为什么从java进程调用的NSS PK12UTIL报告错误的数据库?

时间:2022-09-25 11:36:37

I do the following:


File tmpDir = com.google.common.io.Files.createTempDir();

// determine command based upon OS
String prefix = "pk12util";
String command = String.format(
            "-i %s -d sql:%s -W '' -K ''", 
            cert.getAbsolutePath(), tmpDir.getAbsolutePath());

// run the command
CommandRunner.run(prefix, command);

CommandRunner is a wrapper around the java ProcessBuilder. It handles creating the process, returning command output and exit status.

CommandRunner是java ProcessBuilder的包装器。它处理创建进程,返回命令输出和退出状态。

Here is the command being run from the java process and the corresponding output.


pk12util -i a-typical-tls-cert.p12 -d sql:/tmpdirpath -W '' -K ''

pk12util -i a-typical-tls-cert.p12 -d sql:/ tmpdirpath -W''-K''

pk12util: function failed: security library: bad database.


When I copy and paste the command I am running from the java process it completes successfully. I verified permissions on the certdir. I even tried running the -N on the tmpDir which yields no resolution. Anyone have any suggestions? I tried to dig through the source code for the pk12util for the error but couldn't find anything pertinent.


1 个解决方案



I am not sure if anyone else will be doing this but I solved the issue by modifying my CommandRunner from using the ProcessBuilder to use using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command). I don't understand why the process builder was failing versus the runtime#exec.




I am not sure if anyone else will be doing this but I solved the issue by modifying my CommandRunner from using the ProcessBuilder to use using the Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command). I don't understand why the process builder was failing versus the runtime#exec.
