Pygame是一个利用SDL库的写就的游戏库,SDL呢,全名Simple DirectMedia Layer,是一位叫做Sam Lantinga的大牛写的,据说他为了让Loki(致力于向Linux上移植Windows的游戏的一家大好人公司,可惜已经倒闭,唉好人不长命啊……)更有效的工作,创造了这个东东。
① 墙类:
② 食物类:
③ 角色类:
① 创建墙:
② 创建门:
③ 创建角色:
④ 创建食物:
- #吃豆子
- import os,sys
- import sys
- import pygame
- import random
- BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
- WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
- BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
- GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
- RED = (255, 0, 0)
- YELLOW = (255, 255, 0)
- PURPLE = (255, 0, 255)
- SKYBLUE = (0, 191, 255)
- if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False):
- cur_path = sys._MEIPASS
- else:
- cur_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- BGMPATH = os.path.join(cur_path, 'resources/sounds/bg.mp3')
- ICONPATH = os.path.join(cur_path,'resources/images/icon.png')
- FONTPATH = os.path.join(cur_path,'resources/font/ALGER.TTF')
- HEROPATH = os.path.join(cur_path,'resources/images/pacman.png')
- BlinkyPATH = os.path.join(cur_path,'resources/images/Blinky.png')
- ClydePATH = os.path.join(cur_path,'resources/images/Clyde.png')
- InkyPATH = os.path.join(cur_path,'resources/images/Inky.png')
- PinkyPATH = os.path.join(cur_path,'resources/images/Pinky.png')
- class Wall(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
- def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color, **kwargs):
- pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
- self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
- self.image.fill(color)
- self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
- self.rect.left = x
- = y
- class Food(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
- def __init__(self, x, y, width, height, color, bg_color, **kwargs):
- pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
- self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
- self.image.fill(bg_color)
- self.image.set_colorkey(bg_color)
- pygame.draw.ellipse(self.image, color, [0, 0, width, height])
- self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
- self.rect.left = x
- = y
- class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
- def __init__(self, x, y, role_image_path):
- pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self)
- self.role_name = role_image_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
- self.base_image = pygame.image.load(role_image_path).convert()
- self.image = self.base_image.copy()
- self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
- self.rect.left = x
- = y
- self.prev_x = x
- self.prev_y = y
- self.base_speed = [30, 30]
- self.speed = [0, 0]
- self.is_move = False
- self.tracks = []
- self.tracks_loc = [0, 0]
- def changeSpeed(self, direction):
- if direction[0] < 0:
- self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.base_image, True, False)
- elif direction[0] > 0:
- self.image = self.base_image.copy()
- elif direction[1] < 0:
- self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.base_image, 90)
- elif direction[1] > 0:
- self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.base_image, -90)
- self.speed = [direction[0] * self.base_speed[0], direction[1] * self.base_speed[1]]
- return self.speed
- def update(self, wall_sprites, gate_sprites):
- if not self.is_move:
- return False
- x_prev = self.rect.left
- y_prev =
- self.rect.left += self.speed[0]
- += self.speed[1]
- is_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, wall_sprites, False)
- if gate_sprites is not None:
- if not is_collide:
- is_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, gate_sprites, False)
- if is_collide:
- self.rect.left = x_prev
- = y_prev
- return False
- return True
- def randomDirection(self):
- return random.choice([[-0.5, 0], [0.5, 0], [0, 0.5], [0, -0.5]])
- class Level1():
- def __init__(self):
- = 'level1'
- def setupWalls(self, wall_color):
- self.wall_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
- wall_positions = [[0, 0, 6, 600],
- [0, 0, 600, 6],
- [0, 600, 606, 6],
- [600, 0, 6, 606],
- [300, 0, 6, 66],
- [60, 60, 186, 6],
- [360, 60, 186, 6],
- [60, 120, 66, 6],
- [60, 120, 6, 126],
- [180, 120, 246, 6],
- [300, 120, 6, 66],
- [480, 120, 66, 6],
- [540, 120, 6, 126],
- [120, 180, 126, 6],
- [120, 180, 6, 126],
- [360, 180, 126, 6],
- [480, 180, 6, 126],
- [180, 240, 6, 126],
- [180, 360, 246, 6],
- [420, 240, 6, 126],
- [240, 240, 42, 6],
- [324, 240, 42, 6],
