
时间:2022-09-28 10:34:49

This is a interview question: given an array of integers find the max. and min. using minimum comparisons.


Obviously, I can loop over the array twice and use ~2n comparisons in the worst case but I would like to do better.


12 个解决方案



1. Pick 2 elements(a, b), compare them. (say a > b)
2. Update min by comparing (min, b)
3. Update max by comparing (max, a)

This way you would do 3 comparisons for 2 elements, amounting to 3N/2 total comparisons for N elements.




Trying to improve on the answer by srbh.kmr. Say we have the sequence:


A = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]

Compare a1 & a2 and calculate min12, max12:

比较a1 & a2,计算min12, max12:

if (a1 > a2)
  min12 = a2
  max12 = a1
  min12 = a1
  max12 = a2

Similarly calculate min34, max34. Since a5 is alone, keep it as it is...

同样计算min34 max34。因为a5是单独的,所以保持它。

Now compare min12 & min34 and calculate min14, similarly calculate max14. Finally compare min14 & a5 to calculate min15. Similarly calculate max15.


Altogether it's only 6 comparisons!


This solution can be extended to an array of arbitrary length. Probably can be implemented by a similar approach to merge-sort (break the array in half and calculate min max for each half).


UPDATE: Here's the recursive code in C:


#include <stdio.h>

void minmax (int* a, int i, int j, int* min, int* max) {
  int lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax, mid;
  if (i == j) {
    *min = a[i];
    *max = a[j];
  } else if (j == i + 1) {
    if (a[i] > a[j]) {
      *min = a[j];
      *max = a[i];
    } else {
      *min = a[i];
      *max = a[j];
  } else {
    mid = (i + j) / 2;
    minmax(a, i, mid, &lmin, &lmax);
    minmax(a, mid + 1, j, &rmin, &rmax);
    *min = (lmin > rmin) ? rmin : lmin;
    *max = (lmax > rmax) ? lmax : rmax;

void main () {
  int a [] = {3, 4, 2, 6, 8, 1, 9, 12, 15, 11};
  int min, max;
  minmax (a, 0, 9, &min, &max);
  printf ("Min : %d, Max: %d\n", min, max);

Now I cannot make out the exact number of comparisons in terms of N (the number of elements in the array). But it's hard to see how one can go below this many comparisons.


UPDATE: We can work out the number of comparisons like below:


At the bottom of this tree of computations, we form pairs of integers from the original array. So we have N / 2 leaf nodes. For each of these leaf nodes we do exactly 1 comparison.

在这棵计算树的底部,我们从原始数组中生成成对的整数。所以我们有N / 2叶节点。对于每一个叶节点,我们只做1个比较。

By referring to the properties of a perfect-binary-tree, we have:


leaf nodes (L) = N / 2 // known
total nodes (n) = 2L - 1 = N - 1
internal nodes = n - L = N / 2 - 1

For each internal node we do 2 comparisons. Therefore, we have N - 2 comparisons. Along with the N / 2 comparisons at the leaf nodes, we have (3N / 2) - 2 total comparisons.

对于每个内部节点,我们进行两个比较。因此,我们有N - 2个比较。在叶节点的N / 2比较中,我们有(3N / 2) - 2总比较。

So, may be this is the solution srbh.kmr implied in his answer.




go for divide and conquer !




for this finding min,max will take 6 comparisons


but divide them


1,3 ---> will give min 1 and max 3 in one comparison 2,5 ---> will give min 2 and max 5 in one comparison

1、3 --->将在一个比较中给出最小值1和最大值3,在一个比较中,>将给出最小值2和最大值5。

now we can compare two mins (1,2) --> will give the final min as 1 ( one comparison) likewise two max(3,5) ---> will give the final max as 5( one comparison)

现在我们可以比较两分钟(1,2)->将最终的最小值为1(一个比较)同样的两个max(3,5) ->将给出最终的最大值为5(一个比较)

so totally four comparisons




A somewhat different approach, which uses integer arithmetic instead of comparisons (which wasn't explicitly prohibited)


for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
  xmin += x[i]-xmin & x[i]-xmin>>31;
  xmax += x[i]-xmax & xmax-x[i]>>31;



Brute-force is FASTER!


I would love someone to show me the error of my ways, here, but, …


I compared the actual run times of the brute-force method vs. the (more beautiful) recursive divide and conquer. Typical results (in 10,000,000 calls to each function):


Brute force :
  0.657 seconds 10 values => 16 comparisons.  Min @ 8, Max @ 10
  0.604 seconds 1000000 values => 1999985 comparisons.  Min @ 983277, Max @ 794659
Recursive :
  1.879 seconds 10 values => 13 comparisons.  Min @ 8, Max @ 10
  2.041 seconds 1000000 values => 1499998 comparisons.  Min @ 983277, Max @ 794659

Surprisingly, the brute-force method was about 2.9 times faster for an array of 10 items, and 3.4 times faster for an array of 1,000,000 items.


