摆脱SQL Server中的“魔术”数字

时间:2022-09-26 12:58:45

In code one can specify globally accessible constants/enums/etc once that can then be reused through out the application. This gives the ability to use meaningful names like 'Mazda' instead of numbers like '2'.


We would like to do the same with in our SQL Server stored procedures, but are not sure of the best way of implementing this.

我们希望在我们的SQL Server存储过程中执行相同操作,但不确定实现此操作的最佳方法。

E.g for the following tables (The proverbial car schema):


Car       ManufacturerId 
350Z       1
Hilux      2
Yaris      2

ManufacturerId   Name
1                Nissan
2                Toyota

So instead of writing


SELECT * FROM Car WHERE ManufacturerId = 1 -- Nissan

We would like to write something like


SELECT * FROM Car WHERE ManufacturerId = @Nissan

One restriction we have is that we cannot rely on the Manufacturer.Name staying the same for the life of the App. We did think about having a column "Code" that never changes and the joins are looked up like this:


FROM Car c 
    INNER JOIN Manufacturer m ON c.ManufacturerId = m.ManufacturerId
WHERE m.Code = 'Nissan'

I'm a bit hesitant on this as it uses an extra join and string comparisons that can be misspelled.


What is the best way for this to be accomplished without having to declare the variables in every Stored Procedure?


2 个解决方案



We've done this a couple ways:


  • User-defined function that returns the "magic number" by name.
  • 用户定义的函数,按名称返回“幻数”。

  • Use a nchar(4) column instead of int column and come up with slightly less inscrutable codes. So Nissan would be "NISN" instead of 1. A little nicer.
  • 使用nchar(4)列而不是int列,并提出稍微不易察觉的代码。所以日产将是“NISN”而不是1.更好一点。



You don't need to store numbers in the database. There are DB admins out there who still love the idea of 'natural keys'. Instead of using an ID, they simply use a natural key that uniquely defines the manufacturer. Often this can lead to multiple primary keys. You might have to have a 'Mazda' 'Canada' as a unique identifier for manufacturer.


Personally, I dislike this method, and prefer to have a unique ID for every identifiable object stored in my tables. This means creating a new table which is a lookup. 2, 'Mazada'. Then you can create a view that pulls 'Mazda' in where there is 2 in the database, then run the query against the view. SELECT * from v_cars where maker = 'Mazda'

就个人而言,我不喜欢这种方法,并且更喜欢为我的表中存储的每个可识别对象都有一个唯一的ID。这意味着创建一个新表,这是一个查找。 2,'马扎达'。然后,您可以创建一个视图,将“Mazda”拉入数据库中的2,然后针对视图运行查询。 SELECT * from v_cars其中maker ='Mazda'



We've done this a couple ways:


  • User-defined function that returns the "magic number" by name.
  • 用户定义的函数,按名称返回“幻数”。

  • Use a nchar(4) column instead of int column and come up with slightly less inscrutable codes. So Nissan would be "NISN" instead of 1. A little nicer.
  • 使用nchar(4)列而不是int列,并提出稍微不易察觉的代码。所以日产将是“NISN”而不是1.更好一点。



You don't need to store numbers in the database. There are DB admins out there who still love the idea of 'natural keys'. Instead of using an ID, they simply use a natural key that uniquely defines the manufacturer. Often this can lead to multiple primary keys. You might have to have a 'Mazda' 'Canada' as a unique identifier for manufacturer.


Personally, I dislike this method, and prefer to have a unique ID for every identifiable object stored in my tables. This means creating a new table which is a lookup. 2, 'Mazada'. Then you can create a view that pulls 'Mazda' in where there is 2 in the database, then run the query against the view. SELECT * from v_cars where maker = 'Mazda'

就个人而言,我不喜欢这种方法,并且更喜欢为我的表中存储的每个可识别对象都有一个唯一的ID。这意味着创建一个新表,这是一个查找。 2,'马扎达'。然后,您可以创建一个视图,将“Mazda”拉入数据库中的2,然后针对视图运行查询。 SELECT * from v_cars其中maker ='Mazda'