- [240, 240, 6, 66],
- [240, 300, 126, 6],
- [360, 240, 6, 66],
- [0, 300, 66, 6],
- [540, 300, 66, 6],
- [60, 360, 66, 6],
- [60, 360, 6, 186],
- [480, 360, 66, 6],
- [540, 360, 6, 186],
- [120, 420, 366, 6],
- [120, 420, 6, 66],
- [480, 420, 6, 66],
- [180, 480, 246, 6],
- [300, 480, 6, 66],
- [120, 540, 126, 6],
- [360, 540, 126, 6]]
- for wall_position in wall_positions:
- wall = Wall(*wall_position, wall_color)
- self.wall_sprites.add(wall)
- return self.wall_sprites
- def setupGate(self, gate_color):
- self.gate_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
- self.gate_sprites.add(Wall(282, 242, 42, 2, gate_color))
- return self.gate_sprites
- def setupPlayers(self, hero_image_path, ghost_images_path):
- self.hero_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
- self.ghost_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
- self.hero_sprites.add(Player(287, 439, hero_image_path))
- for each in ghost_images_path:
- role_name = each.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
- if role_name == 'Blinky':
- player = Player(287, 199, each)
- player.is_move = True
- player.tracks = [[0, -0.5, 4], [0.5, 0, 9], [0, 0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 3],
- [0.5, 0, 15], [0, -0.5, 15], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [-0.5, 0, 3],
- [0, -0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 7], [0, -0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 15], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 3],
- [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, -0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 5]]
- self.ghost_sprites.add(player)
- elif role_name == 'Clyde':
- player = Player(319, 259, each)
- player.is_move = True
- player.tracks = [[-1, 0, 2], [0, -0.5, 4], [0.5, 0, 5], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, -0.5, 7],
- [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 7], [0, 0.5, 15], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, -0.5, 3],
- [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, -0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 9]]
- self.ghost_sprites.add(player)
- elif role_name == 'Inky':
- player = Player(255, 259, each)
- player.is_move = True
- player.tracks = [[1, 0, 2], [0, -0.5, 4], [0.5, 0, 10], [0, 0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 3],
- [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 15], [-0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 11],
- [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 7], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 7],
- [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 15], [0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 3],
- [-0.5, 0, 15], [0, 0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, -0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 11], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 1]]
- self.ghost_sprites.add(player)
- elif role_name == 'Pinky':
- player = Player(287, 259, each)
- player.is_move = True
- player.tracks = [[0, -1, 4], [0.5, 0, 9], [0, 0.5, 11], [-0.5, 0, 23], [0, 0.5, 7], [0.5, 0, 3],
- [0, -0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 19], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 3], [0, 0.5, 3], [0.5, 0, 3],
- [0, -0.5, 15], [-0.5, 0, 7], [0, 0.5, 3], [-0.5, 0, 19], [0, -0.5, 11], [0.5, 0, 9]]
- self.ghost_sprites.add(player)
- return self.hero_sprites, self.ghost_sprites
- def setupFood(self, food_color, bg_color):
- self.food_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group()
- for row in range(19):
- for col in range(19):
- if (row == 7 or row == 8) and (col == 8 or col == 9 or col == 10):
- continue
- else:
- food = Food(30*col+32, 30*row+32, 4, 4, food_color, bg_color)
- is_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(food, self.wall_sprites, False)
- if is_collide:
- continue
- is_collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(food, self.hero_sprites, False)
- if is_collide:
- continue
- self.food_sprites.add(food)
- return self.food_sprites
- def startLevelGame(level, screen, font):
- clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- SCORE = 0
- wall_sprites = level.setupWalls(SKYBLUE)
- gate_sprites = level.setupGate(WHITE)
- hero_sprites, ghost_sprites = level.setupPlayers(HEROPATH, [BlinkyPATH, ClydePATH, InkyPATH, PinkyPATH])
- food_sprites = level.setupFood(YELLOW, WHITE)
- is_clearance = False