Evidently, the number of comparisons is not the problem, but possibly the number of re-assignments, and the overhead of calling a recursive function (which might explain why 1,000,000 values runs slower than 10 values).


Caveats : I did this in VBA, not C, and I was comparing double-precision numbers and returning the index into the array of the Min and Max values.


Here is the code I used (class cPerformanceCounter is not included here but uses QueryPerformanceCounter for high-resolution timing) :

这里是我使用的代码(class cperformance cecounter不包括在这里,而是使用queryperformance cecounter进行高分辨率的计时):

Option Explicit


Private m_l_NumberOfComparisons As Long

Sub Time_MinMax()

   Const LBOUND_VALUES As Long = 1

   Dim l_pcOverall As cPerformanceCounter
   Dim l_d_Values() As Double
   Dim i As Long, _
       k As Long, _
       l_l_UBoundValues As Long, _
       l_l_NumberOfIterations As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfMax As Long

   Set l_pcOverall = New cPerformanceCounter

   For k = 1 To 2

      l_l_UBoundValues = IIf(k = 1, 10, 1000000)

      ReDim l_d_Values(LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues)

      'Assign random values
      Randomize '1 '1 => the same random values to be used each time
      For i = LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues
         l_d_Values(i) = Rnd
      Next i
      For i = LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues
         l_d_Values(i) = Rnd
      Next i

      'This keeps the total run time in the one-second neighborhood
      l_l_NumberOfIterations = 10000000 / l_l_UBoundValues

      '——————— Time Brute Force Method —————————————————————————————————————————

      For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations

         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0

         IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleBruteForce _
               l_d_Values, _
               LBOUND_VALUES, _
               l_l_UBoundValues, _
               l_l_IndexOfMin, _


      l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
            3.3, , _
            " seconds Brute-Force " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
            & m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
            & " Min @ " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
            & ", Max @ " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
      '——————— End Time Brute Force Method —————————————————————————————————————

      '——————— Time Brute Force Using Individual Calls —————————————————————————

      For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations

         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0

         l_l_IndexOfMin = IndexOfMinDouble(l_d_Values)
         l_l_IndexOfMax = IndexOfMaxDouble(l_d_Values)


      l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
            3.3, , _
            " seconds Individual  " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
            & m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
            & " Min @ " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
            & ", Max @ " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
      '——————— End Time Brute Force Using Individual Calls —————————————————————

      '——————— Time Recursive Divide and Conquer Method ————————————————————————

      For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations

         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0

         IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer _
               l_d_Values, _
               LBOUND_VALUES, _
               l_l_UBoundValues, _
               l_l_IndexOfMin, l_l_IndexOfMax


      l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
            3.3, , _
            " seconds Recursive   " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
            & m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
            & " Min @ " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
            & ", Max @ " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
      '——————— End Time Recursive Divide and Conquer Method ————————————————————

   Next k

End Sub

'Recursive divide and conquer
Sub IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer( _
      i_dArray() As Double, _
      i_l_LBound As Long, _
      i_l_UBound As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMax As Long)

   Dim l_l_IndexOfLeftMin As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfLeftMax As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfRightMin As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfRightMax As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfMidPoint As Long

   If (i_l_LBound = i_l_UBound) Then 'Only one element

      o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
      o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_LBound

   ElseIf (i_l_UBound = (i_l_LBound + 1)) Then 'Only two elements

      If (i_dArray(i_l_LBound) > i_dArray(i_l_UBound)) Then
         o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_UBound
         o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_LBound
         o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
         o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_UBound
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   Else 'More than two elements => recurse

      l_l_IndexOfMidPoint = (i_l_LBound + i_l_UBound) / 2

      'Find the min of the elements in the left half
      IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer _
            i_dArray, _
            i_l_LBound, _
            l_l_IndexOfMidPoint, _
            l_l_IndexOfLeftMin, _

      'Find the min of the elements in the right half
      IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer i_dArray, _
            l_l_IndexOfMidPoint + 1, _
            i_l_UBound, _
            l_l_IndexOfRightMin, _

      'Return the index of the lower of the two values returned
      If (i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfLeftMin) > i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfRightMin)) Then
         o_l_IndexOfMin = l_l_IndexOfRightMin
         o_l_IndexOfMin = l_l_IndexOfLeftMin
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

