
时间:2022-09-25 22:03:26

Application Services are used to expose domain logic to the presentation layer. An Application Service is called from presentation layer with a DTO (Data Transfer Object) as parameter, uses domain objects to perform some specific business logic and returns a DTO back to the presentation layer. Thus, Presentation layer is completely isolated from Domain layer. In an ideally layered application, presentation layer never directly works with domain objects.


IApplicationService Interface

In ASP.NET Boilerplate, an application service should implement IApplicationService interface. It's good to create an interface for each Application Service. So, we first define an interface for an application service as shown below:

public interface IPersonAppService : IApplicationService
void CreatePerson(CreatePersonInput input);

IPersonAppService has only one method. It's used by presentation layer to create a new person. CreatePersonInput is a DTO object as shown below:

public class CreatePersonInput
public string Name { get; set; } public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

Then we can implement the IPersonAppService:

public class PersonAppService : IPersonAppService
private readonly IRepository<Person> _personRepository; public PersonAppService(IRepository<Person> personRepository)
_personRepository = personRepository;
} public void CreatePerson(CreatePersonInput input)
var person = _personRepository.FirstOrDefault(p => p.EmailAddress == input.EmailAddress);
if (person != null)
throw new UserFriendlyException("There is already a person with given email address");
} person = new Person { Name = input.Name, EmailAddress = input.EmailAddress };

There are some important points here:

  • PersonAppService uses IRepository<Person> to perform database operations. It uses constructor injection pattern. We're using dependency injection here.
  • PersonAppService implements IApplicationService (since IPersonAppService extends IApplicationService), it's automatically registered to Dependency Injection system by ASP.NET Boilerplate and can be injected and used by other classes. Naming convention is important here.(命名约定在这里很重要) See dependency injection document for more.
  • CreatePerson method gets CreatePersonInput. It's an input DTO and automatically validated by ASP.NET Boilerplate. See DTO and validation documents for details.

ApplicationService Class

An application service should implement IApplicationService interface as declared above. Also, optionally, can be derived from ApplicationService base class. Thus, IApplicationService is inherently implemented. Also, ApplicationService class has some base functionality that makes easy to logging, localization and so on... It's suggested to create a special base class for your application services that extends ApplicationService class. Thus, you can add some common functionality for all your application services. A sample application service class is shown below:


public class TaskAppService : ApplicationService, ITaskAppService
public TaskAppService()
LocalizationSourceName = "SimpleTaskSystem";
} public void CreateTask(CreateTaskInput input)
//Write some logs (Logger is defined in ApplicationService class)
Logger.Info("Creating a new task with description: " + input.Description); //Get a localized text (L is a shortcut for LocalizationHelper.GetString(...), defined in ApplicationService class)
var text = L("SampleLocalizableTextKey"); //TODO: Add new task to database...

You can have a base class which defines LocalizationSourceName in it's constructor. Thus, you do not repeat it for all service classes. See logging and localization documents for more informations on this topics.


CrudAppService and AsyncCrudAppService Classes

If you need to create an application service that will have Create, Update, Delete, Get, GetAll methods for a specific entity, you can inherit from CrudAppService (or AsyncCrudAppService if you want to create async methods) class to create it easier. CrudAppService base class is generic which gets related Entity and DTO types as generic arguments and is extensible which allows you to override functionality when you need to customize it.


Simple CRUD Application Service Example

Assume that we have a Task entity defined below:

public class Task : Entity, IHasCreationTime
public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } public TaskState State { get; set; } public Person AssignedPerson { get; set; }
public Guid? AssignedPersonId { get; set; } public Task()
CreationTime = Clock.Now;
State = TaskState.Open;

And we created a DTO for this entity:

public class TaskDto : EntityDto, IHasCreationTime
public string Title { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public DateTime CreationTime { get; set; } public TaskState State { get; set; } public Guid? AssignedPersonId { get; set; } public string AssignedPersonName { get; set; }

AutoMap attribute creates auto mapping configuration between entity and dto. Now, we can create an application service as shown below:

public class TaskAppService : AsyncCrudAppService<Task, TaskDto>
public TaskAppService(IRepository<Task> repository)
: base(repository)
{ }

We injected the repository and passed it to the base class (We could inherit from CrudAppService if we want to create sync methods instead of async methods). That's all! TaskAppService now have simple CRUD methods. If you want to define an interface for the application service, you can create your interface as shown below:


public interface ITaskAppService : IAsyncCrudAppService<TaskDto>
{ }

Notice that IAsyncCrudAppService does not get the entity (Task) as generic argument. Because, entity is related to implementation and should not be included in public interface. Now, we can implement ITaskAppService interface for the TaskAppService class:


public class TaskAppService : AsyncCrudAppService<Task, TaskDto>, ITaskAppService
public TaskAppService(IRepository<Task> repository)
: base(repository)
{ }

