#pragma once
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct tagSPPNR
char etax[3][10];
char ecur[10];
char equiv[12];
char number[15];
char airline[10];
char calc[50];
char remark[24][100];
int infseq;
int segcount;
int type;
#pragma pack(pop)
14 个解决方案
用DynamicWrapper方法调用。下载DynamicWrapper.dll到php ext下与windows system32下,
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "EbCreateDataFile", 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->EbCreateDataFile("222",11,"22");
HANDLE EbCreateDataFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, LPCTSTR lpPassword)
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "EbCreateDataFile", 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->EbCreateDataFile("222",11,"22");
HANDLE EbCreateDataFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, LPCTSTR lpPassword)
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "EbCreateDataFile", 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l");
里面的 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l" 是传入参数和返回参数的定义吧,那我
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
i=describes the number and data type of the functions parameters
f=type of call _stdcall or _cdecl. So it can work with both MS C++ and Borland C++. Default to _stdcall. If that doesn't work use _cdecl. If that doesn't work good luck!
r=return data type.
Data types are:
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string
IN char * 应该选择什么?
IN DWORD 应该选择什么?
f=type of call _stdcall or _cdecl. So it can work with both MS C++ and Borland C++. Default to _stdcall. If that doesn't work use _cdecl. If that doesn't work good luck!
r=return data type.
Data types are:
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string
IN char * 应该选择什么?
IN DWORD 应该选择什么?
因为我是PHP5.3 我使用的方法是
用DynamicWrapper方法调用。下载DynamicWrapper.dll到php ext下与windows system32下,
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance", 'i=cl', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance("test",4);
用DynamicWrapper方法调用。下载DynamicWrapper.dll到php ext下与windows system32下,
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance", 'i=cl', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance("test",4);
Unknown: Could not convert string to unicode: `在多字节的目标代码页中,没有此 Unicode 字符可以映射到的字符。 这个问题这么解决?
报这个错误。。。 这里有没有人啊~~~~~~~~·
报这个错误。。。 这里有没有人啊~~~~~~~~·
没有使用过 DynamicWrapper
不过根据错误信息,可认为你传递的字符串不是 ucs-2 编码
extern "C" LPVOID PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetNextPnr(IN DWORD dwInstance, IN OUT DWORD * pdwPosition)
IN OUT DWORD * pdwPosition,这个参数我PHP应该传什么进去? 因为这个参数是传入返回的,返回出来的应该是个内存地址
Data types are:
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string
用DynamicWrapper方法调用。下载DynamicWrapper.dll到php ext下与windows system32下,
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "EbCreateDataFile", 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->EbCreateDataFile("222",11,"22");
HANDLE EbCreateDataFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, LPCTSTR lpPassword)
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "EbCreateDataFile", 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->EbCreateDataFile("222",11,"22");
HANDLE EbCreateDataFile(LPCTSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwCreationDisposition, LPCTSTR lpPassword)
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "EbCreateDataFile", 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l");
里面的 'i=sls', "f=s", "r=l" 是传入参数和返回参数的定义吧,那我
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
i=describes the number and data type of the functions parameters
f=type of call _stdcall or _cdecl. So it can work with both MS C++ and Borland C++. Default to _stdcall. If that doesn't work use _cdecl. If that doesn't work good luck!
r=return data type.
Data types are:
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string
IN char * 应该选择什么?
IN DWORD 应该选择什么?
f=type of call _stdcall or _cdecl. So it can work with both MS C++ and Borland C++. Default to _stdcall. If that doesn't work use _cdecl. If that doesn't work good luck!
r=return data type.
Data types are:
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string
IN char * 应该选择什么?
IN DWORD 应该选择什么?
因为我是PHP5.3 我使用的方法是
用DynamicWrapper方法调用。下载DynamicWrapper.dll到php ext下与windows system32下,
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance", 'i=cl', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance("test",4);
用DynamicWrapper方法调用。下载DynamicWrapper.dll到php ext下与windows system32下,
$dw = new COM("DynamicWrapper");
extern "C" DWORD PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance(IN char * szPnrData, IN DWORD dwPnrLength)
$dw->Register("EbUsbApi.dll", "SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance", 'i=cl', "f=s", "r=l");
$ch = $dw->SP_GetAnalyzePnrInstance("test",4);
Unknown: Could not convert string to unicode: `在多字节的目标代码页中,没有此 Unicode 字符可以映射到的字符。 这个问题这么解决?
报这个错误。。。 这里有没有人啊~~~~~~~~·
报这个错误。。。 这里有没有人啊~~~~~~~~·
没有使用过 DynamicWrapper
不过根据错误信息,可认为你传递的字符串不是 ucs-2 编码
extern "C" LPVOID PASCAL EXPORT SP_GetNextPnr(IN DWORD dwInstance, IN OUT DWORD * pdwPosition)
IN OUT DWORD * pdwPosition,这个参数我PHP应该传什么进去? 因为这个参数是传入返回的,返回出来的应该是个内存地址
Data types are:
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string
const ARGTYPEINFO ArgInfo[] =
{'a', sizeof(IDispatch*), VT_DISPATCH}, // a IDispatch*
{'c', sizeof(unsigned char), VT_I4}, // c signed char
{'d', sizeof(double), VT_R8}, // d 8 byte real
{'f', sizeof(float), VT_R4}, // f 4 byte real
{'k', sizeof(IUnknown*), VT_UNKNOWN}, // k IUnknown*
{'h', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // h HANDLE
{'l', sizeof(long), VT_I4}, // l long
{'p', sizeof(void*), VT_PTR}, // p pointer
{'s', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPSTR}, // s string
{'t', sizeof(short), VT_I2}, // t short
{'u', sizeof(UINT), VT_UINT}, // u unsigned int
{'w', sizeof(BSTR), VT_LPWSTR}, // w wide string