
时间:2022-09-25 10:32:58

I need to enumerate all classes in a package and add them to a List. The non-dynamic version for a single class goes like this:


List allClasses = new ArrayList();

How can I do this dynamically to add all classes in a package and all its subpackages?


Update: Having read the early answers, it's absolutely true that I'm trying to solve another secondary problem, so let me state it. And I know this is possible since other tools do it. See new question here.


Update: Reading this again, I can see how it's being misread. I'm looking to enumerate all of MY PROJECT'S classes from the file system after compilation.

更新:再次阅读,我可以看到它是如何被误读的。我想在编译后从文件系统中枚举所有MY PROJECT'S类。

8 个解决方案



****UPDATE 1 (2012)****


OK, I've finally gotten around to cleaning up the code snippet below. I stuck it into it's own github project and even added tests.



****UPDATE 2 (2016)****


For an even more robust and feature-rich classpath scanner, see https://github.com/lukehutch/fast-classpath-scanner/wiki. I'd recommend first reading my code snippet to gain a high level understanding, then using lukehutch's tool for production purposes.


****Original Post (2010)****


Strictly speaking, it isn't possible to list the classes in a package. This is because a package is really nothing more than a namespace (eg com.epicapplications.foo.bar), and any jar-file in the classpath could potentially add classes into a package. Even worse, the classloader will load classes on demand, and part of the classpath might be on the other side of a network connection.


It is possible to solve a more restrictive problem. eg, all classes in a JAR file, or all classes that a JAR file defines within a particular package. This is the more common scenario anyways.


Unfortunately, there isn't any framework code to make this task easy. You have to scan the filesystem in a manner similar to how the ClassLoader would look for class definitions.


There are a lot of samples on the web for class files in plain-old-directories. Most of us these days work with JAR files.


To get things working with JAR files, try this...


private static ArrayList<Class<?>> getClassesForPackage(Package pkg) {
    String pkgname = pkg.getName();
    ArrayList<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
    // Get a File object for the package
    File directory = null;
    String fullPath;
    String relPath = pkgname.replace('.', '/');
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Package: " + pkgname + " becomes Path:" + relPath);
    URL resource = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(relPath);
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Resource = " + resource);
    if (resource == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No resource for " + relPath);
    fullPath = resource.getFile();
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: FullPath = " + resource);

    try {
        directory = new File(resource.toURI());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(pkgname + " (" + resource + ") does not appear to be a valid URL / URI.  Strange, since we got it from the system...", e);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        directory = null;
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Directory = " + directory);

    if (directory != null && directory.exists()) {
        // Get the list of the files contained in the package
        String[] files = directory.list();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            // we are only interested in .class files
            if (files[i].endsWith(".class")) {
                // removes the .class extension
                String className = pkgname + '.' + files[i].substring(0, files[i].length() - 6);
                System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " + className);
                try {
                catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("ClassNotFoundException loading " + className);
    else {
        try {
            String jarPath = fullPath.replaceFirst("[.]jar[!].*", ".jar").replaceFirst("file:", "");
            JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jarPath);         
            Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries();
            while(entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                String entryName = entry.getName();
                if(entryName.startsWith(relPath) && entryName.length() > (relPath.length() + "/".length())) {
                    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: JarEntry: " + entryName);
                    String className = entryName.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.').replace(".class", "");
                    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " + className);
                    try {
                    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("ClassNotFoundException loading " + className);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(pkgname + " (" + directory + ") does not appear to be a valid package", e);
    return classes;



I figured out how to do this. Here's the procedure:


  1. Start with a class in the root package, and get the folder it's in from the class loader
  2. 从根包中的类开始,从类加载器中获取它所在的文件夹

  3. Recursively enumerate all .class files in this folder
  4. 递归枚举此文件夹中的所有.class文件

  5. Convert the file names to fully qualified class names
  6. 将文件名转换为完全限定的类名

  7. Use Class.forName() to get the classes
  8. 使用Class.forName()来获取类

There are a few nasty tricks here that make me a bit uneasy, but it works - for example:

这里有一些令人讨厌的技巧让我有点不安,但它有效 - 例如:

  1. Converting path names to package names using string manipulation
  2. 使用字符串操作将路径名转换为包名

  3. Hard-coding the root package name to enable stripping away the path prefix
  4. 对根软件包名称进行硬编码以启用剥离路径前缀

Too bad that * doesn't allow me to accept my own answer...




You could try my library FastClasspathScanner.


To enumerate all classes in a package, do the following:


Set<String> classNames = new FastClassPathScanner("com.mypackage")



I'm afraid you'll have to manually scan the classpath and the other places where java searches for classes (e.g., the ext directory or the boot classpath). Since java uses lazy loading of classes, it may not even know about additional classes in your packages that haven't been loaded yet. Also check the notion of "sealed" packages.