      'Return the index of the lower of the two values returned
      If (i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfLeftMax) > i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfRightMax)) Then
         o_l_IndexOfMax = l_l_IndexOfLeftMax
         o_l_IndexOfMax = l_l_IndexOfRightMax
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   End If

End Sub

Sub IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleBruteForce( _
      i_dArray() As Double, _
      i_l_LBound As Long, _
      i_l_UBound As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMax As Long)

   Dim i As Long

   o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
   o_l_IndexOfMax = o_l_IndexOfMin

   For i = i_l_LBound + 1 To i_l_UBound

      'Usually we will do two comparisons
      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 2

      If (i_dArray(i) < i_dArray(o_l_IndexOfMin)) Then

         o_l_IndexOfMin = i

         'We don't need to do the ElseIf comparison
         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons - 1

      ElseIf (i_dArray(i) > i_dArray(o_l_IndexOfMax)) Then

         o_l_IndexOfMax = i

      End If
   Next i

End Sub

Function IndexOfMinDouble( _
      i_dArray() As Double _
      ) As Long

   Dim i As Long

   On Error GoTo EWE

   IndexOfMinDouble = LBound(i_dArray)

   For i = IndexOfMinDouble + 1 To UBound(i_dArray)

      If (i_dArray(i) < i_dArray(IndexOfMinDouble)) Then
         IndexOfMinDouble = i
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   Next i

   On Error GoTo 0
   Exit Function
   On Error GoTo 0
   IndexOfMinDouble = MIN_LONG
End Function

Function IndexOfMaxDouble( _
      i_dArray() As Double _
      ) As Long

   Dim i As Long

   On Error GoTo EWE

   IndexOfMaxDouble = LBound(i_dArray)

   For i = IndexOfMaxDouble + 1 To UBound(i_dArray)

      If (i_dArray(i) > i_dArray(IndexOfMaxDouble)) Then
         IndexOfMaxDouble = i
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   Next i

   On Error GoTo 0
   Exit Function
   On Error GoTo 0
   IndexOfMaxDouble = MIN_LONG
End Function



A simple pseudo code for the recursive algorithm:


Function MAXMIN (A, low, high)
    if (high − low + 1 = 2) then 
      if (A[low] < A[high]) then
         max = A[high]; min = A[low].
         return((max, min)).
         max = A[low]; min = A[high].
         return((max, min)).
      end if
      mid = low+high/2
      (max_l , min_l ) = MAXMIN(A, low, mid).
      (max_r , min_r ) =MAXMIN(A, mid + 1, high).
   end if

   Set max to the larger of max_l and max_r ; 
   likewise, set min to the smaller of min_l and min_r .

   return((max, min)).



After reading the question and answers, I decided to try a few versions (in C#).
I thought the fastest would be Anton Knyazyev's one (branch free), it isn't (on my box).

在阅读完问题和答案后,我决定尝试几个版本(在c#中)。我认为最快的应该是Anton Knyazyev的一个(分支免费),它不是(在我的盒子里)。结果:

/*                comp.  time(ns)
      minmax0     3n/2    855
      minmax1     2n      805
      minmax2     2n     1315 
      minmax3     2n      685          */

Why are minmax1 and minmax3 faster? Probably because the "branch predictor" does a nice job, each iteration the chance, a new min (or max) is found, decreases, so predictions become better.
All in all it's a simple test. I do realize my conclusions may be:
-not valid for different platforms.
Let's say they're indicative.
Edit: Break-even point minmax0, minmax3: ~100 items,
10,000 items: minmax3 ~3.5 times faster than minmax0.

为什么minmax1和minmax3更快?很可能是因为“分支预测器”做的很好,每次迭代的机会,一个新的最小值(或最大值)被发现,减少,所以预测变得更好。总之,这是一个简单的测试。我确实意识到我的结论可能是:-不成熟。-对不同的平台无效。假设他们的象征。编辑:盈亏平衡点minmax0, minmax3: ~100项,10000个项目:minmax3 ~3.5倍于minmax0。

using System;
using sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch;
class Program
    static void Main()
        int n = 1000;
        int[] a = buildA(n);
        sw sw = new sw();
        for (int i = 1000000; i > 0; i--) minMax3(a);

