使用Microsoft Access DSN时,我只是将数据库连接字符串替换为DSN的路径吗?

时间:2022-09-27 12:13:49

I have inherited a web application with an Access backend (yes I know).


I need to get this thing deployed asap to a shared hosting provider. Unfortunately, it's not as easy as I imagined as hosts tend to lock down access to Access databases (AFAICT).


I have a shared account with GoDaddy - I have enabled Access database use, and created a DSN.

我有一个GoDaddy共享帐户 - 我启用了Access数据库,并创建了一个DSN。

The application has references to the database connection string littered throughout it. Is using DSNs simply a matter of changing the connection string to be the path of the DSNs?


Any help much appreciated.


1 个解决方案


Been a while since I did this, but you should just be able to change the connection string to DSN=MYDSNNAme

我这么做了一段时间,但你应该能够将连接字符串更改为DSN = MYDSNNAme

I would try it locally first though.


Obviously if you are going to go to this trouble, replace each occurance with a variable, so if you need to do it again it will be easier :)



Been a while since I did this, but you should just be able to change the connection string to DSN=MYDSNNAme

我这么做了一段时间,但你应该能够将连接字符串更改为DSN = MYDSNNAme

I would try it locally first though.


Obviously if you are going to go to this trouble, replace each occurance with a variable, so if you need to do it again it will be easier :)
