
时间:2022-09-24 23:41:41

In the C# example of polymorphism, there is a Cat class which inherits a class called AnimalBase and an interface called IAnimal.


The link in question is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymorphism_in_object-oriented_programming


My question is, why is both a base class and an interface used? Why not one or the other? I was of the school of thought that only an abstract class would be required for implementing polymorphism.



7 个解决方案


The statement that "inheriting from a base class allows you to inherit BEHAVIOR, whereas implementing an interface only lets you specify INTERACTION" is absolutely true.


But more importantly, interfaces allow statically typed languages to continue to support polymorphism. An Object Oriented purist would insist that a language should provide inheritance, encapsulation, modularity and polymorphism in order to be a fully-featured Object Oriented language. In dynamically-typed - or duck typed - languages (like Smalltalk,) polymorphism is trivial; however, in statically typed languages (like Java or C#,) polymorphism is far from trivial (in fact, on the surface it seems to be at odds with the notion of strong typing.)

但更重要的是,接口允许静态类型语言继续支持多态。面向对象的纯粹主义者会坚持认为语言应该提供继承,封装,模块化和多态,以便成为一个功能齐全的面向对象语言。在动态类型 - 或鸭类型 - 语言(如Smalltalk)中,多态性是微不足道的;然而,在静态类型语言(如Java或C#)中,多态性远非微不足道(事实上,从表面上看,它似乎与强类型的概念不一致。)

Let me demonstrate:


In a dynamically-typed (or duck typed) language (like Smalltalk), all variables are references to objects (nothing less and nothing more.) So, in Smalltalk, I can do this:


anAnimal := Pig new.
anAnimal makeNoise.

anAnimal := Cow new.
anAnimal makeNoise.

That code:

  1. Declares a local variable called anAnimal (note that we DO NOT specify the TYPE of the variable - all variables are references to an object, no more and no less.)
  2. 声明一个名为anAnimal的局部变量(请注意,我们不指定变量的TYPE - 所有变量都是对象的引用,不多也不少。)

  3. Creates a new instance of the class named "Pig"
  4. 创建名为“Pig”的类的新实例

  5. Assigns that new instance of Duck to the variable anAnimal.
  6. 将Duck的新实例分配给变量anAnimal。

  7. Sends the message makeNoise to the pig.
  8. 将消息makeNoise发送给猪。

  9. Repeats the whole thing using a cow, but assigning it to the same exact variable as the Pig.
  10. 使用牛重复整个事情,但将其分配给与Pig相同的确切变量。

The same Java code would look something like this (making the assumption that Duck and Cow are subclasses of Animal:


Animal anAnimal = new Pig();

anAnimal = new Cow();

That's all well and good, until we introduce class Vegetable. Vegetables have some of the same behavior as Animal, but not all. For example, both Animal and Vegetable might be able to grow, but clearly vegetables don't make noise and animals cannot be harvested.


In Smalltalk, we can write this:


aFarmObject := Cow new.
aFarmObject grow.
aFarmObject makeNoise.

aFarmObject := Corn new.
aFarmObject grow.
aFarmObject harvest.

This works perfectly well in Smalltalk because it is duck-typed (if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - it is a duck.) In this case, when a message is sent to an object, a lookup is performed on the receiver's method list, and if a matching method is found, it is called. If not, some kind of NoSuchMethodError exception is thrown - but it's all done at runtime.

这在Smalltalk中运行得非常好,因为它是鸭子类型(如果它像鸭子一样行走,像鸭子一样呱呱叫它 - 它是一只鸭子。)在这种情况下,当一条消息被发送到一个对象时,就会执行查找。接收者的方法列表,如果找到匹配的方法,则调用它。如果没有,则会抛出某种NoSuchMethodError异常 - 但它都是在运行时完成的。

But in Java, a statically typed language, what type can we assign to our variable? Corn needs to inherit from Vegetable, to support grow, but cannot inherit from Animal, because it does not make noise. Cow needs to inherit from Animal to support makeNoise, but cannot inherit from Vegetable because it should not implement harvest. It looks like we need multiple inheritance - the ability to inherit from more than one class. But that turns out to be a pretty difficult language feature because of all the edge cases that pop up (what happens when more than one parallel superclass implement the same method?, etc.)