It's funny that this question comes up every once in a while. The problem is that this keyword would have been more appropriately named "namespace". The Java package does not delineate a concrete container that holds all the classes in the package at any one time. It simply defines a token that classes can use to declare that they are a member of that package. You'd have to search through the entire classpath (as another reply indicated) to determine all the classes in a package.

有趣的是,这个问题每隔一段时间就出现一次。问题是这个关键字更适合命名为“namespace”。 Java包不会描述在任何时候都包含包中所有类的具体容器。它只是定义了一个令牌,类可以用它来声明它们是该包的成员。您必须搜索整个类路径(如指示的另一个回复)以确定包中的所有类。



There is a caveat to this: ApplicationEngines/servlet containers like tomcat and JBoss have hierarchical class loaders. Getting the system class loader will not do.

有一点需要注意:像tomcat和JBoss这样的ApplicationEngines / servlet容器有分层类加载器。获取系统类加载器是行不通的。

The way Tomcat works (things may have changed, but my current experience doesn't lead me to believe otherwise) but each application context has it's own class loader so that classes for application 'foo' don't collide with classes for application 'fooV2'


Just as an example. If all the classes got munged into one uber class context then you would have no idea if you were using classes appropriate for version 1 or version 2.


In addition, each one needs access to system classes like java.lang.String. This is the hierarchy. It checks the local app context first and moves it's way up (this is my current situation BTW).


To manage this, a better approach would be: this.getClass().getClassloader()


In my case I have a webservice that needs to do self-discovery on some modules and they obviously reside in 'this' webservice context or the system context. By doing the above I get to check both. By just getting the system classloader I don't get access to any of the application classes (and thus my resources are null).




Look at what java.net.URLClassLoader is doing. It never enumerates classes, it just tries to find classes when asked for one. If you want to enumerate the classes, then you will need to get the classpath, split it into directories and jar files. Scan the directories (and their subdirectories) and jar files for files with the name *.class.

看看java.net.URLClassLoader正在做什么。它从不枚举类,只是在被要求时才尝试查找类。如果要枚举类,则需要获取类路径,将其拆分为目录和jar文件。扫描目录(及其子目录)和jar文件,查找名称为* .class的文件。

It may be worth looking at open source projects which seem to do the enumeration you want (like Eclipse) for inspiration.




If you are merely looking to load a group of related classes, then Spring can help you.


Spring can instantiate a list or map of all classes that implement a given interface in one line of code. The list or map will contain instances of all the classes that implement that interface.


That being said, as an alternative to loading the list of classes out of the file system, instead just implement the same interface in all the classes you want to load, regardless of package. That way, you can load (and instantiate) all the classes you desire regardless of what package they are in.


On the other hand, if having them all in a package is what you want, then simply have all the classes in that package implement a given interface.




****UPDATE 1 (2012)****


OK, I've finally gotten around to cleaning up the code snippet below. I stuck it into it's own github project and even added tests.



****UPDATE 2 (2016)****


For an even more robust and feature-rich classpath scanner, see https://github.com/lukehutch/fast-classpath-scanner/wiki. I'd recommend first reading my code snippet to gain a high level understanding, then using lukehutch's tool for production purposes.


****Original Post (2010)****


Strictly speaking, it isn't possible to list the classes in a package. This is because a package is really nothing more than a namespace (eg com.epicapplications.foo.bar), and any jar-file in the classpath could potentially add classes into a package. Even worse, the classloader will load classes on demand, and part of the classpath might be on the other side of a network connection.


It is possible to solve a more restrictive problem. eg, all classes in a JAR file, or all classes that a JAR file defines within a particular package. This is the more common scenario anyways.


Unfortunately, there isn't any framework code to make this task easy. You have to scan the filesystem in a manner similar to how the ClassLoader would look for class definitions.


There are a lot of samples on the web for class files in plain-old-directories. Most of us these days work with JAR files.


To get things working with JAR files, try this...


private static ArrayList<Class<?>> getClassesForPackage(Package pkg) {
    String pkgname = pkg.getName();
    ArrayList<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
    // Get a File object for the package
    File directory = null;
    String fullPath;
    String relPath = pkgname.replace('.', '/');
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Package: " + pkgname + " becomes Path:" + relPath);
    URL resource = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResource(relPath);
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Resource = " + resource);
    if (resource == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("No resource for " + relPath);
    fullPath = resource.getFile();
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: FullPath = " + resource);

    try {
        directory = new File(resource.toURI());
    } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(pkgname + " (" + resource + ") does not appear to be a valid URL / URI.  Strange, since we got it from the system...", e);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        directory = null;
    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: Directory = " + directory);