    static int[] minMax0(int[] a)  // ~3j/2 comp.
        int j = a.Length - 1;
        if (j < 2) return j < 0 ? null :
            j < 1 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
            a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
                          new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], ai = a0;
        if (a1 < a0) { a0 = a1; a1 = ai; }
        int i = 2;
        for (int aj; i < j; i += 2)
            if ((ai = a[i]) < (aj = a[i + 1]))  // hard to predict
            { if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (aj > a1) a1 = aj; }
            { if (aj < a0) a0 = aj; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
        if (i <= j)
        { if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai; else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] minMax1(int[] a)  // ~2j comp.  
        int j = a.Length;
        if (j < 3) return j < 1 ? null :
            j < 2 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
            a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
                          new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a0, ai = a0;
        for (int i = 1; i < j; i++)
            if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai;
            else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] minMax2(int[] a)  // ~2j comp.  
        int j = a.Length;
        if (j < 2) return j == 0 ? null : new int[] { a[0], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a0;
        for (int i = 1, ai = a[1], aj = ai; ; aj = ai = a[i])
            ai -= a0; a0 += ai & ai >> 31;
            aj -= a1; a1 += aj & -aj >> 31;
            i++; if (i >= j) break;
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] minMax3(int[] a)  // ~2j comp.
        int j = a.Length - 1;
        if (j < 2) return j < 0 ? null :
            j < 1 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
            a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
                          new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], ai = a0;
        if (a1 < a0) { a0 = a1; a1 = ai; }
        int i = 2;
        for (j -= 2; i < j; i += 3)
            ai = a[i + 0]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
            ai = a[i + 1]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
            ai = a[i + 2]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
        for (j += 2; i <= j; i++)
        { if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai; else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] buildA(int n)
        int[] a = new int[n--]; Random rand = new Random(0);
        for (int j = n; n >= 0; n--) a[n] = rand.Next(-1 * j, 1 * j);
        return a;



import java.util.*;
class Maxmin
    public static void main(String args[])
        int[] arr = new int[10];
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        int i, min=0, max=0;
        for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
            System.out.print("Enter any number: ");
            arr[i] = in.nextInt();          
        min = arr[0];
        for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
            if(arr[i] > max)
                max = arr[i];
            if(arr[i] < min)
                min = arr[i];
        System.out.println("Maximum is: " + max);
        System.out.println("Minimum is: " + min);



My divide & conquer approach with java so far:


        public class code {    
    static int[] A = {444,9,8,6,199,3,0,5,3,200};
    static int min = A[0], max = A[1];
    static int count = 0;

    public void minMax(int[] A, int i, int j) {     
        if(i==j) {
            count = count + 2;
            min = Math.min(min, A[i]);
            max = Math.max(max, A[i]);

        else if(j == i+1) {
            if(A[i] > A[j]) {
                count = count + 3;
                min = Math.min(min, A[j]);
                max = Math.max(max, A[i]);
            else {
                count = count + 3;
                min = Math.min(min, A[i]);
                max = Math.max(max, A[j]);

        else {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        code c = new code();
        if(Math.min(A[0], A[1]) == A[0]) {
            min = A[0];
            max = A[1];
        else {
            min = A[1];
            max = A[0];
        System.out.println("Min: "+min+" Max: "+max);
        System.out.println("Total comparisons: " + count);



public static int[] minMax(int[] array){
    int [] empty = {-1,-1};
    if(array==null || array.length==0){
        return empty;

    int lo =0, hi = array.length-1;
    return minMax(array,lo, hi); 


private static int[] minMax(int []array, int lo, int hi){

        int [] result = {array[lo], array[hi]}; 
        return result;
    }else if(lo+1==hi){
        int [] result = new int[2];
        result[0] = Math.min(array[lo], array[hi]);
        result[1] = Math.max(array[lo], array[hi]);
        return result;
        int mid = lo+(hi-lo)/2;          
        int [] left = minMax(array, lo, mid);
        int [] right = minMax(array, mid+1, hi);
        int []result = new int[2];          
        result[0] = Math.min(left[0], right[0]);
        result[1] = Math.max(left[1], right[1]);             
        return result;


public static void main(String[] args) {

    int []array = {1,2,3,4,100};
    System.out.println("min and max values are "+Arrays.toString(minMax(array)));



using namespace std;
int main()
    int n;
    set<int> t;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

        int x;
    set<int>::iterator s,b;
    cout<< *s<<" "<<*b<<endl;

    enter code here

    return 0;

// this can be done in log(n) complexity!!!




Just loop over the array once, keeping track of the max and min so far.




1. Pick 2 elements(a, b), compare them. (say a > b)
2. Update min by comparing (min, b)
3. Update max by comparing (max, a)

This way you would do 3 comparisons for 2 elements, amounting to 3N/2 total comparisons for N elements.




Trying to improve on the answer by srbh.kmr. Say we have the sequence:


A = [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]

Compare a1 & a2 and calculate min12, max12:

比较a1 & a2,计算min12, max12:

if (a1 > a2)
  min12 = a2
  max12 = a1
  min12 = a1
  max12 = a2

Similarly calculate min34, max34. Since a5 is alone, keep it as it is...