- while True:
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit()
- sys.exit(-1)
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
- for hero in hero_sprites:
- hero.changeSpeed([-1, 0])
- hero.is_move = True
- elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
- for hero in hero_sprites:
- hero.changeSpeed([1, 0])
- hero.is_move = True
- elif event.key == pygame.K_UP:
- for hero in hero_sprites:
- hero.changeSpeed([0, -1])
- hero.is_move = True
- elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
- for hero in hero_sprites:
- hero.changeSpeed([0, 1])
- hero.is_move = True
- if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
- if (event.key == pygame.K_LEFT) or (event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT) or (event.key == pygame.K_UP) or (event.key == pygame.K_DOWN):
- hero.is_move = False
- screen.fill(BLACK)
- for hero in hero_sprites:
- hero.update(wall_sprites, gate_sprites)
- hero_sprites.draw(screen)
- for hero in hero_sprites:
- food_eaten = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(hero, food_sprites, True)
- SCORE += len(food_eaten)
- wall_sprites.draw(screen)
- gate_sprites.draw(screen)
- food_sprites.draw(screen)
- for ghost in ghost_sprites:
- if ghost.tracks_loc[1] < ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][2]:
- ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][0: 2])
- ghost.tracks_loc[1] += 1
- else:
- if ghost.tracks_loc[0] < len(ghost.tracks) - 1:
- ghost.tracks_loc[0] += 1
- elif ghost.role_name == 'Clyde':
- ghost.tracks_loc[0] = 2
- else:
- ghost.tracks_loc[0] = 0
- ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][0: 2])
- ghost.tracks_loc[1] = 0
- if ghost.tracks_loc[1] < ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][2]:
- ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[ghost.tracks_loc[0]][0: 2])
- else:
- if ghost.tracks_loc[0] < len(ghost.tracks) - 1:
- loc0 = ghost.tracks_loc[0] + 1
- elif ghost.role_name == 'Clyde':
- loc0 = 2
- else:
- loc0 = 0
- ghost.changeSpeed(ghost.tracks[loc0][0: 2])
- ghost.update(wall_sprites, None)
- ghost_sprites.draw(screen)
- score_text = font.render("Score: %s" % SCORE, True, RED)
- screen.blit(score_text, [10, 10])
- if len(food_sprites) == 0:
- is_clearance = True
- break
- if pygame.sprite.groupcollide(hero_sprites, ghost_sprites, False, False):
- is_clearance = False
- break
- pygame.display.flip()
- clock.tick(10)
- return is_clearance
- def showText(screen, font, is_clearance, flag=False):
- clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- msg = 'Game Over!' if not is_clearance else 'Congratulations, you won!'
- positions = [[235, 233], [65, 303], [170, 333]] if not is_clearance else [[145, 233], [65, 303], [170, 333]]
- surface = pygame.Surface((400, 200))
- surface.set_alpha(10)
- surface.fill((128, 128, 128))
- screen.blit(surface, (100, 200))
- texts = [font.render(msg, True, WHITE),
- font.render('Press ENTER to continue or play again.', True, WHITE),
- font.render('Press ESCAPE to quit.', True, WHITE)]
- while True:
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit()
- sys.exit(-1)
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:
- if is_clearance:
- if not flag:
- return
- else:
- main(initialize())
- else:
- main(initialize())
- elif event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
- pygame.quit()
- sys.exit(-1)
- for idx, (text, position) in enumerate(zip(texts, positions)):
- screen.blit(text, position)
- pygame.display.flip()
- clock.tick(10)
- def initialize():
- pygame.init()
- icon_image = pygame.image.load(ICONPATH)
- pygame.display.set_icon(icon_image)
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode([606, 606])
- pygame.display.set_caption('吃豆子')
- return screen
- def main(screen):
- try:
- pygame.mixer.init()
-, 0.0)
- except:
- pass
- pygame.font.init()
- font_small = pygame.font.Font(FONTPATH, 18)
- font_big = pygame.font.Font(FONTPATH, 24)
- for num_level in range(1, NUMLEVELS+1):
- if num_level == 1:
- level = Level1()
- is_clearance = startLevelGame(level, screen, font_small)
- if num_level == NUMLEVELS:
- showText(screen, font_big, is_clearance, True)
- else:
- showText(screen, font_big, is_clearance)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main(initialize())
到此这篇关于Pygame做一期吃豆子游戏的示例代码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Pygame 吃豆子内容请搜索服务器之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持服务器之家!