
时间:2022-09-26 07:47:08

I'm in desperate need of some help here.


My problem is this: There are two tables in my database, tblSubmission and tblStudent. tblStudent is linked with tblSubmission by the student_id key. Some of the rows in tblStudent have been deleted, and are therefore unlinked to their row in tblSubmission.

我的问题是:我的数据库中有两个表,tblSubmission和tblStudent。 tblStudent通过student_id键与tblSubmission链接。 tblStudent中的某些行已被删除,因此在tblSubmission中与其行无法链接。

What I need to do is compare the two tables, and find the student_id's that exist in tblSubmission, but NOT in tblStudent, but the results from tblSubmission have to have a column where app_id equals 358.


Checking through these rows manually is not an option since there are thousands of them. I've tried many queries already, using the most SQL I know and clauses like NOT EXISTS and NOT IN, but to no avail.

手动检查这些行不是一个选项,因为它们有数千个。我已经尝试了很多查询,使用我所知道的最多的SQL和条款,如NOT EXISTS和NOT IN,但无济于事。

1 个解决方案



This will show all records in tblSubmission that have not a correlated record in tblStudent:


SELECT tblSubmission.*
FROM tblSubmission left join tblStudent on tblSubmission.student_id = tblStudent.student_id
WHERE tblStudent.student_id is null
      AND app_id = 358

or also:

SELECT tblSubmission.*
FROM tblSubmission
WHERE student_id not in (select student_id from tblStudent)
      AND app_id = 358



This will show all records in tblSubmission that have not a correlated record in tblStudent:


SELECT tblSubmission.*
FROM tblSubmission left join tblStudent on tblSubmission.student_id = tblStudent.student_id
WHERE tblStudent.student_id is null
      AND app_id = 358

or also:

SELECT tblSubmission.*
FROM tblSubmission
WHERE student_id not in (select student_id from tblStudent)
      AND app_id = 358