterparts. Everyone will have their reasons, from scaling issues to simply being on the bleeding edge of tech. And, I am not here to question their motives.


However, what I am interested in is whether any NoSQL transitions ever validated the performance (maintenance) gains over a traditional RDBMS when relationships were dropped. Why would we want to use a RDBMS when the core reason it exists is dropped? A few reasons come to mind


  1. 30+ years of academic and work research in developing these systems
  2. 在开发这些系统方面,30多年的学术和工作研究
  3. A well-known language in Structured Query Language (SQL).
  4. 结构化查询语言(SQL)中的一种知名语言。
  5. Stable and mature ORM support across technologies (Hibernate, ActiveRecord)
  6. 跨技术的稳定和成熟的ORM支持(Hibernate, ActiveRecord)

Clearly, in the modern world where horizontal scaling is important, there is a need to make sure that shards are fault tolerant, updated within the time intervals required by the app, etc. However, those needs shouldn't necessarily be the responsibility of a system that stores data (case in point: ZooKeeper).


Also, I acknowledge that research should be dedicated to NoSQL and that time spent in this arena will clearly lead to better more internet worthy technologies. However, a comparison of sorts between NoSQL and traditional RDBMS offerings (minus relationships) would be useful in making business decisions.


UPDATE 1: When I refer to NoSQL databases, I am talking about data stores that may not require fixed table schemas and usually avoid join operations. Hence, the emphasis in the question on dropping the relationships in a traditional SQL RDBMS

更新1:当我提到NoSQL数据库时,我指的是不需要固定表模式的数据存储,并且通常避免连接操作。因此,问题的重点是在传统的SQL RDBMS中删除关系

5 个解决方案



I don't find that inter-table relationships are the main limiter for scalability. I use queries with joins regularly and get good scalability if indexes are defined well.


The greater limiter for scalability is the cost of synchronous I/O. The requirements of consistency and durability -- that the DBMS actually and reliably saves data when it tells you it saved data -- is expensive.


Several NoSQL products that are currently in vogue achieve great performance by weakening their consistency and durability guarantees in their default configuration. There are many reports of CouchDB or MongoDB losing data.


There are ways you can configure those NoSQL products to be more strict about durability, but then you sacrifice their impressive performance numbers.


Likewise, you can make an SQL database achieve high performance like the NoSQL products, by disabling the default features that ensure data safety. See RunningWithScissorsDB.


PS: If you think document-oriented databases are "cutting edge", I invite you to read about MUMPS. Everything old is new again. :-)




There seem to be at least two misconceptions that might be implied by this question. Firstly "NoSQL" does not mean "non-relational", it just means something other than SQL. So a RDBMS could be a NoSQL DBMS too.

这个问题似乎至少暗示了两个误解。首先,“NoSQL”并不是指“非关系型”,而是指SQL之外的东西。所以RDBMS也可以是NoSQL DBMS。

Secondly, an RDBMS has nothing much to do with relationships* per se. Relationships are not part of the relational model and they can exist in non-relational databases as well (including No-SQL ones). The "relational" part of RDBMS refers specifically to relations - i.e. the data structure more commonly called a "table" (and never called a "relationship"). The question seems to be mixing up those two important and very different things: relation and relationship.


Since the existence of or absence of relationships has nothing to do with whether a database is relational or not, I'm not sure what the question is really asking. If I've misunderstood something then maybe you could clarify the question a bit.


*A relationship is an "association among things" - or sometimes a database constraint that enforces a rule about such associations.




SQL generally has scaling issues because the guarantees it gives are not only for one "row" at a time. They are spanning across rows. This makes the load hard to distribute. Here are examples of RDBMS's giving guarantees spanning more than one record:


  1. Indexes: Atomic update of two underlying tables at once (the index internally is a table)
  2. 索引:同时对两个底层表进行原子更新(索引内部是一个表)
  3. Foreign keys
  4. 外键
  5. Materialized views
  6. 物化视图

The problem with those features is that they don't lend themselves well to partitioning. In all 3 cases, a particular write might span multiple partitions causing scaling issues.


NoSQL generally "solves" this by just disallowing those features ;-)


The next issue holding back SQL is that it provides ACID semantics by default. This is not inherent in the relational model - it is an implementation detail.