同样计算min34 max34。因为a5是单独的,所以保持它。

Now compare min12 & min34 and calculate min14, similarly calculate max14. Finally compare min14 & a5 to calculate min15. Similarly calculate max15.


Altogether it's only 6 comparisons!


This solution can be extended to an array of arbitrary length. Probably can be implemented by a similar approach to merge-sort (break the array in half and calculate min max for each half).


UPDATE: Here's the recursive code in C:


#include <stdio.h>

void minmax (int* a, int i, int j, int* min, int* max) {
  int lmin, lmax, rmin, rmax, mid;
  if (i == j) {
    *min = a[i];
    *max = a[j];
  } else if (j == i + 1) {
    if (a[i] > a[j]) {
      *min = a[j];
      *max = a[i];
    } else {
      *min = a[i];
      *max = a[j];
  } else {
    mid = (i + j) / 2;
    minmax(a, i, mid, &lmin, &lmax);
    minmax(a, mid + 1, j, &rmin, &rmax);
    *min = (lmin > rmin) ? rmin : lmin;
    *max = (lmax > rmax) ? lmax : rmax;

void main () {
  int a [] = {3, 4, 2, 6, 8, 1, 9, 12, 15, 11};
  int min, max;
  minmax (a, 0, 9, &min, &max);
  printf ("Min : %d, Max: %d\n", min, max);

Now I cannot make out the exact number of comparisons in terms of N (the number of elements in the array). But it's hard to see how one can go below this many comparisons.


UPDATE: We can work out the number of comparisons like below:


At the bottom of this tree of computations, we form pairs of integers from the original array. So we have N / 2 leaf nodes. For each of these leaf nodes we do exactly 1 comparison.

在这棵计算树的底部,我们从原始数组中生成成对的整数。所以我们有N / 2叶节点。对于每一个叶节点,我们只做1个比较。

By referring to the properties of a perfect-binary-tree, we have:


leaf nodes (L) = N / 2 // known
total nodes (n) = 2L - 1 = N - 1
internal nodes = n - L = N / 2 - 1

For each internal node we do 2 comparisons. Therefore, we have N - 2 comparisons. Along with the N / 2 comparisons at the leaf nodes, we have (3N / 2) - 2 total comparisons.

对于每个内部节点,我们进行两个比较。因此,我们有N - 2个比较。在叶节点的N / 2比较中,我们有(3N / 2) - 2总比较。

So, may be this is the solution srbh.kmr implied in his answer.




go for divide and conquer !




for this finding min,max will take 6 comparisons


but divide them


1,3 ---> will give min 1 and max 3 in one comparison 2,5 ---> will give min 2 and max 5 in one comparison

1、3 --->将在一个比较中给出最小值1和最大值3,在一个比较中,>将给出最小值2和最大值5。

now we can compare two mins (1,2) --> will give the final min as 1 ( one comparison) likewise two max(3,5) ---> will give the final max as 5( one comparison)

现在我们可以比较两分钟(1,2)->将最终的最小值为1(一个比较)同样的两个max(3,5) ->将给出最终的最大值为5(一个比较)

so totally four comparisons




A somewhat different approach, which uses integer arithmetic instead of comparisons (which wasn't explicitly prohibited)


for(int i=0;i<N;i++) {
  xmin += x[i]-xmin & x[i]-xmin>>31;
  xmax += x[i]-xmax & xmax-x[i]>>31;



Brute-force is FASTER!


I would love someone to show me the error of my ways, here, but, …


I compared the actual run times of the brute-force method vs. the (more beautiful) recursive divide and conquer. Typical results (in 10,000,000 calls to each function):


Brute force :
  0.657 seconds 10 values => 16 comparisons.  Min @ 8, Max @ 10
  0.604 seconds 1000000 values => 1999985 comparisons.  Min @ 983277, Max @ 794659
Recursive :
  1.879 seconds 10 values => 13 comparisons.  Min @ 8, Max @ 10
  2.041 seconds 1000000 values => 1499998 comparisons.  Min @ 983277, Max @ 794659

Surprisingly, the brute-force method was about 2.9 times faster for an array of 10 items, and 3.4 times faster for an array of 1,000,000 items.


Evidently, the number of comparisons is not the problem, but possibly the number of re-assignments, and the overhead of calling a recursive function (which might explain why 1,000,000 values runs slower than 10 values).


Caveats : I did this in VBA, not C, and I was comparing double-precision numbers and returning the index into the array of the Min and Max values.


