
时间:2022-09-27 13:34:50

I have created an ArrayList with items in my Order.aspx.vb. I pass these on to my bllOrder, which passes it on to my dalOrder.



Dim item As RepeaterItem
For Each item In rptProductList.Items
   objOrder.OrderCustID = Session("CustID")
   objOrder.OrderProdID = DirectCast(item.FindControl("ddlProducts"), DropDownList).SelectedValue
Next item


Function InsertOrder(ByVal objOrder As Order) As Boolean
    Dim Result as New Boolean


    Dim SQL As String = "INSERT INTO order(OrderCustID, OrderProdID) VALUES (?,?)"
    Dim cmd As New OdbcCommand(SQL, myconn)

    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrderCustID", objOrder.OrderCustID)
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrderProdID", objorder.OrderProdID)

    result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()


    Return Result
End Function

This is good for one item, but how would I do it for my ArrayList?


All help is much appreciated!


6 个解决方案



instead of passing single Order item, pass a List of Orders and them loop it though inside your method. make it like that Public Function InsertOrder(objOrder As List(Of Order)) As Boolean and then use objOrder as a list of Orders to loop it through.

而不是传递单个订单项,传递订单列表,然后在方法内循环它。使它像Public Function InsertOrder(objOrder As List(Of Order))作为Boolean,然后使用objOrder作为Orders列表来循环它。

put the following code inside a foreach loop following code and pass the current item values;


cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrderCustID", objOrder.OrderCustID)
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrderProdID", objorder.OrderProdID)

    result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()



Convert the array of items into an xml string and you can do a bulk insert in the stored procedure using openxml. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191268.aspx also refer an older post for sql server 2005 http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2007/02/16/passing-lists-to-sql-server-2005-with-xml-parameters.aspx

将项数组转换为xml字符串,您可以使用openxml在存储过程中进行批量插入。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191268.aspx也引用sql server 2005的旧帖子http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2007/02/16/passing-表到SQL服务器 - 2005年与-XML-parameters.aspx



** edited to account for extra info **


You could adapt the existing "for each" logic in your codebehind to build an arraylist or List<> of products - this array/list should be a property of your Order object. Pass the Order object to the DAL via your BAL as currently.

您可以调整代码隐藏中现有的“for each”逻辑来构建产品的arraylist或List <> - 此数组/列表应该是Order对象的属性。通过您的BAL将Order对象传递给DAL。

Then iterate through the products in the Order object in the DAL code(InsertOrder) and either


  • insert each row individually in a loop
  • 在循环中单独插入每一行

  • or dynamically build an insert statement for the Order .
  • 或动态构建Order的insert语句。

You should wrap it in a transaction to ensure the order is rolled back competely if one row fails to insert.


For orders with large amout of products i'd go for @Aravind's answer.

对于大量产品的订单,我会选择@ Aravind的答案。



I’d use SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy. This is effectively a .Net version of Bulk Insert, to use it you need to either have your objects you want to insert in a either a DataTable or create a class to read your data that implements IDDataReader. If your inserting 1,000’s of rows then you should see a dramatic performace increase and much tidier code.





Please go through the following link


How to insert a c# datetime var into SQL Server

如何将c#datetime var插入SQL Server



I will suggest you to use the comma seperated values . Do not send the array list in your DAL Layer instead a function should return a formatted comma seperated value from the Presentation Layer and send this value to DAL and finally seperate the values in your stored procedure.


Alternative You can format your values in an XML and send it to Stored Procedure.


In order to perform it your parameter should be of varchar type.




instead of passing single Order item, pass a List of Orders and them loop it though inside your method. make it like that Public Function InsertOrder(objOrder As List(Of Order)) As Boolean and then use objOrder as a list of Orders to loop it through.

而不是传递单个订单项,传递订单列表,然后在方法内循环它。使它像Public Function InsertOrder(objOrder As List(Of Order))作为Boolean,然后使用objOrder作为Orders列表来循环它。

put the following code inside a foreach loop following code and pass the current item values;


cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrderCustID", objOrder.OrderCustID)
    cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("OrderProdID", objorder.OrderProdID)

    result = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()



Convert the array of items into an xml string and you can do a bulk insert in the stored procedure using openxml. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191268.aspx also refer an older post for sql server 2005 http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2007/02/16/passing-lists-to-sql-server-2005-with-xml-parameters.aspx

将项数组转换为xml字符串,您可以使用openxml在存储过程中进行批量插入。 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms191268.aspx也引用sql server 2005的旧帖子http://weblogs.asp.net/jgalloway/archive/2007/02/16/passing-表到SQL服务器 - 2005年与-XML-parameters.aspx



** edited to account for extra info **


You could adapt the existing "for each" logic in your codebehind to build an arraylist or List<> of products - this array/list should be a property of your Order object. Pass the Order object to the DAL via your BAL as currently.

您可以调整代码隐藏中现有的“for each”逻辑来构建产品的arraylist或List <> - 此数组/列表应该是Order对象的属性。通过您的BAL将Order对象传递给DAL。

Then iterate through the products in the Order object in the DAL code(InsertOrder) and either


  • insert each row individually in a loop
  • 在循环中单独插入每一行

  • or dynamically build an insert statement for the Order .
  • 或动态构建Order的insert语句。

You should wrap it in a transaction to ensure the order is rolled back competely if one row fails to insert.


For orders with large amout of products i'd go for @Aravind's answer.

对于大量产品的订单,我会选择@ Aravind的答案。



I’d use SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy. This is effectively a .Net version of Bulk Insert, to use it you need to either have your objects you want to insert in a either a DataTable or create a class to read your data that implements IDDataReader. If your inserting 1,000’s of rows then you should see a dramatic performace increase and much tidier code.





Please go through the following link


How to insert a c# datetime var into SQL Server

如何将c#datetime var插入SQL Server



I will suggest you to use the comma seperated values . Do not send the array list in your DAL Layer instead a function should return a formatted comma seperated value from the Presentation Layer and send this value to DAL and finally seperate the values in your stored procedure.


Alternative You can format your values in an XML and send it to Stored Procedure.


In order to perform it your parameter should be of varchar type.
