In the following query the start/finish columns are datetime fields.
How should I modify this query to get two more columns, one with the min date and one with the max date (of all the 6 datetime fields and all the rows) repeated in each row.
Alternatively how could I create a new query returning only these 2 (min/max) dates, for the same resultset of course?
或者,我如何创建一个新的查询,只返回这两个(最小/最大)日期,当然是相同的resultset ?
Thanks a lot! (I would like answers for both SQL Server 2005 and Sybase ASE 12.5.4)
谢谢!(我想知道SQL Server 2005和Sybase ASE 12.5.4的答案)
select erg_mst.code,
erg_mst.LastBaseFinish ,
from erg_mst inner join
erg_types on erg_mst.type = erg_types.type_code
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and (
FirstBaseStart <> NULL OR
FirstBaseFinish <> NULL OR
LastBaseStart <> NULL OR
LastBaseFinish <> NULL OR
ActualStart <> NULL OR
ActualFinish <> NULL
order by isnull(FirstBaseStart,isnull(LastBaseStart,ActualStart))
2 个解决方案
See below for a SQL Server 2005 code sample using Miles D's suggestion of using a series of UNION'ed selects (sorry, I don't know Sybase syntax):
请参阅下面的SQL Server 2005代码示例,使用Miles D的建议使用一系列UNION'ed select(对不起,我不知道Sybase语法):
select min(AllDates) as MinDate, max(AllDates) as MaxDate
select erg_mst.FirstBaseStart as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and FirstBaseStart IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.FirstBaseFinish as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and FirstBaseFinish IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.LastBaseStart as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and LastBaseStart IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.LastBaseFinish as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and LastBaseFinish IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.ActualStart as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and ActualStart IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.ActualFinish as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and ActualFinish IS NOT NULL
) #Temp
I can think of two solutions, but both will need to take on board Lucer's comment to use IS NOT NULL, rather than <> NULL.
我可以想出两个解决方案,但这两个方案都需要考虑Lucer的注释来使用,而不是<> NULL。
- Create a two user defined function to return the max and minimum values - ok, but assumes you have access to do it.
- 创建一个两个用户定义的函数来返回最大值和最小值——好的,但是假设您可以访问它。
- Use a series of UNION'ed selects, each one selecting one of the six columns and then use this as the inner nested SELECT where you then use SELECT MAX(), MIN() from that.
- 使用一系列的UNION'ed SELECT,每个SELECT都选择六列中的一列,然后使用这个作为内部嵌套的SELECT,然后在其中使用SELECT MAX()、MIN()。
See below for a SQL Server 2005 code sample using Miles D's suggestion of using a series of UNION'ed selects (sorry, I don't know Sybase syntax):
请参阅下面的SQL Server 2005代码示例,使用Miles D的建议使用一系列UNION'ed select(对不起,我不知道Sybase语法):
select min(AllDates) as MinDate, max(AllDates) as MaxDate
select erg_mst.FirstBaseStart as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and FirstBaseStart IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.FirstBaseFinish as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and FirstBaseFinish IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.LastBaseStart as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and LastBaseStart IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.LastBaseFinish as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and LastBaseFinish IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.ActualStart as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and ActualStart IS NOT NULL
union all
select erg_mst.ActualFinish as AllDates
from erg_mst
where erg_mst.activemodule = 'co'
and ActualFinish IS NOT NULL
) #Temp
I can think of two solutions, but both will need to take on board Lucer's comment to use IS NOT NULL, rather than <> NULL.
我可以想出两个解决方案,但这两个方案都需要考虑Lucer的注释来使用,而不是<> NULL。
- Create a two user defined function to return the max and minimum values - ok, but assumes you have access to do it.
- 创建一个两个用户定义的函数来返回最大值和最小值——好的,但是假设您可以访问它。
- Use a series of UNION'ed selects, each one selecting one of the six columns and then use this as the inner nested SELECT where you then use SELECT MAX(), MIN() from that.
- 使用一系列的UNION'ed SELECT,每个SELECT都选择六列中的一列,然后使用这个作为内部嵌套的SELECT,然后在其中使用SELECT MAX()、MIN()。