
时间:2022-09-25 23:55:34

I am trying to pick up the value of a visual text input and validate if it exists in the database, the problem is that it throws me the following error "Variable does not exist: searchDir"


I leave my code (summarized):


Controller extension:

public class Direccion {

  public string searchDir{get; set;}
  public ApexPages.StandardController controller {get; set;}

  public Direccion(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
    this.controller = controller;

  public static void verificarDireccion() {
    Account[] registros = [ SELECT FiscalAddress__c, BillingAddress__c, ShippingAddress__c
                            FROM Account
                            WHERE Account.FiscalAddress__c =: searchDir
                            OR Account.BillingAddress__c =: searchDir
                            OR Account.ShippingAddress__c =: searchDir
    if(registros.size() > 0) {




<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="Direccion" id="page">

<apex:inputText id="FiscalAdress" value="{!searchDir}"/>

1 个解决方案



searchDir is an instance variable. It is bound to a specific instance of the class Direccion - here, the controller extension.

searchDir是一个实例变量。它绑定到类Direccion的特定实例 - 这里是控制器扩展。

static methods, such as @RemoteAction JavaScript remoting actions, aren't bound to a specific instance and have no access to the instance variables of the Visualforce page's controller. As such, all state must be passed to the remote action as parameters.

静态方法(如@RemoteAction JavaScript远程处理操作)未绑定到特定实例,并且无法访问Visualforce页面控制器的实例变量。因此,必须将所有状态作为参数传递给远程操作。

You need to modify the signature of your @RemoteAction method to


public static void verificarDireccion(String searchDir) {

and alter your Visualforce page's call to the method correspondingly, to pass the current value of this state variable directly to the method.




searchDir is an instance variable. It is bound to a specific instance of the class Direccion - here, the controller extension.

searchDir是一个实例变量。它绑定到类Direccion的特定实例 - 这里是控制器扩展。

static methods, such as @RemoteAction JavaScript remoting actions, aren't bound to a specific instance and have no access to the instance variables of the Visualforce page's controller. As such, all state must be passed to the remote action as parameters.

静态方法(如@RemoteAction JavaScript远程处理操作)未绑定到特定实例,并且无法访问Visualforce页面控制器的实例变量。因此,必须将所有状态作为参数传递给远程操作。

You need to modify the signature of your @RemoteAction method to


public static void verificarDireccion(String searchDir) {

and alter your Visualforce page's call to the method correspondingly, to pass the current value of this state variable directly to the method.
