* A MetricGroup is a named container for {@link Metric Metrics} and further metric subgroups.
* <p>Instances of this class can be used to register new metrics with Flink and to create a nested
* hierarchy based on the group names.
* <p>A MetricGroup is uniquely identified by it's place in the hierarchy and name.
public interface MetricGroup {
<C extends Counter> C counter(int name, C counter);
<T, G extends Gauge<T>> G gauge(int name, G gauge);
<H extends Histogram> H histogram(String name, H histogram);
MetricGroup addGroup(String name);
* Abstract {@link MetricGroup} that contains key functionality for adding metrics and groups.
*/ public abstract class AbstractMetricGroup implements MetricGroup { /** The registry that this metrics group belongs to */
protected final MetricRegistry registry; /** All metrics that are directly contained in this group */
private final Map<String, Metric> metrics = new HashMap<>(); /** All metric subgroups of this group */
private final Map<String, AbstractMetricGroup> groups = new HashMap<>(); /** The metrics scope represented by this group.
* For example ["host-7", "taskmanager-2", "window_word_count", "my-mapper" ]. */
private final String[] scopeComponents; //命名空间 /** The metrics scope represented by this group, as a concatenated string, lazily computed.
* For example: "" */
private String scopeString; @Override
public <C extends Counter> C counter(String name, C counter) {
addMetric(name, counter);
return counter;
} /**
* Adds the given metric to the group and registers it at the registry, if the group
* is not yet closed, and if no metric with the same name has been registered before.
* @param name the name to register the metric under
* @param metric the metric to register
protected void addMetric(String name, Metric metric) {
// add the metric only if the group is still open
synchronized (this) { //加锁
if (!closed) {
// immediately put without a 'contains' check to optimize the common case (no collition)
// collisions are resolved later
Metric prior = metrics.put(name, metric); // check for collisions with other metric names
if (prior == null) {
// no other metric with this name yet registry.register(metric, name, this);
else {
// we had a collision. put back the original value
metrics.put(name, prior); }
* Reporters are used to export {@link Metric Metrics} to an external backend.
* <p>Reporters are instantiated via reflection and must be public, non-abstract, and have a
* public no-argument constructor.
public interface MetricReporter { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// life cycle
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Configures this reporter. Since reporters are instantiated generically and hence parameter-less,
* this method is the place where the reporters set their basic fields based on configuration values.
* <p>This method is always called first on a newly instantiated reporter.
* @param config The configuration with all parameters.
void open(MetricConfig config); /**
* Closes this reporter. Should be used to close channels, streams and release resources.
void close(); void notifyOfAddedMetric(Metric metric, String metricName, MetricGroup group);
void notifyOfRemovedMetric(Metric metric, String metricName, MetricGroup group);
* Base interface for custom metric reporters.
public abstract class AbstractReporter implements MetricReporter, CharacterFilter {
protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); protected final Map<Gauge<?>, String> gauges = new HashMap<>();
protected final Map<Counter, String> counters = new HashMap<>();
protected final Map<Histogram, String> histograms = new HashMap<>(); @Override
public void notifyOfAddedMetric(Metric metric, String metricName, MetricGroup group) {
final String name = group.getMetricIdentifier(metricName, this); //group只是用来获取metrics完整的name synchronized (this) {
if (metric instanceof Counter) {
counters.put((Counter) metric, name);
} else if (metric instanceof Gauge) {
gauges.put((Gauge<?>) metric, name);
} else if (metric instanceof Histogram) {
histograms.put((Histogram) metric, name);
} else {
log.warn("Cannot add unknown metric type {}. This indicates that the reporter " +
"does not support this metric type.", metric.getClass().getName());
} @Override
public void notifyOfRemovedMetric(Metric metric, String metricName, MetricGroup group) {
synchronized (this) {
if (metric instanceof Counter) {
} else if (metric instanceof Gauge) {
} else if (metric instanceof Histogram) {
} else {
log.warn("Cannot remove unknown metric type {}. This indicates that the reporter " +
"does not support this metric type.", metric.getClass().getName());
* A MetricRegistry keeps track of all registered {@link Metric Metrics}. It serves as the
* connection between {@link MetricGroup MetricGroups} and {@link MetricReporter MetricReporters}.