Customize CRUD Application Services(定制的CRUD应用服务)

Getting List

Crud application service gets PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto as argument for GetAll method as default, which provides optional sorting and paging parameters. But you may want to add another parameters for GetAll method. For example, you may want to add some custom filters. In that case, you can create a DTO for GetAll method. Example:


public class GetAllTasksInput : PagedAndSortedResultRequestDto
public TaskState? State { get; set; }

We inherit from PagedAndSortedResultRequestInput (which is not required, but wanted to use paging & sorting parameters form the base class) and added an optional State property to filter tasks by state. Now, we should change TaskAppService in order to apply the custom filter:


public class TaskAppService : AsyncCrudAppService<Task, TaskDto, int, GetAllTasksInput>
public TaskAppService(IRepository<Task> repository)
: base(repository)
{ } protected override IQueryable<Task> CreateFilteredQuery(GetAllTasksInput input)
return base.CreateFilteredQuery(input)
.WhereIf(input.State.HasValue, t => t.State == input.State.Value);

First, we added GetAllTasksInput as 4th generic parameter to AsyncCrudAppService class (3rd one is PK type of the entity). Then overrided CreateFilteredQuery method to apply custom filters. This method is an extension point for AsyncCrudAppService class (WhereIf is an extension method of ABP to simplify conditional filtering. But actually what we do is to simply filter an IQueryable).


Note that: If you have created application service interface, you need to add same generic arguments to that interface too.


Create and Update

Notice that we are using same DTO (TaskDto) for getting, creating and updating tasks which may not be good for real life applications. So, we may want to customize create and update DTOs. Let's start by creating aCreateTaskInput class:


public class CreateTaskInput
public string Title { get; set; } [MaxLength(Task.MaxDescriptionLength)]
public string Description { get; set; } public Guid? AssignedPersonId { get; set; }

And create an UpdateTaskInput DTO:

public class UpdateTaskInput : CreateTaskInput, IEntityDto
public int Id { get; set; } public TaskState State { get; set; }

I wanted to inherit from CreateTaskInput to include all properties for Update operation (but you may want different). Implementing IEntity (or IEntity<PrimaryKey> for different PK than int) is required here, because we need to know which entity is being updated. Lastly, I added an additional property, State, which is not in CreateTaskInput.

我想从createtaskinput包括更新操作的所有属性(但你可能需要不同的)。实现认同(or IEntity<PrimaryKey> for different PK than int)是必须的,因为我们需要知道哪些实体正在更新。最后,我添加了一个额外的属性,状态,这是不是在CreateTaskInput。

Now, we can use these DTO classes as generic arguments for AsyncCrudAppService class, as shown below:


public class TaskAppService : AsyncCrudAppService<Task, TaskDto, int, GetAllTasksInput, CreateTaskInput, UpdateTaskInput>
public TaskAppService(IRepository<Task> repository)
: base(repository)
{ } protected override IQueryable<Task> CreateFilteredQuery(GetAllTasksInput input)
return base.CreateFilteredQuery(input)
.WhereIf(input.State.HasValue, t => t.State == input.State.Value);

No need to an additional code change.


Other Method Arguments(其他方法的参数)

AsyncCrudAppService can get more generic arguments if you want to customize input DTOs for Get and Delete methods. Also, all methods of the base class is virtual, so you can override them to customize the behaviour.


CRUD Permissions(CRUD权限)

You probably need to authorize your CRUD methods. There are pre-defined permission properties you can set: GetPermissionName, GetAllPermissionName, CreatePermissionName, UpdatePermissionName and DeletePermissionName. Base CRUD class automatically checks permissions if you set them. You can set it in the constructor as shown below:


public class TaskAppService : AsyncCrudAppService<Task, TaskDto>
public TaskAppService(IRepository<Task> repository)
: base(repository)
CreatePermissionName = "MyTaskCreationPermission";

Alternatively, you can override appropriate permission checker methods to manually check permissions: CheckGetPermission(), CheckGetAllPermission(), CheckCreatePermission(), CheckUpdatePermission(), CheckDeletePermission(). As default, they all calls CheckPermission(...) method with related permission name which simply calls IPermissionChecker.Authorize(...) method.


Unit of Work

An application service method is a unit of work by default in ASP.NET Boilerplate. Thus, any application service method is transactional and automatically saves all database changes at the end of the method.


See unit of work documentation for more.

Lifetime of an Application Service

All application service instances are Transient. It means, they are instantiated per usage. See Dependency Injection documentation for more information.



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