    if (directory != null && directory.exists()) {
        // Get the list of the files contained in the package
        String[] files = directory.list();
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            // we are only interested in .class files
            if (files[i].endsWith(".class")) {
                // removes the .class extension
                String className = pkgname + '.' + files[i].substring(0, files[i].length() - 6);
                System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " + className);
                try {
                catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("ClassNotFoundException loading " + className);
    else {
        try {
            String jarPath = fullPath.replaceFirst("[.]jar[!].*", ".jar").replaceFirst("file:", "");
            JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jarPath);         
            Enumeration<JarEntry> entries = jarFile.entries();
            while(entries.hasMoreElements()) {
                JarEntry entry = entries.nextElement();
                String entryName = entry.getName();
                if(entryName.startsWith(relPath) && entryName.length() > (relPath.length() + "/".length())) {
                    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: JarEntry: " + entryName);
                    String className = entryName.replace('/', '.').replace('\\', '.').replace(".class", "");
                    System.out.println("ClassDiscovery: className = " + className);
                    try {
                    catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("ClassNotFoundException loading " + className);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(pkgname + " (" + directory + ") does not appear to be a valid package", e);
    return classes;



I figured out how to do this. Here's the procedure:


  1. Start with a class in the root package, and get the folder it's in from the class loader
  2. 从根包中的类开始,从类加载器中获取它所在的文件夹

  3. Recursively enumerate all .class files in this folder
  4. 递归枚举此文件夹中的所有.class文件

  5. Convert the file names to fully qualified class names
  6. 将文件名转换为完全限定的类名

  7. Use Class.forName() to get the classes
  8. 使用Class.forName()来获取类

There are a few nasty tricks here that make me a bit uneasy, but it works - for example:

这里有一些令人讨厌的技巧让我有点不安,但它有效 - 例如:

  1. Converting path names to package names using string manipulation
  2. 使用字符串操作将路径名转换为包名

  3. Hard-coding the root package name to enable stripping away the path prefix
  4. 对根软件包名称进行硬编码以启用剥离路径前缀

Too bad that * doesn't allow me to accept my own answer...




You could try my library FastClasspathScanner.


To enumerate all classes in a package, do the following:


Set<String> classNames = new FastClassPathScanner("com.mypackage")



I'm afraid you'll have to manually scan the classpath and the other places where java searches for classes (e.g., the ext directory or the boot classpath). Since java uses lazy loading of classes, it may not even know about additional classes in your packages that haven't been loaded yet. Also check the notion of "sealed" packages.




It's funny that this question comes up every once in a while. The problem is that this keyword would have been more appropriately named "namespace". The Java package does not delineate a concrete container that holds all the classes in the package at any one time. It simply defines a token that classes can use to declare that they are a member of that package. You'd have to search through the entire classpath (as another reply indicated) to determine all the classes in a package.

有趣的是,这个问题每隔一段时间就出现一次。问题是这个关键字更适合命名为“namespace”。 Java包不会描述在任何时候都包含包中所有类的具体容器。它只是定义了一个令牌,类可以用它来声明它们是该包的成员。您必须搜索整个类路径(如指示的另一个回复)以确定包中的所有类。



There is a caveat to this: ApplicationEngines/servlet containers like tomcat and JBoss have hierarchical class loaders. Getting the system class loader will not do.

有一点需要注意:像tomcat和JBoss这样的ApplicationEngines / servlet容器有分层类加载器。获取系统类加载器是行不通的。

The way Tomcat works (things may have changed, but my current experience doesn't lead me to believe otherwise) but each application context has it's own class loader so that classes for application 'foo' don't collide with classes for application 'fooV2'


Just as an example. If all the classes got munged into one uber class context then you would have no idea if you were using classes appropriate for version 1 or version 2.


In addition, each one needs access to system classes like java.lang.String. This is the hierarchy. It checks the local app context first and moves it's way up (this is my current situation BTW).


To manage this, a better approach would be: this.getClass().getClassloader()


In my case I have a webservice that needs to do self-discovery on some modules and they obviously reside in 'this' webservice context or the system context. By doing the above I get to check both. By just getting the system classloader I don't get access to any of the application classes (and thus my resources are null).




Look at what java.net.URLClassLoader is doing. It never enumerates classes, it just tries to find classes when asked for one. If you want to enumerate the classes, then you will need to get the classpath, split it into directories and jar files. Scan the directories (and their subdirectories) and jar files for files with the name *.class.

看看java.net.URLClassLoader正在做什么。它从不枚举类,只是在被要求时才尝试查找类。如果要枚举类,则需要获取类路径,将其拆分为目录和jar文件。扫描目录(及其子目录)和jar文件,查找名称为* .class的文件。

It may be worth looking at open source projects which seem to do the enumeration you want (like Eclipse) for inspiration.




If you are merely looking to load a group of related classes, then Spring can help you.


Spring can instantiate a list or map of all classes that implement a given interface in one line of code. The list or map will contain instances of all the classes that implement that interface.


That being said, as an alternative to loading the list of classes out of the file system, instead just implement the same interface in all the classes you want to load, regardless of package. That way, you can load (and instantiate) all the classes you desire regardless of what package they are in.


On the other hand, if having them all in a package is what you want, then simply have all the classes in that package implement a given interface.
