
时间:2022-09-26 11:00:57
#include <stdio.h>

int main()

#include <stdio.h>

int main()

    char msg[31] = {'\0'};
    char encrypted[31] = {'\0'};
    int key;

    printf("Please enter a message under 30 characters: ");
    fgets(msg, 31, stdin);

    printf("Please enter an encryption key: ");
    scanf("%d", &key);

    int i = 0;

    while (msg[i] && ('a' <= msg[i] <= 'z' || 'A' < msg[i] < 'Z'))
    encrypted[i] = (msg[i] + key);

    printf("%s\n", msg);
    printf("%d\n", key);
    printf("%s\n", encrypted);


Okay i've got my code to increment the characters but i don't know how to make it ignore special characters and spaces. Also how do i use % to loop back to 'a' and 'A'?


Thank you.

3 个解决方案



  1. You just need a simple for loop:


    for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        // operate on msg[i]

    If you didn't know the length of the string to begin with, you might prefer a while loop that detects the null terminator:


    int i = 0;
    while (msg[i])
        // operate on msg[i]
  2. Your fgets and scanf are probably fine, but personally, I would be consistent when reading input, and fgets for it all. Then you can sscanf to get key out later.




scanf and fgets seem fine in this situation the way you've used them.


In C, a string is just an array of characters. So, you access each element using a for loop and array indexing:


for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) {
  char thisChar = str[i];
  //Do the processing for each character

You can perform arithmetic on thisChar as necessary, but be careful not to exceed 255. You might want to put a check on key to ensure it doesn't get too big.




Getting a string from scanf:


char msg[31];
scanf("%30s", msg);

OR (less efficient, because you have to fill the array with 0s first)


char msg[31] = { 0 };
scanf("%30c", msg);

Iterating a string is as easy a for loop (be sure to use c99 or c11)


int len = strlen(msg);
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    char current = msg[i];
    //do something
    msg[i] = current;

"Encrypting" (i.e. ciphering) a character require a few steps


  1. Determine if we have an uppercase character, lowercase character, or non-alphabetic character
  2. 确定我们是否有大写字符,小写字符或非字母字符

  3. Determine the position in the alphabet, if alphabetic.
  4. 如果是字母,则确定字母表中的位置。

  5. Update the position, using the modulus operator (%)
  6. 使用模数运算符更新位置(%)

  7. Correct the position, if alphabetic
  8. 如果是字母,请更正位置

I could give you the code here, but then you wouldn't learn anything from doing it yourself. Instead, I encourage you to implement the cipher based on the steps I provided above.


Note that you can do things like:


char c = 'C';
char e = 'E' + 2; 
char lower_c = 'C' - 'A' + 'a';



  1. You just need a simple for loop:


    for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++)
        // operate on msg[i]

    If you didn't know the length of the string to begin with, you might prefer a while loop that detects the null terminator:


    int i = 0;
    while (msg[i])
        // operate on msg[i]
  2. Your fgets and scanf are probably fine, but personally, I would be consistent when reading input, and fgets for it all. Then you can sscanf to get key out later.




scanf and fgets seem fine in this situation the way you've used them.


In C, a string is just an array of characters. So, you access each element using a for loop and array indexing:


for (int i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++) {
  char thisChar = str[i];
  //Do the processing for each character

You can perform arithmetic on thisChar as necessary, but be careful not to exceed 255. You might want to put a check on key to ensure it doesn't get too big.




Getting a string from scanf:


char msg[31];
scanf("%30s", msg);

OR (less efficient, because you have to fill the array with 0s first)


char msg[31] = { 0 };
scanf("%30c", msg);

Iterating a string is as easy a for loop (be sure to use c99 or c11)


int len = strlen(msg);
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    char current = msg[i];
    //do something
    msg[i] = current;

"Encrypting" (i.e. ciphering) a character require a few steps


  1. Determine if we have an uppercase character, lowercase character, or non-alphabetic character
  2. 确定我们是否有大写字符,小写字符或非字母字符

  3. Determine the position in the alphabet, if alphabetic.
  4. 如果是字母,则确定字母表中的位置。

  5. Update the position, using the modulus operator (%)
  6. 使用模数运算符更新位置(%)

  7. Correct the position, if alphabetic
  8. 如果是字母,请更正位置

I could give you the code here, but then you wouldn't learn anything from doing it yourself. Instead, I encourage you to implement the cipher based on the steps I provided above.


Note that you can do things like:


char c = 'C';
char e = 'E' + 2; 
char lower_c = 'C' - 'A' + 'a';