但在Java中,一种静态类型语言,我们可以为变量分配什么类型?玉米需要从蔬菜中继承,以支持生长,但不能继承动物,因为它不会产生噪音。 Cow需要继承Animal以支持makeNoise,但不能继承VEG,因为它不应该实现收获。看起来我们需要多重继承 - 从多个类继承的能力。但事实证明这是一个非常困难的语言特性,因为弹出的所有边缘情况(当多个并行超类实现相同的方法时会发生什么?等)

Along come interfaces...


If we make Animal and Vegetable classes, with each implementing Growable, we can declare that our Cow is Animal and our Corn is Vegetable. We can also declare that both Animal and Vegetable are Growable. That lets us write this to grow everything:


List<Growable> list = new ArrayList<Growable>();
list.add(new Cow());
list.add(new Corn());
list.add(new Pig());

for(Growable g : list) {

And it lets us do this, to make animal noises:


List<Animal> list = new ArrayList<Animal>();
list.add(new Cow());
list.add(new Pig());
for(Animal a : list) {

The biggest advantage to the duck-typed language is that you get really nice polymorphism: all a class has to do to provide behavior is provide the method (there are other tradeoffs, but this is the big one when discussing typing.) As long as everyone plays nice, and only sends messages that match defined methods, all is good. The downside is that the kind of error below isn't caught until runtime:


aFarmObject := Corn new.
aFarmObject makeNoise. // No compiler error - not checked until runtime.

Statically-typed languages provide much better "programming by contract," because they will catch the two kinds of error below at compile-time:


Animal farmObject = new Corn();  // Compiler error: Corn cannot be cast to Animal.
farmObject makeNoise();


Animal farmObject = new Cow();
farmObject.harvest(); // Compiler error: Animal doesn't have the harvest message.

So....to summarize:

  1. Interface implementation allows you to specify what kinds of things objects can do (interaction) and Class inheritance lets you specify how things should be done (implementation).


  2. Interfaces give us many of the benefits of "true" polymorphism, without sacrificing compiler type checking.



Base Classes are used when you want to reuse BEHAVIOR


Interfaces are used when you want to control how the class INTERACTS with other objects. It defines the interaction in a precis manner.


In my experience the amount of times you want to control how classes interact dwarfs the times when you want to reuse behavior.



Having an abstract class lets you implement some/most of the members in a common way. Having an interface means you aren't restricted to only using that abstract base class when you want to use it for polymorphism.


I don't see any contradiction in having both.



Interfaces provide you the ability to have polymorphic behaviour across class heirachy's. The downside is that you can't inherit a default implementation (directly). With class polymorphism you can only get that polymorphic behaviour within your class heirachy, but you can inherit common/default behaviour. By inherting and providing an interface you provide a contract (the interface) but get the easy implementation benefits of inheritance while still allowing others to support the "contract" outside of the baseclass limitations.



Interfaces enforce "Behavior". Any class that is declared to implement a specified interface MUST implement members with the signatures declared in the interface.. i.e, they must publically that specified behavior... They don't necessarly have to implement the behavior in the same way, but they musrt be capable of the same behavior... i.e. both a bird and a worm "CanMove", so they both must implement the behavior" of being able "to Move", Specifying that they both must impement interface ICanMove does this... How they do it is the function of implementation.


Base classes are for reuse of "Implementation"...


That's why naming conventions for interfaces suggest using "I[Verb/Adverb]" as in IEnumerable, ICanMove, ICanLog, etc.

这就是为什么接口的命名约定建议在IEnumerable,ICanMove,ICanLog等中使用“I [Verb / Adverb]”。

You use base classes to put common implementation in a single place. If an abstract base class has no implementation, in any member, then it functions identically to an interface, which cannot have implementation



Base classes and interfaces really have mostly unrelated purposes. The main purpose of the base class is for your inheriting class to be able to import some common functionality. The main purpose of the interface is for other classes to be able to ask the question, "does this object support interface X"?



So I guess I could inherit an animal class for common behaviour, like walk, sleep, etc, and then have a specialised interface (for a lion, perhaps), which would contain specific behaviour and properties - like the animal is dangerous, eats humans, etc.

