
时间:2022-09-25 23:25:36

Back in the scripted ASP and ColdFusion days, I used to work on projects that would build code generators for ASP or Coldfusion, typically in C++, in order to be more object oriented in application design and not have developers writing scripted code, which often was called "spaghetti code" for it's size and complexity.

回到脚本化的ASP和ColdFusion时代,我曾经处理过为ASP或Coldfusion构建代码生成器的项目,通常是在C ++中,以便在应用程序设计中更加面向对象,而不是开发人员编写脚本代码,这通常是因其大小和复杂性而被称为“意大利面条代码”。

Since I've been coding asp.net since 2000, I haven't really had to deal with the issue at all, since the platform is not scripted.


I may be working on PHP projects in the future, and I was wondering if any code generators for PHP exist, or if any good references for building these generators exist. It would be for the Linux platform, not targeted to Win2008 Servers running PHP.


3 个解决方案



I'm rather sceptical on the merits of code generation in the context of a dynamic language, such as PHP. You can generally use other kinds of abstraction to get the same results. Unlike a statically typed, compiled language, it is rather easy to use dynamic hooks such as __get and __set and reflection, to make generic abstract objects.




Why not just build a proper app in PHP instead of going through the hassle? Recent PHP is fully object-oriented and lets you do some pretty decent stuff. There are even frameworks that help you do this kind of stuff.




It's better that you learned good development practices in PHP than use code-generators. PHP might be a scripting language but it is quite potent, has a nice OO model, plenty of good frameworks and other open-source packages.

在PHP中学习良好的开发实践比使用代码生成器更好。 PHP可能是一种脚本语言,但它非常有效,有一个很好的OO模型,很多好的框架和其他开源软件包。

It's up to the developer to create well designed and factored code base, regardless of whether it's compiled at run-time or not.




I'm rather sceptical on the merits of code generation in the context of a dynamic language, such as PHP. You can generally use other kinds of abstraction to get the same results. Unlike a statically typed, compiled language, it is rather easy to use dynamic hooks such as __get and __set and reflection, to make generic abstract objects.




Why not just build a proper app in PHP instead of going through the hassle? Recent PHP is fully object-oriented and lets you do some pretty decent stuff. There are even frameworks that help you do this kind of stuff.




It's better that you learned good development practices in PHP than use code-generators. PHP might be a scripting language but it is quite potent, has a nice OO model, plenty of good frameworks and other open-source packages.

在PHP中学习良好的开发实践比使用代码生成器更好。 PHP可能是一种脚本语言,但它非常有效,有一个很好的OO模型,很多好的框架和其他开源软件包。

It's up to the developer to create well designed and factored code base, regardless of whether it's compiled at run-time or not.
