从数据库中获取不工作的Android数据(php + json + mysql)

时间:2022-09-25 15:51:16

Although I know that this question has already been posted on stack overflow many times, but I have tried all solutions and nothing worked for me.

虽然我知道这个问题已经在stack overflow上贴了很多次了,但是我已经尝试了所有的解决方案,但是没有一个对我有用。

I am trying to display data in List View. Data is stored in the json format and while fetching data it seems like android is not reading the JSON Array and hence data is not coming up in List View and it remains empty.


Java file:


public class ReadResult extends ListActivity {
private ProgressDialog pDialog;
JSONParser jParser = new JSONParser();

ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> ResultFetch;
private static String url_readResult = "";

private static final String TAG_SUCCESS = "success";
private static final String TAG_SCORE = "Score";
private static final String TAG_SEMESTER = "Semester";
private static final String TAG_PRODUCTS = "products";
JSONArray products = null;
ListView list;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    list = (ListView) getListView();
    ResultFetch = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>();
    new LoadResult().execute();

class LoadResult extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
    protected void onPreExecute() {
        pDialog = new ProgressDialog(ReadResult.this);
        pDialog.setMessage("Loading Result. Please wait...");

    protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        List<NameValuePair> param = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();

        JSONObject json = jParser.makeHttpRequest(url_readResult, "GET",

        Log.d("Result: ", json.toString());
        try {
            int success = json.getInt(TAG_SUCCESS);
            if (success == 1) {
                JSONObject object = new JSONObject(json.toString());
                products = object.getJSONArray(TAG_PRODUCTS);

                for (int i = 0; i < products.length(); i++) {
                    JSONObject c = products.getJSONObject(i);
                    String Semester = c.getString(TAG_SEMESTER);
                    String Score = c.getString(TAG_SCORE);
                    HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
                    map.put(TAG_SEMESTER, Semester);
                    map.put(TAG_SCORE, Score);
            } else {
                 Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),
                 "No Result Found", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
        } catch (JSONException e) {

        return null;

    protected void onPostExecute(String file_url) {
        runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {

                ListAdapter adapter = new SimpleAdapter(ReadResult.this,
                        ResultFetch, R.layout.list_item, new String[] {
                                TAG_SEMESTER, TAG_SCORE }, new int[] {
                                R.id.semester, R.id.score });







php file :


$cid = $_SESSION["cid"];
$rno = $_SESSION["rno"];
$response = array();

$conn=new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=result','root' ,'');
$result=$conn->query("Select * from $cid where RegistrationNumber =     '$rno'");

$response["products"] = array();
foreach($result as $row)
$product["Semester"] = $row["Semester"];
$product["Score"] = $row["Score"];
$response["success"] = 1;
array_push($response["products"], $product);
echo json_encode($response);
$response["success"] = 0;
$response["message"] = "No record found.";
echo json_encode($response);


I have passed the cid,rno and password through sign in page and the following is the json output generated by running read data page.

我已经通过页面中的sign传递了cid、rno和密码,下面是运行read data页面生成的json输出。

json output :



2 个解决方案



I got a comment on your code that might help. The following line is useless


JSONObject object = new JSONObject(json.toString());

as you can just use json as your JSONObject instead of creating a new one.




In reply to a comment from Sarthak Garg I'm posting an example here of converting a String response to a Java object using Gson.

作为对Sarthak Garg评论的回应,我在这里发布了一个使用Gson将字符串响应转换为Java对象的示例。

I'd personally take a different approach to making a call to your web service than you are but that's outside the scope of this discussion so I'll just say what I would do given your existing code sample.


The following line from your code sample gives you a json object which can easily be converted to a String.


JSONObject json = jParser.makeHttpRequest(url_readResult, "GET",param);
String myString = json.toString();

What Gson does for you is all of the tedious work of parsing the json and extracting the various parts you need from it. To understand the full capabilities of Gson you'll need to do some Googling, the sample I give you here is just one thing you can do with it.


What this sample does is creates a new Gson instance and then uses that instance to convert your json String to a POJO (Plain Old Java Object). Think of the YourPojo class as a template which you give to Gson to use in order to tell it what the incloming json will look like and what you'd like the resulting object to look like.


Gson gson = new Gson();
YourPojo pojo = gson.fromJson(myString, YourPojo.class);

The only extra work you have to do here is create the YourPojo class and thankfully there are tools out there which can help with that, e.g. this one


These tools will take a json sample you provide it with and generate a Pojo class or classes for you. All you need do is supply the class name.


If you've implemented this successfully you'll be able to call methods like pojo.getProducts() and pojo.getSuccess() on your pojo object.

如果您成功实现了这个功能,那么您将能够在pojo对象上调用pojo. getproducts()和pojo. getsuccess()等方法。



I got a comment on your code that might help. The following line is useless


JSONObject object = new JSONObject(json.toString());

as you can just use json as your JSONObject instead of creating a new one.




In reply to a comment from Sarthak Garg I'm posting an example here of converting a String response to a Java object using Gson.

作为对Sarthak Garg评论的回应,我在这里发布了一个使用Gson将字符串响应转换为Java对象的示例。

I'd personally take a different approach to making a call to your web service than you are but that's outside the scope of this discussion so I'll just say what I would do given your existing code sample.


The following line from your code sample gives you a json object which can easily be converted to a String.


JSONObject json = jParser.makeHttpRequest(url_readResult, "GET",param);
String myString = json.toString();

What Gson does for you is all of the tedious work of parsing the json and extracting the various parts you need from it. To understand the full capabilities of Gson you'll need to do some Googling, the sample I give you here is just one thing you can do with it.


What this sample does is creates a new Gson instance and then uses that instance to convert your json String to a POJO (Plain Old Java Object). Think of the YourPojo class as a template which you give to Gson to use in order to tell it what the incloming json will look like and what you'd like the resulting object to look like.


Gson gson = new Gson();
YourPojo pojo = gson.fromJson(myString, YourPojo.class);

The only extra work you have to do here is create the YourPojo class and thankfully there are tools out there which can help with that, e.g. this one


These tools will take a json sample you provide it with and generate a Pojo class or classes for you. All you need do is supply the class name.


If you've implemented this successfully you'll be able to call methods like pojo.getProducts() and pojo.getSuccess() on your pojo object.

如果您成功实现了这个功能,那么您将能够在pojo对象上调用pojo. getproducts()和pojo. getsuccess()等方法。