Angular ui-router将hash添加到url

时间:2022-02-16 03:44:35

I am setting up a scaffold for an app with angular and angular-ui-router. I have it working however it seems to be adding a hash into my url (I'm running dev on localhost) localhost:9000/#/test. When I land on the main page it's just localhost:9000 and it still serves the main view content. I would like to get rid of the hash if possible.

我正在为角度和角度ui路由器的应用程序设置脚手架。我有它的工作,但似乎是在我的网址(我在localhost上运行dev)localhost:9000 /#/ test添加哈希。当我登陆主页面时,它只是localhost:9000,它仍然提供主视图内容。如果可能的话,我想摆脱哈希。

So here is my setup:


In my index.html in the body I just have my nav and then the ui-view under that:


 <div class="row">
   <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
      <li><a ui-sref="index">Home</a></li>
      <li><a ui-sref="test">Test</a></li>

  <div ui-view=""></div>

and in my app.js I just have:


.module('playApp', [
.config(function($stateProvider) {
.state('index', {
    url: '',
    templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
    controller: 'MainCtrl'
.state('test', {
    url: '/test',
    templateUrl: 'views/test.html',
    controller: 'testCtrl'

So when I land, it's fine, but when I start using the nav I have set up, it adds the hashes to the url, would prefer not to have them if possible. Thanks!


3 个解决方案



Include $locationProvider and do $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); :

包含$ locationProvider并执行$ locationProvider.html5Mode(true); :

angular.module('playApp', ['ui.router'])
    .config(function($stateProvider, $locationProvider) {
        $stateProvider.state('index', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'
       .state('test', {
            url: '/test',
            templateUrl: 'views/test.html',
            controller: 'testCtrl'


I also have an otherwise in there as well, so that if it can't find a specified route, it will just default back:


angular.module('playApp', ['ui.router'])
    .config(function($stateProvider, $locationProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        $stateProvider.state('index', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'
       .state('test', {
            url: '/test',
            templateUrl: 'views/test.html',
            controller: 'testCtrl'




Inject $locationProvider into your config and set html5mode to true:

将$ locationProvider注入您的配置并将html5mode设置为true:

angular.module('playApp', [
.config(function($stateProvider, $locationProvider ) {
        .state('index', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'
        .state('test', {
            url: '/test',
            templateUrl: 'views/test.html',
            controller: 'testCtrl'



Make sure you adjust your .htaccess to handle this (rewriting back to root).




There is an alternative to html5Mode. But it has its drawbacks.


When defining ui-router states, the url option is not required. From that documentation:


You might create some child states without URLs, if it doesn’t make sense to bookmark those child states. The state machine transitions between url-less states as usual, but does not update the url when complete. You still get all the other benefits of a state transition such as parameters, resolve, and lifecycle hooks.


If you don't need to provide a URL for a state so that users can bookmark those states, you can omit the url option. The URL won't change.




Include $locationProvider and do $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); :

包含$ locationProvider并执行$ locationProvider.html5Mode(true); :

angular.module('playApp', ['ui.router'])
    .config(function($stateProvider, $locationProvider) {
        $stateProvider.state('index', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'
       .state('test', {
            url: '/test',
            templateUrl: 'views/test.html',
            controller: 'testCtrl'


I also have an otherwise in there as well, so that if it can't find a specified route, it will just default back:


angular.module('playApp', ['ui.router'])
    .config(function($stateProvider, $locationProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {
        $stateProvider.state('index', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'
       .state('test', {
            url: '/test',
            templateUrl: 'views/test.html',
            controller: 'testCtrl'




Inject $locationProvider into your config and set html5mode to true:

将$ locationProvider注入您的配置并将html5mode设置为true:

angular.module('playApp', [
.config(function($stateProvider, $locationProvider ) {
        .state('index', {
            url: '',
            templateUrl: 'views/main.html',
            controller: 'MainCtrl'
        .state('test', {
            url: '/test',
            templateUrl: 'views/test.html',
            controller: 'testCtrl'



Make sure you adjust your .htaccess to handle this (rewriting back to root).




There is an alternative to html5Mode. But it has its drawbacks.


When defining ui-router states, the url option is not required. From that documentation:


You might create some child states without URLs, if it doesn’t make sense to bookmark those child states. The state machine transitions between url-less states as usual, but does not update the url when complete. You still get all the other benefits of a state transition such as parameters, resolve, and lifecycle hooks.


If you don't need to provide a URL for a state so that users can bookmark those states, you can omit the url option. The URL won't change.
