heap_maximum:return A[1] O(1);
Extract_Heap_maximum:swap(A[1],A[heap.size]) adjust up to down from A[1] to hold the max_heap character O(lgn) every stepfind max child
increase_Heap_max(i,key):[key>=A[i]],adjust down to up from A[i] toA[1] until satsify the max_heap O(lgn) every step find father
insert_heap_max:heap_size ++;A[heap.size]=key; increase_heap_max(heap.size,key) O(lgn) find father
heap_minimum:return A[1] O(1);
Extract_Heap_miniimum:swap ,adjust find min child; O(lgn)
decrease_heap_min:change value ,adjust up find smaller father O(lgn)