In this lesson, you will learn how to access the properties of a list form's Grid Control in WinForms and ASP.NET Web applications. For this purpose, new View Controllers will be implemented. They will set alternating row colors in all List Views represented by the built-in GridListEditor and ASPxGridListEditor.
在本课中,您将学习如何在 WinForms 和ASP.NET Web 应用程序中访问列表窗体的网格控件的属性。为此,将实施新的视图控制器。他们将设置由内置网格编辑器和 ASPxGridListEditor 表示的所有列表视图中的交替行颜色。
Note 注意
Before proceeding, take a moment to review the following lessons.
Add a Simple Action
Access Editor Settings in a WinForms Application
访问 WinForms 应用程序中的编辑器设置
- Since the functionality to be implemented is specific to the WinForms platform, changes will be made to the MySolution.Module.Win project. Add a View Controller to the Controllers folder in the MySolution.Module.Win project, as described in the Add a Simple Action lesson. Name it "WinAlternatingRowsController".
Invoke the Controller's Designer. In the Properties window, set the TargetViewType property to the "ListView" value. This is necessary because the Controller should appear in List Views only.
由于要实现的功能特定于 WinForms 平台,因此将对 MySolution.module.Win 项目进行更改。将视图控制器添加到 MySolution.module.Win 项目中的控制器文件夹,如"添加简单操作"一课中所述。将其命名为"赢控制器控制器"。
调用控制器的设计器。在"属性"窗口中,将 TargetViewType 属性设置为"ListView" 值。这是必需的,因为控制器应仅出现在列表视图中。
Since you are going to access the settings of the List View's Grid Control, you need to ensure that it has already been created. This is why you need to subscribe to the Controller's ViewControlsCreated event. In the Properties window, switch to the Events view and double-click the ViewControlsCreated event. Handle the event as shown below.
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Win.Editors;
using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid;
private void WinAlternatingRowsController_ViewControlsCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) {
GridListEditor listEditor = ((ListView)View).Editor as GridListEditor;
if (listEditor != null) {
GridView gridView = listEditor.GridView;
gridView.OptionsView.EnableAppearanceOddRow = true;
gridView.Appearance.OddRow.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(, , );
}As you can see in the code above, to access a list form's Grid, you should first get the ListEditor, which is the object that binds data to a Grid. To get the ListEditor, use the ListView.Editor property of the required List View. There are several types of built-in WinForms ListEditors. The code above is implemented when the current List View is represented by a GridListEditor. This ListEditor represents data via the XtraGrid control. Use the GridListEditor.GridView property to access this control.
如您在上面的代码中所示,要访问列表窗体的网格,应首先获取 ListEditor,这是将数据绑定到网格的对象。要获取列表编辑器,请使用所需列表视图的 ListView.编辑器属性。有几种类型的内置 WinForms 列表编辑器。当当前列表视图由 GridListEditor 表示时,
将实现上述代码。此列表编辑器表示通过 XtraGrid 控件的数据。使用网格编辑器.GridView 属性访问此控件。
Run the WinForms application and select an item in the navigation control. The data rows now have alternating colors.
运行 WinForms 应用程序并在导航控件中选择一个项目。数据行现在具有交替的颜色。
Access Editor Settings in an ASP.NET Application
- As the functionality to be implemented is specific to the ASP.NET platform, changes will be made to MySolution.Module.Web in this lesson. Add a View Controller to the Controllers folder in the MySolution.Module.Web project, as described in the Add a Simple Action lesson. Name it "WebAlternatingRowsController".
Invoke the Controller's Designer. In the Properties window, set the TargetViewType property to the "ListView" value. This is necessary because the Controller should appear in List Views only.
由于要实现的功能特定于ASP.NET平台,因此本课将对 MySolution.module.Web 进行更改。将视图控制器添加到 MySolution.module.Web 项目中的控制器文件夹中,如"添加简单操作"一课中所述。将其命名为"网络控制器"。
调用控制器的设计器。在"属性"窗口中,将 TargetViewType 属性设置为"ListView" 值。这是必需的,因为控制器应仅出现在列表视图中。
Since you are going to access the settings of the List View's Grid Control, you need to ensure that it has already been created. This is why you need to subscribe to the Controller's ViewControlsCreated event. In the Properties window, switch to the Events view and double-click the ViewControlsCreated event. Handle the event as shown below.
using System.Drawing;
using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx;
private void WebAlternatingRowsController_ViewControlsCreated(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ASPxGridListEditor listEditor = ((ListView)View).Editor as ASPxGridListEditor;
if (listEditor != null)
listEditor.Grid.Styles.AlternatingRow.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(, , );
- As you can see in the code above, to access a list form's Grid, you should first get the ListEditor, which is the object that binds data to a Grid. To get the ListEditor, use the ListView.Editor property of the required List View. There are several types of built-in ASP.NET ListEditors. The code above is implemented when the current List View is represented by an ASPxGridListEditor. This ListEditor represents data via the ASPxGridView control. To access this control, the ASPxGridListEditor.Grid property is used.
- 如您在上面的代码中所示,要访问列表窗体的网格,应首先获取 ListEditor,这是将数据绑定到网格的对象。要获取列表编辑器,请使用所需列表视图的 ListView.编辑器属性。有几种类型的内置ASP.NET列表编辑器。当当前列表视图由 ASPxGridList 编辑器表示时,将实现上述代码。此列表编辑器表示通过 ASPxGridView 控件的数据。要访问此控件,将使用 ASPxGridListEditor.Grid 属性。
Run the ASP.NET application. Select an item in the navigation control and ensure that the rows background is changed.
Note 注意
Due to WinForms and ASP.NET platform specifics, View Item and List Editor controls may not be immediately ready for customization after the control is created. Consider handling additional platform-dependent events or using alternative approaches if the customizations above do not have any effect.
由于 WinForms 和ASP.NET平台细节,在创建控件后,视图项和列表编辑器控件可能不会立即准备好进行自定义。如果上述自定义项没有任何效果,请考虑处理其他与平台相关的事件或使用替代方法。
Handle the System.Windows.Forms.Control
object's HandleCreated, VisibleChanged or ParentChanged
- WinForms:
events. You can also handle the Load (or similar) event if the current control type exposes it.
- 事件。如果当前控件类型公开了"加载"(或类似)事件,也可以处理该事件。
Handle the System.Web.UI.Control
object's Load or Init
对象的加载或 Init
server-side event. In certain cases, you may need to handle the WebWindow.PagePreRender event. Use the WebWindow.CurrentRequestWindowstatic property to get the current WebWindow object. You can also perform certain customizations on the client side using JavaScript (see Client-Side Functionality Overview).
- 服务器端事件。在某些情况下,您可能需要处理 WebWindow.pageprein 事件。使用 WebWindow.CurrentRequest 静态属性获取当前 WebWindow 对象。您还可以使用 JavaScript 在客户端执行某些自定义(请参阅客户端功能概述)。
These additional platform-dependent events indicate the controls' "ready" state: a control has been added to the form controls hierarchy or has been bound to data. Contact us using the Support Center
if you need additional help to perform customizations.
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