public class MetricRegistry { private List<MetricReporter> reporters;
private ScheduledExecutorService executor; private final ScopeFormats scopeFormats; private final char delimiter; /**
* Creates a new MetricRegistry and starts the configured reporter.
public MetricRegistry(Configuration config) {
// first parse the scope formats, these are needed for all reporters
ScopeFormats scopeFormats;
try {
scopeFormats = createScopeConfig(config); //从配置中读到scope的格式,即监控数据的namespace的格式是什么
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to parse scope format, using default scope formats", e);
scopeFormats = new ScopeFormats();
this.scopeFormats = scopeFormats; char delim;
try {
delim = config.getString(ConfigConstants.METRICS_SCOPE_DELIMITER, ".").charAt(0); //从配置里面读出分隔符
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to parse delimiter, using default delimiter.", e);
delim = '.';
this.delimiter = delim; // second, instantiate any custom configured reporters
this.reporters = new ArrayList<>(); final String definedReporters = config.getString(ConfigConstants.METRICS_REPORTERS_LIST, null); //读出配置的Reporters if (definedReporters == null) {
// no reporters defined
// by default, don't report anything"No metrics reporter configured, no metrics will be exposed/reported.");
this.executor = null;
} else {
// we have some reporters so
String[] namedReporters = definedReporters.split("\\s*,\\s*");
for (String namedReporter : namedReporters) { //对于配置的每个reporter DelegatingConfiguration reporterConfig = new DelegatingConfiguration(config, ConfigConstants.METRICS_REPORTER_PREFIX + namedReporter + ".");
final String className = reporterConfig.getString(ConfigConstants.METRICS_REPORTER_CLASS_SUFFIX, null); //reporter class名配置 try {
String configuredPeriod = reporterConfig.getString(ConfigConstants.METRICS_REPORTER_INTERVAL_SUFFIX, null); //report interval配置
TimeUnit timeunit = TimeUnit.SECONDS;
long period = 10; if (configuredPeriod != null) {
try {
String[] interval = configuredPeriod.split(" ");
period = Long.parseLong(interval[0]);
timeunit = TimeUnit.valueOf(interval[1]);
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Cannot parse report interval from config: " + configuredPeriod +
" - please use values like '10 SECONDS' or '500 MILLISECONDS'. " +
"Using default reporting interval.");
} Class<?> reporterClass = Class.forName(className);
MetricReporter reporterInstance = (MetricReporter) reporterClass.newInstance(); //实例化reporter MetricConfig metricConfig = new MetricConfig();
reporterConfig.addAllToProperties(metricConfig);; //open reporter if (reporterInstance instanceof Scheduled) {
if (this.executor == null) {
executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); //创建Executor
}"Periodically reporting metrics in intervals of {} {} for reporter {} of type {}.", period,, namedReporter, className); executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(
new ReporterTask((Scheduled) reporterInstance), period, period, timeunit); //Scheduled report
reporters.add(reporterInstance); //加入reporters列表
catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.error("Could not instantiate metrics reporter" + namedReporter + ". Metrics might not be exposed/reported.", t);
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Metrics (de)registration
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* Registers a new {@link Metric} with this registry.
* @param metric the metric that was added
* @param metricName the name of the metric
* @param group the group that contains the metric
public void register(Metric metric, String metricName, MetricGroup group) { //在AbstractMetricGroup.addMetric中被调用,metric被加到group的同时也会加到reporter中
try {
if (reporters != null) {
for (MetricReporter reporter : reporters) {
if (reporter != null) {
reporter.notifyOfAddedMetric(metric, metricName, group); //把metric加到每个reporters上面
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error while registering metric.", e);
} /**
* Un-registers the given {@link org.apache.flink.metrics.Metric} with this registry.