所以我想我可以继承动物类的常见行为,比如走路,睡觉等,然后有一个专门的界面(对于狮子,也许),它将包含特定的行为和属性 - 就像动物是危险的,吃人类等


The statement that "inheriting from a base class allows you to inherit BEHAVIOR, whereas implementing an interface only lets you specify INTERACTION" is absolutely true.


But more importantly, interfaces allow statically typed languages to continue to support polymorphism. An Object Oriented purist would insist that a language should provide inheritance, encapsulation, modularity and polymorphism in order to be a fully-featured Object Oriented language. In dynamically-typed - or duck typed - languages (like Smalltalk,) polymorphism is trivial; however, in statically typed languages (like Java or C#,) polymorphism is far from trivial (in fact, on the surface it seems to be at odds with the notion of strong typing.)

但更重要的是,接口允许静态类型语言继续支持多态。面向对象的纯粹主义者会坚持认为语言应该提供继承,封装,模块化和多态,以便成为一个功能齐全的面向对象语言。在动态类型 - 或鸭类型 - 语言(如Smalltalk)中,多态性是微不足道的;然而,在静态类型语言(如Java或C#)中,多态性远非微不足道(事实上,从表面上看,它似乎与强类型的概念不一致。)

Let me demonstrate:


In a dynamically-typed (or duck typed) language (like Smalltalk), all variables are references to objects (nothing less and nothing more.) So, in Smalltalk, I can do this:


anAnimal := Pig new.
anAnimal makeNoise.

anAnimal := Cow new.
anAnimal makeNoise.

That code:

  1. Declares a local variable called anAnimal (note that we DO NOT specify the TYPE of the variable - all variables are references to an object, no more and no less.)
  2. 声明一个名为anAnimal的局部变量(请注意,我们不指定变量的TYPE - 所有变量都是对象的引用,不多也不少。)

  3. Creates a new instance of the class named "Pig"
  4. 创建名为“Pig”的类的新实例

  5. Assigns that new instance of Duck to the variable anAnimal.
  6. 将Duck的新实例分配给变量anAnimal。

  7. Sends the message makeNoise to the pig.
  8. 将消息makeNoise发送给猪。

  9. Repeats the whole thing using a cow, but assigning it to the same exact variable as the Pig.
  10. 使用牛重复整个事情,但将其分配给与Pig相同的确切变量。

The same Java code would look something like this (making the assumption that Duck and Cow are subclasses of Animal:


Animal anAnimal = new Pig();

anAnimal = new Cow();

That's all well and good, until we introduce class Vegetable. Vegetables have some of the same behavior as Animal, but not all. For example, both Animal and Vegetable might be able to grow, but clearly vegetables don't make noise and animals cannot be harvested.


In Smalltalk, we can write this:


aFarmObject := Cow new.
aFarmObject grow.
aFarmObject makeNoise.

aFarmObject := Corn new.
aFarmObject grow.
aFarmObject harvest.

This works perfectly well in Smalltalk because it is duck-typed (if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck - it is a duck.) In this case, when a message is sent to an object, a lookup is performed on the receiver's method list, and if a matching method is found, it is called. If not, some kind of NoSuchMethodError exception is thrown - but it's all done at runtime.

这在Smalltalk中运行得非常好,因为它是鸭子类型(如果它像鸭子一样行走,像鸭子一样呱呱叫它 - 它是一只鸭子。)在这种情况下,当一条消息被发送到一个对象时,就会执行查找。接收者的方法列表,如果找到匹配的方法,则调用它。如果没有,则会抛出某种NoSuchMethodError异常 - 但它都是在运行时完成的。

But in Java, a statically typed language, what type can we assign to our variable? Corn needs to inherit from Vegetable, to support grow, but cannot inherit from Animal, because it does not make noise. Cow needs to inherit from Animal to support makeNoise, but cannot inherit from Vegetable because it should not implement harvest. It looks like we need multiple inheritance - the ability to inherit from more than one class. But that turns out to be a pretty difficult language feature because of all the edge cases that pop up (what happens when more than one parallel superclass implement the same method?, etc.)

