
时间:2022-05-12 20:13:12

I have this code for increase height of a image.


- (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
    UITouch *touch = [[event allTouches] anyObject];
    touchStart = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self.image];
    touchStart2 = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self.tableView];
    isResizingLR = ( self.image.bounds.size.height - touchStart.y < kResizeThumbSize );

- (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event{
    CGPoint touchPoint = [[touches anyObject] locationInView:self.image];
    CGPoint previous=[[touches anyObject]previousLocationInView:self.image];

    float  deltaWidth = touchPoint.x-previous.x;
    float  deltaHeight = touchPoint.y-previous.y;

    if (isResizingLR) {

        self.image.frame = CGRectMake(self.image.frame.origin.x, self.image.frame.origin.y, self.image.frame.size.width, touchPoint.y + deltaWidth);
        self.tableView.frame = CGRectMake(self.tableView.frame.origin.x ,self.tableView.frame.origin.y + deltaHeight,  self.tableView.frame.size.width, self.tableView.frame.size.height - deltaHeight );
        self.viewTitle.frame = CGRectMake(self.viewTitle.frame.origin.x ,self.viewTitle.frame.origin.y + deltaHeight,  self.viewTitle.frame.size.width, self.viewTitle.frame.size.height);

I want put a condition for a minimHeight =100 and maximHeight =300; How can i do that? I already try this :

我想为minimHeight = 100和maximHeight = 300设置条件;我怎样才能做到这一点?我已经尝试过了:

if (isResizingLR) {

        if (self.image.frame.size.height >100 && self.image.frame.size.height <300) {
        self.image.frame = CGRectMake(self.image.frame.origin.x, self.image.frame.origin.y, self.image.frame.size.width, touchPoint.y + deltaWidth);
        self.tableView.frame = CGRectMake(self.tableView.frame.origin.x ,self.tableView.frame.origin.y + deltaHeight,  self.tableView.frame.size.width, self.tableView.frame.size.height - deltaHeight );
        self.viewTitle.frame = CGRectMake(self.viewTitle.frame.origin.x ,self.viewTitle.frame.origin.y + deltaHeight,  self.viewTitle.frame.size.width, self.viewTitle.frame.size.height);

but every time after dragged image at: self.image.frame.size.height =100 or 300, i can't resize image. He need to be draggable all time! Thank you!

但每次拖动图像后:self.image.frame.size.height = 100或300,我无法调整图像大小。他需要一直拖延!谢谢!

EDIT: I don't want resize image when heightImage is 100.


My original height of image is 200. My user can click and resize image how he want, but no over 300 and less than 100. I just put a minimum and maximum height. I hope you understand now.


2 个解决方案


Have you try to test <= and >=?

你试着测试<=和> =?

if (self.image.frame.size.height >= 100 && self.image.frame.size.height <= 300) {


I solved the problem.


int aux=touchPoint.y + deltaWidth;
if (aux>300) {
        else if(aux<100){
 self.image.frame = CGRectMake(self.image.frame.origin.x, self.image.frame.origin.y, self.image.frame.size.width, aux);


Have you try to test <= and >=?

你试着测试<=和> =?

if (self.image.frame.size.height >= 100 && self.image.frame.size.height <= 300) {


I solved the problem.


int aux=touchPoint.y + deltaWidth;
if (aux>300) {
        else if(aux<100){
 self.image.frame = CGRectMake(self.image.frame.origin.x, self.image.frame.origin.y, self.image.frame.size.width, aux);