Here is the code I used (class cPerformanceCounter is not included here but uses QueryPerformanceCounter for high-resolution timing) :

这里是我使用的代码(class cperformance cecounter不包括在这里,而是使用queryperformance cecounter进行高分辨率的计时):

Option Explicit


Private m_l_NumberOfComparisons As Long

Sub Time_MinMax()

   Const LBOUND_VALUES As Long = 1

   Dim l_pcOverall As cPerformanceCounter
   Dim l_d_Values() As Double
   Dim i As Long, _
       k As Long, _
       l_l_UBoundValues As Long, _
       l_l_NumberOfIterations As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfMax As Long

   Set l_pcOverall = New cPerformanceCounter

   For k = 1 To 2

      l_l_UBoundValues = IIf(k = 1, 10, 1000000)

      ReDim l_d_Values(LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues)

      'Assign random values
      Randomize '1 '1 => the same random values to be used each time
      For i = LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues
         l_d_Values(i) = Rnd
      Next i
      For i = LBOUND_VALUES To l_l_UBoundValues
         l_d_Values(i) = Rnd
      Next i

      'This keeps the total run time in the one-second neighborhood
      l_l_NumberOfIterations = 10000000 / l_l_UBoundValues

      '——————— Time Brute Force Method —————————————————————————————————————————

      For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations

         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0

         IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleBruteForce _
               l_d_Values, _
               LBOUND_VALUES, _
               l_l_UBoundValues, _
               l_l_IndexOfMin, _


      l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
            3.3, , _
            " seconds Brute-Force " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
            & m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
            & " Min @ " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
            & ", Max @ " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
      '——————— End Time Brute Force Method —————————————————————————————————————

      '——————— Time Brute Force Using Individual Calls —————————————————————————

      For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations

         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0

         l_l_IndexOfMin = IndexOfMinDouble(l_d_Values)
         l_l_IndexOfMax = IndexOfMaxDouble(l_d_Values)


      l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
            3.3, , _
            " seconds Individual  " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
            & m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
            & " Min @ " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
            & ", Max @ " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
      '——————— End Time Brute Force Using Individual Calls —————————————————————

      '——————— Time Recursive Divide and Conquer Method ————————————————————————

      For i = 1 To l_l_NumberOfIterations

         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = 0

         IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer _
               l_d_Values, _
               LBOUND_VALUES, _
               l_l_UBoundValues, _
               l_l_IndexOfMin, l_l_IndexOfMax


      l_pcOverall.ElapsedSecondsDebugPrint _
            3.3, , _
            " seconds Recursive   " & l_l_UBoundValues & " values => " _
            & m_l_NumberOfComparisons & " comparisons. " _
            & " Min @ " & l_l_IndexOfMin _
            & ", Max @ " & l_l_IndexOfMax, _
      '——————— End Time Recursive Divide and Conquer Method ————————————————————

   Next k

End Sub

'Recursive divide and conquer
Sub IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer( _
      i_dArray() As Double, _
      i_l_LBound As Long, _
      i_l_UBound As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMax As Long)

   Dim l_l_IndexOfLeftMin As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfLeftMax As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfRightMin As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfRightMax As Long, _
       l_l_IndexOfMidPoint As Long

   If (i_l_LBound = i_l_UBound) Then 'Only one element

      o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
      o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_LBound

   ElseIf (i_l_UBound = (i_l_LBound + 1)) Then 'Only two elements

      If (i_dArray(i_l_LBound) > i_dArray(i_l_UBound)) Then
         o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_UBound
         o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_LBound
         o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
         o_l_IndexOfMax = i_l_UBound
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   Else 'More than two elements => recurse

      l_l_IndexOfMidPoint = (i_l_LBound + i_l_UBound) / 2

      'Find the min of the elements in the left half
      IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer _
            i_dArray, _
            i_l_LBound, _
            l_l_IndexOfMidPoint, _
            l_l_IndexOfLeftMin, _

      'Find the min of the elements in the right half
      IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleRecursiveDivideAndConquer i_dArray, _
            l_l_IndexOfMidPoint + 1, _
            i_l_UBound, _
            l_l_IndexOfRightMin, _

      'Return the index of the lower of the two values returned
      If (i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfLeftMin) > i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfRightMin)) Then
         o_l_IndexOfMin = l_l_IndexOfRightMin
         o_l_IndexOfMin = l_l_IndexOfLeftMin
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

      'Return the index of the lower of the two values returned
      If (i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfLeftMax) > i_dArray(l_l_IndexOfRightMax)) Then
         o_l_IndexOfMax = l_l_IndexOfLeftMax
         o_l_IndexOfMax = l_l_IndexOfRightMax
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   End If