但在Java中,一种静态类型语言,我们可以为变量分配什么类型?玉米需要从蔬菜中继承,以支持生长,但不能继承动物,因为它不会产生噪音。 Cow需要继承Animal以支持makeNoise,但不能继承VEG,因为它不应该实现收获。看起来我们需要多重继承 - 从多个类继承的能力。但事实证明这是一个非常困难的语言特性,因为弹出的所有边缘情况(当多个并行超类实现相同的方法时会发生什么?等)

Along come interfaces...


If we make Animal and Vegetable classes, with each implementing Growable, we can declare that our Cow is Animal and our Corn is Vegetable. We can also declare that both Animal and Vegetable are Growable. That lets us write this to grow everything:


List<Growable> list = new ArrayList<Growable>();
list.add(new Cow());
list.add(new Corn());
list.add(new Pig());

for(Growable g : list) {

And it lets us do this, to make animal noises:


List<Animal> list = new ArrayList<Animal>();
list.add(new Cow());
list.add(new Pig());
for(Animal a : list) {

The biggest advantage to the duck-typed language is that you get really nice polymorphism: all a class has to do to provide behavior is provide the method (there are other tradeoffs, but this is the big one when discussing typing.) As long as everyone plays nice, and only sends messages that match defined methods, all is good. The downside is that the kind of error below isn't caught until runtime:


aFarmObject := Corn new.
aFarmObject makeNoise. // No compiler error - not checked until runtime.

Statically-typed languages provide much better "programming by contract," because they will catch the two kinds of error below at compile-time:


Animal farmObject = new Corn();  // Compiler error: Corn cannot be cast to Animal.
farmObject makeNoise();


Animal farmObject = new Cow();
farmObject.harvest(); // Compiler error: Animal doesn't have the harvest message.

So....to summarize:

  1. Interface implementation allows you to specify what kinds of things objects can do (interaction) and Class inheritance lets you specify how things should be done (implementation).


  2. Interfaces give us many of the benefits of "true" polymorphism, without sacrificing compiler type checking.



Base Classes are used when you want to reuse BEHAVIOR


Interfaces are used when you want to control how the class INTERACTS with other objects. It defines the interaction in a precis manner.


In my experience the amount of times you want to control how classes interact dwarfs the times when you want to reuse behavior.



Having an abstract class lets you implement some/most of the members in a common way. Having an interface means you aren't restricted to only using that abstract base class when you want to use it for polymorphism.


I don't see any contradiction in having both.



Interfaces provide you the ability to have polymorphic behaviour across class heirachy's. The downside is that you can't inherit a default implementation (directly). With class polymorphism you can only get that polymorphic behaviour within your class heirachy, but you can inherit common/default behaviour. By inherting and providing an interface you provide a contract (the interface) but get the easy implementation benefits of inheritance while still allowing others to support the "contract" outside of the baseclass limitations.



Interfaces enforce "Behavior". Any class that is declared to implement a specified interface MUST implement members with the signatures declared in the interface.. i.e, they must publically that specified behavior... They don't necessarly have to implement the behavior in the same way, but they musrt be capable of the same behavior... i.e. both a bird and a worm "CanMove", so they both must implement the behavior" of being able "to Move", Specifying that they both must impement interface ICanMove does this... How they do it is the function of implementation.


Base classes are for reuse of "Implementation"...


That's why naming conventions for interfaces suggest using "I[Verb/Adverb]" as in IEnumerable, ICanMove, ICanLog, etc.

这就是为什么接口的命名约定建议在IEnumerable,ICanMove,ICanLog等中使用“I [Verb / Adverb]”。

You use base classes to put common implementation in a single place. If an abstract base class has no implementation, in any member, then it functions identically to an interface, which cannot have implementation



Base classes and interfaces really have mostly unrelated purposes. The main purpose of the base class is for your inheriting class to be able to import some common functionality. The main purpose of the interface is for other classes to be able to ask the question, "does this object support interface X"?



So I guess I could inherit an animal class for common behaviour, like walk, sleep, etc, and then have a specialised interface (for a lion, perhaps), which would contain specific behaviour and properties - like the animal is dangerous, eats humans, etc.

所以我想我可以继承动物类的常见行为,比如走路,睡觉等,然后有一个专门的界面(对于狮子,也许),它将包含特定的行为和属性 - 就像动物是危险的,吃人类等
