
时间:2022-09-25 07:37:46

Having something like this:


public enum Token
     FOO("foo", "f"),
     QUIT("quit", "q"),
     UNKNOWN("", "");

     public parse(String s) {
         for (Token token : values()) {
              return token;
         return UNKNOWN;

An abstract class:


abstract class Base 
    private boolean run;

    Base() {
        run = true;

        while (run) {
             inp = getInput();

    public boolean act(String s) {
        boolean OK = true;
        switch (Token.parse(inp)) { /* Enum */
             case FOO:
             case QUIT:
                    run = false;
             case UNKNOWN:
                    print "Unknown" + inp;
                    OK = false;
         return OK;

And the extender:


class Major extends Base


What I want is to extend act as in if super does not handle it then try to handle it in Major. E.g. add PRINT_STAT("print-statistics", "ps") - but at the same time let the Base class handle defaults like QUIT.

我想要的是扩展act,如果super不处理它然后尝试在Major中处理它。例如。添加PRINT_STAT(“print-statistics”,“ps”) - 但同时让Base类处理默认值如QUIT。

Is this a completely wrong approach?


What I have done so far is add an interface Typically:


public interface BaseFace
      public boolean act_other(String inp);

And in class Base implements BaseFace:


      case UNKNOWN:
          OK = act_other(inp);

And in class Major:


  public boolean act_other(String inp) { 
       if (inp.equals("blah")) {
            return true; 
       return false;

Does this look like a usable design?


And, major question:


Is there some good way to extend the Token class such that I can use the same switch approach in Major as in Base? What I wonder is if there for one is a better design and second if I have to make a new Token class for Major or if I somehow can extend or otherwise re-use the existing.


Edit: Point of concept is to have the Base class that I can easily re-use in different projects handling various types of input.


4 个解决方案



All enums implicity extend Enum. In Java, a class can extend at most one other class.


You can, however, have your enum class implement an interface.


From this Java tutorial on Enum Types:


Note: All enums implicitly extend java.lang.Enum. Because a class can only extend one parent (see Declaring Classes), the Java language does not support multiple inheritance of state (see Multiple Inheritance of State, Implementation, and Type), and therefore an enum cannot extend anything else.


Edit for Java 8:

编辑Java 8:

As of Java 8, an interface can include default methods. This allows you to include method implementations (but not state) in interfaces. Although the primary purpose of this capability is to allow evolution of public interfaces, you could use this to inherit a custom method defining a common behavior among multiple enum classes.

从Java 8开始,接口可以包含默认方法。这允许您在接口中包含方法实现(但不包括状态)。虽然此功能的主要目的是允许公共接口的演变,但您可以使用它来继承定义多个枚举类之间的公共行为的自定义方法。

However, this could be brittle. If a method with the same signature were later added to the java.lang.Enum class, it would override your default methods . (When a method is defined both in a class's superclass and interfaces, the class implementation always wins.)

但是,这可能很脆弱。如果稍后将具有相同签名的方法添加到java.lang.Enum类中,它将覆盖您的默认方法。 (当在类的超类和接口中定义方法时,类实现总是获胜。)

For example:

interface IFoo {
    public default String name() {
        return "foo";

enum MyEnum implements IFoo {
    A, B, C

System.out.println( MyEnum.A.name() );  // Prints "A", not "foo" - superclass Enum wins



Your problem seems a good candidate for the Command Pattern


It is a good practice to use an enum as a logical group of supported actions. IMO, having a single enum to group all supported actions will improve the readability of your code. With this in mind, the Token enum should contain all the supported action types

将枚举用作受支持操作的逻辑组是一种很好的做法。 IMO,只需一个enum就可以对所有支持的操作进行分组,这将提高代码的可读性。考虑到这一点,令牌枚举应包含所有支持的操作类型

enum Token
   FOO("foo", "do_foo"),
   QUIT("quit", "do_quit"),
   PRINT_STATS("print", "do_print_stats"),
   UNKNOWN("unknown", "unknown")


Consider creating an interface Actor which defines an a method say act as shown below:


public interface Actor
   public void act();

Instead of having a single Base class that does too may things, you can have one class per supported command for e.g.


public class FooActor implements Actor
    public void act()
        do_foo(); //call some method like do_foo

public class PrintActor implements Actor
    public void act()
        print_stats(); //call some print stats

Finally, there will be a driver code that will take in as input the action to be performed, initialize the appropriate Actor and execute the action by invoking the act() method.


public class Driver
   public static void main(String[] args)
      String command; // will hold the input string from the user.