End Sub

Sub IndexOfMinAndMaxDoubleBruteForce( _
      i_dArray() As Double, _
      i_l_LBound As Long, _
      i_l_UBound As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMin As Long, _
      o_l_IndexOfMax As Long)

   Dim i As Long

   o_l_IndexOfMin = i_l_LBound
   o_l_IndexOfMax = o_l_IndexOfMin

   For i = i_l_LBound + 1 To i_l_UBound

      'Usually we will do two comparisons
      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 2

      If (i_dArray(i) < i_dArray(o_l_IndexOfMin)) Then

         o_l_IndexOfMin = i

         'We don't need to do the ElseIf comparison
         m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons - 1

      ElseIf (i_dArray(i) > i_dArray(o_l_IndexOfMax)) Then

         o_l_IndexOfMax = i

      End If
   Next i

End Sub

Function IndexOfMinDouble( _
      i_dArray() As Double _
      ) As Long

   Dim i As Long

   On Error GoTo EWE

   IndexOfMinDouble = LBound(i_dArray)

   For i = IndexOfMinDouble + 1 To UBound(i_dArray)

      If (i_dArray(i) < i_dArray(IndexOfMinDouble)) Then
         IndexOfMinDouble = i
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   Next i

   On Error GoTo 0
   Exit Function
   On Error GoTo 0
   IndexOfMinDouble = MIN_LONG
End Function

Function IndexOfMaxDouble( _
      i_dArray() As Double _
      ) As Long

   Dim i As Long

   On Error GoTo EWE

   IndexOfMaxDouble = LBound(i_dArray)

   For i = IndexOfMaxDouble + 1 To UBound(i_dArray)

      If (i_dArray(i) > i_dArray(IndexOfMaxDouble)) Then
         IndexOfMaxDouble = i
      End If

      m_l_NumberOfComparisons = m_l_NumberOfComparisons + 1

   Next i

   On Error GoTo 0
   Exit Function
   On Error GoTo 0
   IndexOfMaxDouble = MIN_LONG
End Function



A simple pseudo code for the recursive algorithm:


Function MAXMIN (A, low, high)
    if (high − low + 1 = 2) then 
      if (A[low] < A[high]) then
         max = A[high]; min = A[low].
         return((max, min)).
         max = A[low]; min = A[high].
         return((max, min)).
      end if
      mid = low+high/2
      (max_l , min_l ) = MAXMIN(A, low, mid).
      (max_r , min_r ) =MAXMIN(A, mid + 1, high).
   end if

   Set max to the larger of max_l and max_r ; 
   likewise, set min to the smaller of min_l and min_r .

   return((max, min)).



After reading the question and answers, I decided to try a few versions (in C#).
I thought the fastest would be Anton Knyazyev's one (branch free), it isn't (on my box).

在阅读完问题和答案后,我决定尝试几个版本(在c#中)。我认为最快的应该是Anton Knyazyev的一个(分支免费),它不是(在我的盒子里)。结果:

/*                comp.  time(ns)
      minmax0     3n/2    855
      minmax1     2n      805
      minmax2     2n     1315 
      minmax3     2n      685          */

Why are minmax1 and minmax3 faster? Probably because the "branch predictor" does a nice job, each iteration the chance, a new min (or max) is found, decreases, so predictions become better.
All in all it's a simple test. I do realize my conclusions may be:
-not valid for different platforms.
Let's say they're indicative.
Edit: Break-even point minmax0, minmax3: ~100 items,
10,000 items: minmax3 ~3.5 times faster than minmax0.

为什么minmax1和minmax3更快?很可能是因为“分支预测器”做的很好,每次迭代的机会,一个新的最小值(或最大值)被发现,减少,所以预测变得更好。总之,这是一个简单的测试。我确实意识到我的结论可能是:-不成熟。-对不同的平台无效。假设他们的象征。编辑:盈亏平衡点minmax0, minmax3: ~100项,10000个项目:minmax3 ~3.5倍于minmax0。

using System;
using sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch;
class Program
    static void Main()
        int n = 1000;
        int[] a = buildA(n);
        sw sw = new sw();
        for (int i = 1000000; i > 0; i--) minMax3(a);