So if you turn off those features that are hard to distribute/partition and disable ACID you get NoSQL performance. In fact look at how HandlerSocket does this with MySQL. It has NoSQL speeds although it runs on InnoDB and provides a standard full-featured SQL-Interface (it really is just a featureless bypass on a standard MySQL server).


No magic in NoSQL, just less features. Which is ok. It is a different trade-off.




I think the pros/cons of using RDBMS or NoSQL really depends on the data and how you plan to use it. It is my understanding that transactions are actually represented quite well with a relational DB. My experience with NoSql is with Infinite Graph & Neo4J. Forensics is a good use case for NoSQL, each person is an node/vertex and an edge can represent different types of communication (email, phone, face to face meeting, carrier pigeon, etc...). You can then take a suspect/vertex and traverse the graph with specific criteria to find how two seemingly unconnected individuals are actually connected (probably with more efficiency than a traditional relational DB). Social graph data is another good example, every user is a node/vertex and the relationship(friend) is an edge connecting two nodes. In short, is your data best represented & retrieved with tables or nodes/edges.

我认为使用RDBMS或NoSQL的利弊实际上取决于数据以及您计划如何使用它。根据我的理解,事务实际上是用关系DB很好地表示的。我使用NoSql的经验是使用Infinite Graph & Neo4J。取证是一个很好的NoSQL用例,每个人都是一个节点/顶点,一个边缘可以代表不同类型的通信(电子邮件、电话、面对面会议、信鸽等)。然后,您可以取一个可疑的/顶点,并使用特定的标准遍历图,以找到两个看似不相连的个体实际上是如何连接的(可能比传统的关系数据库更有效)。社交图数据是另一个很好的例子,每个用户都是一个节点/顶点,关系(朋友)是连接两个节点的一条边。简而言之,您的数据是否最好用表或节点/边来表示和检索。



Relationships is not a good criteria to compare performance between RDBMS and NoSQL.


NoSQL has become very popular due to many factors


  1. Horizontal scalability.
  2. 水平可伸缩性。
  3. Support for unstructured & semi-structured data
  4. 支持非结构化和半结构化数据。
  5. Read/Write throughput
  6. 读/写吞吐量
  7. Cheap hardware cost etc.
  8. 廉价的硬件成本等。

Have a look at RDBMS Overheads


RDBMS have challenges due to consistency requirements.


To support transactions, RDBMS has to support ACID properties : Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). This can be achieved with


Logging: Assembling log records and tracking down all changes in database structures slows performance. Logging may not be necessary if recoverability is not a requirement or if recoverability is provided through other means (e.g., other sites on the network).


Locking: Traditional two-phase locking poses a sizeable overhead since all accesses to database structures are governed by a separate entity, the Lock Manager.


Latching: In a multi-threaded database, many data structures have to be latched before they can be accessed. Removing this feature and going to a single-threaded approach has a noticeable performance impact.


Buffer management: A main memory database system does not need to access pages through a buffer pool, eliminating a level of indirection on every record access.


In Summary, RDBMS is not scaling due to above overheads, which are necessary to support ACID transactions.Lack of relationships does not improve performance of RDBMS system.




I don't find that inter-table relationships are the main limiter for scalability. I use queries with joins regularly and get good scalability if indexes are defined well.


The greater limiter for scalability is the cost of synchronous I/O. The requirements of consistency and durability -- that the DBMS actually and reliably saves data when it tells you it saved data -- is expensive.


Several NoSQL products that are currently in vogue achieve great performance by weakening their consistency and durability guarantees in their default configuration. There are many reports of CouchDB or MongoDB losing data.


There are ways you can configure those NoSQL products to be more strict about durability, but then you sacrifice their impressive performance numbers.


Likewise, you can make an SQL database achieve high performance like the NoSQL products, by disabling the default features that ensure data safety. See RunningWithScissorsDB.


PS: If you think document-oriented databases are "cutting edge", I invite you to read about MUMPS. Everything old is new again. :-)




There seem to be at least two misconceptions that might be implied by this question. Firstly "NoSQL" does not mean "non-relational", it just means something other than SQL. So a RDBMS could be a NoSQL DBMS too.

这个问题似乎至少暗示了两个误解。首先,“NoSQL”并不是指“非关系型”,而是指SQL之外的东西。所以RDBMS也可以是NoSQL DBMS。

Secondly, an RDBMS has nothing much to do with relationships* per se. Relationships are not part of the relational model and they can exist in non-relational databases as well (including No-SQL ones). The "relational" part of RDBMS refers specifically to relations - i.e. the data structure more commonly called a "table" (and never called a "relationship"). The question seems to be mixing up those two important and very different things: relation and relationship.


