官网: http://www.pmease.com/
指导网站: http://wiki.pmease.com/display/QB60/
1. 安装quickbuild server
/home/carloz/programfiles/quickbuild6/server/bin/server.sh start
http://localhost:8810/dashboard, carloz/123456
/home/carloz/programfiles/quickbuild6/server/bin/server.sh stop
注: 这里的路径是后来修改的, 下面教程中安装路径为 /home/carloz/programfiles/quickbuild6/
1. 安装quickbuild server
1.1 下载,解压
1.2 配置,启动
指导网站: http://wiki.pmease.com/display/QB60/Server+Installation+Guide
配置完网址,端口, 启动服务器后在浏览器中访问: http://localhost:8810/, 可以看到如下界面,
1.2.1. Setup Administrator
1.2.2. System Setting
设置访问链接 和 数据存储目录 /home/carloz/programfiles/quickbuild6data
1.2.3. Email Setting
设置完成,点击Finish, 出现如下界面:
点击第二项, 直接进去QuickBuild dashboard界面, http://localhost:8810/dashboard
至此, QuickBuild6 Server安装完成.
Supported operating systems
- Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, Windows server 2003/2008, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86 and IA architecture
- Linux, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86, PowerPC and S/390 architecture
- Mac OS X, 32 bit and 64 bit
- Solaris, 32 bit and 64 bit, Sparc and x86 architecture
- AIX, 32 bit and 64 bit, PowerPC architecture
- HP-UX, 32 bit and 64 bit, IA and PARISC architecture
- FreeBSD, 32 bit and 64 bit, x86 architecture
Memory requirement
- 512M minimum, 1G recommended
Installation Steps
- Download QuickBuild distribution from http://www.pmease.com/downloads
- Extract the downloaded file into the selected installation directory. Make sure the user running the server has full access rights to the installation directory.
- Make sure you have JDK6 or JDK7 installed. Download the appropriate JDK version from http://java.sun.com
if necessary.
- Make sure the java command exists in the system path; if not, you will need to modify the file <QuickBuild install dir>/conf/wrapper.conf, and point the entry wrapper.java.command to path of the java command.
- If you run QuickBuild with Sun JDK or OpenJDK
, make sure to edit file <QuickBuild install dir>/conf/wrapper.conf and add below entry to avoid using up permgen space:
You may add this line after the line #wrapper.java.additional.3=-Dreset.
- Optionally run command <server install dir>/bin/config.(bat|sh) to configure port number and SSL setting of the server.
- Open a command window, switch to folder <server install dir>/bin, and run command server.(bat|sh) console to start the server.
Follow this guide on how to install the server as system service so that it auto-starts when machine reboots. - Monitor the console window for any error or warning messages. You may ignore warning message plugin xxxxx is not enabled as it needs to be configured, if you don't use these plugins; otherwise, please refer to plugin management on how to configure a plugin after server starts up.
- After the server starts up, follow the instruction in the console to open a browser window and connect to the server. Following browsers are supported:
- Internet Explorer 9.0 or higher
- Firefox 3.0 or higher
- Safari 3.0 or higher
- Chrome 4.0 or higher
- By default, QuickBuild uses embedded database for demonstration purpose. For production usage, please switch to other serious database following guide in data management section.
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