    static int[] minMax0(int[] a)  // ~3j/2 comp.
        int j = a.Length - 1;
        if (j < 2) return j < 0 ? null :
            j < 1 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
            a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
                          new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], ai = a0;
        if (a1 < a0) { a0 = a1; a1 = ai; }
        int i = 2;
        for (int aj; i < j; i += 2)
            if ((ai = a[i]) < (aj = a[i + 1]))  // hard to predict
            { if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (aj > a1) a1 = aj; }
            { if (aj < a0) a0 = aj; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
        if (i <= j)
        { if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai; else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] minMax1(int[] a)  // ~2j comp.  
        int j = a.Length;
        if (j < 3) return j < 1 ? null :
            j < 2 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
            a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
                          new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a0, ai = a0;
        for (int i = 1; i < j; i++)
            if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai;
            else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] minMax2(int[] a)  // ~2j comp.  
        int j = a.Length;
        if (j < 2) return j == 0 ? null : new int[] { a[0], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a0;
        for (int i = 1, ai = a[1], aj = ai; ; aj = ai = a[i])
            ai -= a0; a0 += ai & ai >> 31;
            aj -= a1; a1 += aj & -aj >> 31;
            i++; if (i >= j) break;
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] minMax3(int[] a)  // ~2j comp.
        int j = a.Length - 1;
        if (j < 2) return j < 0 ? null :
            j < 1 ? new int[] { a[0], a[0] } :
            a[0] < a[1] ? new int[] { a[0], a[1] } :
                          new int[] { a[1], a[0] };
        int a0 = a[0], a1 = a[1], ai = a0;
        if (a1 < a0) { a0 = a1; a1 = ai; }
        int i = 2;
        for (j -= 2; i < j; i += 3)
            ai = a[i + 0]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
            ai = a[i + 1]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
            ai = a[i + 2]; if (ai < a0) a0 = ai; if (ai > a1) a1 = ai;
        for (j += 2; i <= j; i++)
        { if ((ai = a[i]) < a0) a0 = ai; else if (ai > a1) a1 = ai; }
        return new int[] { a0, a1 };

    static int[] buildA(int n)
        int[] a = new int[n--]; Random rand = new Random(0);
        for (int j = n; n >= 0; n--) a[n] = rand.Next(-1 * j, 1 * j);
        return a;



import java.util.*;
class Maxmin
    public static void main(String args[])
        int[] arr = new int[10];
        Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        int i, min=0, max=0;
        for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
            System.out.print("Enter any number: ");
            arr[i] = in.nextInt();          
        min = arr[0];
        for(i=0; i<=9; i++)
            if(arr[i] > max)
                max = arr[i];
            if(arr[i] < min)
                min = arr[i];
        System.out.println("Maximum is: " + max);
        System.out.println("Minimum is: " + min);



My divide & conquer approach with java so far:


        public class code {    
    static int[] A = {444,9,8,6,199,3,0,5,3,200};
    static int min = A[0], max = A[1];
    static int count = 0;

    public void minMax(int[] A, int i, int j) {     
        if(i==j) {
            count = count + 2;
            min = Math.min(min, A[i]);
            max = Math.max(max, A[i]);

        else if(j == i+1) {
            if(A[i] > A[j]) {
                count = count + 3;
                min = Math.min(min, A[j]);
                max = Math.max(max, A[i]);
            else {
                count = count + 3;
                min = Math.min(min, A[i]);
                max = Math.max(max, A[j]);

        else {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        code c = new code();
        if(Math.min(A[0], A[1]) == A[0]) {
            min = A[0];
            max = A[1];
        else {
            min = A[1];
            max = A[0];
        System.out.println("Min: "+min+" Max: "+max);
        System.out.println("Total comparisons: " + count);



public static int[] minMax(int[] array){
    int [] empty = {-1,-1};
    if(array==null || array.length==0){
        return empty;

    int lo =0, hi = array.length-1;
    return minMax(array,lo, hi); 


private static int[] minMax(int []array, int lo, int hi){

        int [] result = {array[lo], array[hi]}; 
        return result;
    }else if(lo+1==hi){
        int [] result = new int[2];
        result[0] = Math.min(array[lo], array[hi]);
        result[1] = Math.max(array[lo], array[hi]);
        return result;
        int mid = lo+(hi-lo)/2;          
        int [] left = minMax(array, lo, mid);
        int [] right = minMax(array, mid+1, hi);
        int []result = new int[2];          
        result[0] = Math.min(left[0], right[0]);
        result[1] = Math.max(left[1], right[1]);             
        return result;


public static void main(String[] args) {

    int []array = {1,2,3,4,100};
    System.out.println("min and max values are "+Arrays.toString(minMax(array)));



using namespace std;
int main()
    int n;
    set<int> t;
    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)

        int x;
    set<int>::iterator s,b;
    cout<< *s<<" "<<*b<<endl;

    enter code here

    return 0;

// this can be done in log(n) complexity!!!




Just loop over the array once, keeping track of the max and min so far.
