无法从objective-c访问swift 4类的属性

时间:2022-09-24 23:16:28

I've seen a lot of questions and answers on this, but none of them seem to cover or solve my situation.


I have a project originally written in Objc, and now, one by one, I'm replacing all classes with Swift 4 syntax.

我有一个最初用Objc编写的项目,现在,一个接一个,我用Swift 4语法替换所有类。

My problem is, that I cannot access swift properties in my Objective C files.

我的问题是,我无法访问Objective C文件中的swift属性。

This is what I have so far:


I have this one swift file, called MessagesViewController.swift that starts as follows:


@objc class MessagesViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate{

    @objc var mailboxNumber:NSNumber = 0

Then, in there is the objc class "MessagesBoxController" that needs to access mailboxNumber in the prepareForSegue method:


So, in MessagesBoxController.h I import the generated interface header:


#import "myProduct-Swift.h"

and in MessagesBoxController.m I have this boilerplate method:


- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
    MessagesViewController *destViewController = segue.destinationViewController;
    NSIndexPath *selectedIndexPath = [_tv indexPathForSelectedRow];
    destViewController.mailboxNumber =selectedIndexPath.row+1;

So, the Swift class "MessagesViewController" is recognised fine; no complaints by the compiler whatsoever. Its properties though are not exposed:


auto complete doesn't suggest mailboxNumber and upon building the project, I get the error


"Property 'mailboxNumber' not found on object of type 'MessagesViewController *'"

“在'MessagesViewController *'类型的对象上找不到”属性'mailboxNumber'“

What part is missing to make this work?


1 个解决方案



OK, So, the basic setup is correct. I ended up cleaning the project. I then got the message that "myProduct-Swift.h" could not be found. Then I quit XCode and deleted the derived data. That helped.




OK, So, the basic setup is correct. I ended up cleaning the project. I then got the message that "myProduct-Swift.h" could not be found. Then I quit XCode and deleted the derived data. That helped.