      //fetch input from the user and store it in command

      Token token = Token.parse(command);

         case FOO:
                   new FooActor().act();

         case PRINT_STATS:
                   new PrintActor().act();



Such a design will ensure that you can easily add new commands and the code remains modular.




As other say here, You can't extend enum. From design perspective this solution looks like it's too tightly coupled. I would advise to use more dynamic approach for this. You can create some kind of behavior map:


Map<Token, Runnable> behaviors;

This map could be easily modified or replaced. You can even store some sets of those predefined behaviors. In example:



(some additional checks are needed here of course)


And last note: in most cases avoid inheritance




You need to factor out an interface. It is, after all, a fairly common practice to always start with an interface, then provide an abstract class to supply some default implementations. If you have an interface, you can make the enum implement the interface.




All enums implicity extend Enum. In Java, a class can extend at most one other class.


You can, however, have your enum class implement an interface.


From this Java tutorial on Enum Types:


Note: All enums implicitly extend java.lang.Enum. Because a class can only extend one parent (see Declaring Classes), the Java language does not support multiple inheritance of state (see Multiple Inheritance of State, Implementation, and Type), and therefore an enum cannot extend anything else.


Edit for Java 8:

编辑Java 8:

As of Java 8, an interface can include default methods. This allows you to include method implementations (but not state) in interfaces. Although the primary purpose of this capability is to allow evolution of public interfaces, you could use this to inherit a custom method defining a common behavior among multiple enum classes.

从Java 8开始,接口可以包含默认方法。这允许您在接口中包含方法实现(但不包括状态)。虽然此功能的主要目的是允许公共接口的演变,但您可以使用它来继承定义多个枚举类之间的公共行为的自定义方法。

However, this could be brittle. If a method with the same signature were later added to the java.lang.Enum class, it would override your default methods . (When a method is defined both in a class's superclass and interfaces, the class implementation always wins.)

但是,这可能很脆弱。如果稍后将具有相同签名的方法添加到java.lang.Enum类中,它将覆盖您的默认方法。 (当在类的超类和接口中定义方法时,类实现总是获胜。)

For example:

interface IFoo {
    public default String name() {
        return "foo";

enum MyEnum implements IFoo {
    A, B, C

System.out.println( MyEnum.A.name() );  // Prints "A", not "foo" - superclass Enum wins



Your problem seems a good candidate for the Command Pattern


It is a good practice to use an enum as a logical group of supported actions. IMO, having a single enum to group all supported actions will improve the readability of your code. With this in mind, the Token enum should contain all the supported action types

将枚举用作受支持操作的逻辑组是一种很好的做法。 IMO,只需一个enum就可以对所有支持的操作进行分组,这将提高代码的可读性。考虑到这一点,令牌枚举应包含所有支持的操作类型

enum Token
   FOO("foo", "do_foo"),
   QUIT("quit", "do_quit"),
   PRINT_STATS("print", "do_print_stats"),
   UNKNOWN("unknown", "unknown")


Consider creating an interface Actor which defines an a method say act as shown below:


public interface Actor
   public void act();

Instead of having a single Base class that does too may things, you can have one class per supported command for e.g.


public class FooActor implements Actor
    public void act()
        do_foo(); //call some method like do_foo

public class PrintActor implements Actor
    public void act()
        print_stats(); //call some print stats

Finally, there will be a driver code that will take in as input the action to be performed, initialize the appropriate Actor and execute the action by invoking the act() method.


public class Driver
   public static void main(String[] args)
      String command; // will hold the input string from the user.

      //fetch input from the user and store it in command

      Token token = Token.parse(command);

         case FOO:
                   new FooActor().act();

         case PRINT_STATS:
                   new PrintActor().act();



Such a design will ensure that you can easily add new commands and the code remains modular.




As other say here, You can't extend enum. From design perspective this solution looks like it's too tightly coupled. I would advise to use more dynamic approach for this. You can create some kind of behavior map:


Map<Token, Runnable> behaviors;

This map could be easily modified or replaced. You can even store some sets of those predefined behaviors. In example:



(some additional checks are needed here of course)


And last note: in most cases avoid inheritance




You need to factor out an interface. It is, after all, a fairly common practice to always start with an interface, then provide an abstract class to supply some default implementations. If you have an interface, you can make the enum implement the interface.