* @param metric the metric that should be removed
* @param metricName the name of the metric
* @param group the group that contains the metric
public void unregister(Metric metric, String metricName, MetricGroup group) {
try {
if (reporters != null) {
for (MetricReporter reporter : reporters) {
if (reporter != null) {
reporter.notifyOfRemovedMetric(metric, metricName, group);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Error while registering metric.", e);
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /**
* This task is explicitly a static class, so that it does not hold any references to the enclosing
* MetricsRegistry instance.
* This is a subtle difference, but very important: With this static class, the enclosing class instance
* may become garbage-collectible, whereas with an anonymous inner class, the timer thread
* (which is a GC root) will hold a reference via the timer task and its enclosing instance pointer.
* Making the MetricsRegistry garbage collectible makes the java.util.Timer garbage collectible,
* which acts as a fail-safe to stop the timer thread and prevents resource leaks.
private static final class ReporterTask extends TimerTask { private final Scheduled reporter; private ReporterTask(Scheduled reporter) {
this.reporter = reporter;
} @Override
public void run() {
try {; //Task的核心就是调用
} catch (Throwable t) {
LOG.warn("Error while reporting metrics", t);
metricsRegistry = new FlinkMetricRegistry(config.configuration) taskManagerMetricGroup =
new TaskManagerMetricGroup(metricsRegistry, this.runtimeInfo.getHostname, id.toString) TaskManager.instantiateStatusMetrics(taskManagerMetricGroup)
创建metricsRegistry 和TaskManagerMetricGroup
可以看到instantiateStatusMetrics,只是注册各种taskManager的status metrics,
private def instantiateStatusMetrics(taskManagerMetricGroup: MetricGroup) : Unit = {
val jvm = taskManagerMetricGroup
.addGroup("JVM") instantiateClassLoaderMetrics(jvm.addGroup("ClassLoader"))
} private def instantiateClassLoaderMetrics(metrics: MetricGroup) {
val mxBean = ManagementFactory.getClassLoadingMXBean //从ManagementFactory可以取出表示JVM指标的MXBean metrics.gauge[Long, FlinkGauge[Long]]("ClassesLoaded", new FlinkGauge[Long] {
override def getValue: Long = mxBean.getTotalLoadedClassCount
metrics.gauge[Long, FlinkGauge[Long]]("ClassesUnloaded", new FlinkGauge[Long] {
override def getValue: Long = mxBean.getUnloadedClassCount
val taskMetricGroup = taskManagerMetricGroup.addTaskForJob(tdd) val task = new Task(
Environment env = new RuntimeEnvironment(jobId, vertexId, executionId,
executionConfig, taskInfo, jobConfiguration, taskConfiguration,
userCodeClassLoader, memoryManager, ioManager,
broadcastVariableManager, accumulatorRegistry,
splitProvider, distributedCacheEntries,
writers, inputGates, jobManager, taskManagerConfig, metrics, this); // let the task code create its readers and writers
在Task中, 关键的就是把这个taskMetricGroup,加入RuntimeEnvironment,这样在实际逻辑中,就可以通过RuntimeEnvironment获取到metrics
public abstract class AbstractInvokable { /** The environment assigned to this invokable. */
private Environment environment; /**
* Starts the execution.
* <p>Must be overwritten by the concrete task implementation. This method
* is called by the task manager when the actual execution of the task
* starts.
* <p>All resources should be cleaned up when the method returns. Make sure
* to guard the code with <code>try-finally</code> blocks where necessary.
* @throws Exception
* Tasks may forward their exceptions for the TaskManager to handle through failure/recovery.
public abstract void invoke() throws Exception; /**
* Sets the environment of this task.
* @param environment
* the environment of this task
public final void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
this.environment = environment;
} /**
* Returns the environment of this task.
* @return The environment of this task.
public Environment getEnvironment() {
return this.environment;
getEnvironment().getMetricGroup().gauge("lastCheckpointSize", new Gauge<Long>() {
public Long getValue() {
return StreamTask.this.lastCheckpointSize;
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