I have a transient optional attribute addedImages in Swift as part of an one-to-many relationship within a managed object with the attribute and the accessor methods:
@NSManaged public var addedImages: NSSet?
@NSManaged public func addToAddedImages(_ value: MMImage)
@NSManaged public func removeFromAddedImages(_ value: MMImage)
@NSManaged public func addToAddedImages(_ values: NSSet)
@NSManaged public func removeFromAddedImages(_ values: NSSet)
The failing code is run within a serial queue and crashes with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
let backgroundContext = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: NSManagedObjectContextConcurrencyType.privateQueueConcurrencyType)
backgroundContext.performAndWait {
print("\(self.addedImages?.count ?? 0) added images")
It works without issues when I rather define addedImages as non-transient. I'm not sure if this is a normal behavior, and how I could fix this. Thank you for your help.
1 个解决方案
My assumption that a transient attribute would be initialized with nil during the creation and fetch was wrong. When I tried to access count, the object was simply not in memory. I had to add this to awakeFromFetch and awakeFromInsert, which works.
if self.addedImages == nil {
self.addedImages = nil
My assumption that a transient attribute would be initialized with nil during the creation and fetch was wrong. When I tried to access count, the object was simply not in memory. I had to add this to awakeFromFetch and awakeFromInsert, which works.
if self.addedImages == nil {
self.addedImages = nil