Since the existence of or absence of relationships has nothing to do with whether a database is relational or not, I'm not sure what the question is really asking. If I've misunderstood something then maybe you could clarify the question a bit.


*A relationship is an "association among things" - or sometimes a database constraint that enforces a rule about such associations.




SQL generally has scaling issues because the guarantees it gives are not only for one "row" at a time. They are spanning across rows. This makes the load hard to distribute. Here are examples of RDBMS's giving guarantees spanning more than one record:


  1. Indexes: Atomic update of two underlying tables at once (the index internally is a table)
  2. 索引:同时对两个底层表进行原子更新(索引内部是一个表)
  3. Foreign keys
  4. 外键
  5. Materialized views
  6. 物化视图

The problem with those features is that they don't lend themselves well to partitioning. In all 3 cases, a particular write might span multiple partitions causing scaling issues.


NoSQL generally "solves" this by just disallowing those features ;-)


The next issue holding back SQL is that it provides ACID semantics by default. This is not inherent in the relational model - it is an implementation detail.


So if you turn off those features that are hard to distribute/partition and disable ACID you get NoSQL performance. In fact look at how HandlerSocket does this with MySQL. It has NoSQL speeds although it runs on InnoDB and provides a standard full-featured SQL-Interface (it really is just a featureless bypass on a standard MySQL server).


No magic in NoSQL, just less features. Which is ok. It is a different trade-off.




I think the pros/cons of using RDBMS or NoSQL really depends on the data and how you plan to use it. It is my understanding that transactions are actually represented quite well with a relational DB. My experience with NoSql is with Infinite Graph & Neo4J. Forensics is a good use case for NoSQL, each person is an node/vertex and an edge can represent different types of communication (email, phone, face to face meeting, carrier pigeon, etc...). You can then take a suspect/vertex and traverse the graph with specific criteria to find how two seemingly unconnected individuals are actually connected (probably with more efficiency than a traditional relational DB). Social graph data is another good example, every user is a node/vertex and the relationship(friend) is an edge connecting two nodes. In short, is your data best represented & retrieved with tables or nodes/edges.

我认为使用RDBMS或NoSQL的利弊实际上取决于数据以及您计划如何使用它。根据我的理解,事务实际上是用关系DB很好地表示的。我使用NoSql的经验是使用Infinite Graph & Neo4J。取证是一个很好的NoSQL用例,每个人都是一个节点/顶点,一个边缘可以代表不同类型的通信(电子邮件、电话、面对面会议、信鸽等)。然后,您可以取一个可疑的/顶点,并使用特定的标准遍历图,以找到两个看似不相连的个体实际上是如何连接的(可能比传统的关系数据库更有效)。社交图数据是另一个很好的例子,每个用户都是一个节点/顶点,关系(朋友)是连接两个节点的一条边。简而言之,您的数据是否最好用表或节点/边来表示和检索。



Relationships is not a good criteria to compare performance between RDBMS and NoSQL.


NoSQL has become very popular due to many factors


  1. Horizontal scalability.
  2. 水平可伸缩性。
  3. Support for unstructured & semi-structured data
  4. 支持非结构化和半结构化数据。
  5. Read/Write throughput
  6. 读/写吞吐量
  7. Cheap hardware cost etc.
  8. 廉价的硬件成本等。

Have a look at RDBMS Overheads


RDBMS have challenges due to consistency requirements.


To support transactions, RDBMS has to support ACID properties : Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability). This can be achieved with


Logging: Assembling log records and tracking down all changes in database structures slows performance. Logging may not be necessary if recoverability is not a requirement or if recoverability is provided through other means (e.g., other sites on the network).


Locking: Traditional two-phase locking poses a sizeable overhead since all accesses to database structures are governed by a separate entity, the Lock Manager.


Latching: In a multi-threaded database, many data structures have to be latched before they can be accessed. Removing this feature and going to a single-threaded approach has a noticeable performance impact.


Buffer management: A main memory database system does not need to access pages through a buffer pool, eliminating a level of indirection on every record access.


In Summary, RDBMS is not scaling due to above overheads, which are necessary to support ACID transactions.Lack of relationships does not improve performance of RDBMS system.
