Amazon EC2 Tomcat不适用于我的域颁发的SSL证书

时间:2022-09-23 17:34:49

Ok, here's the scoop.


I obtained an SSL Certificate for my domain, let's call it from namecheap.


My website is hosted on a Tomcat7 webserver, which resides on an Amazon AWS EC2 linux instance with a public IP. I installed my certificate on this EC2 server and configured tomcat to redirect all http requests to https.

我的网站托管在Tomcat7网络服务器上,该服务器位于具有公共IP的Amazon AWS EC2 Linux实例上。我在此EC2服务器上安装了我的证书,并配置了tomcat以将所有http请求重定向到https。

When I try to access my website via URL, I get a warning from my browser saying that the connection is untrusted. This makes sense since I'm trying to access the site via ip rather than the domain name (


To remedy this, I tried to set up URL Redirection (URL Frame) on namecheap (where my domain is registered), but this didn't fix the problem. Namecheap said I need to get a new certificate to secure my IP rather than the domain, but I wonder if there are any other options out there?

为了解决这个问题,我尝试在namecheap(我的域名已注册)上设置URL重定向(URL框架),但这并没有解决问题。 Namecheap说我需要获得一个新证书来保护我的IP而不是域名,但我想知道那里还有其他选择吗?

Specifically, can I...
- utilize Amazon's DNS (Route53) instead of namecheap's DNS?
- migrate my domain registration over to Amazon? (I have my e-mail hosted on namecheap and don't want to lose it)?
- other options?

具体来说,我可以...... - 利用亚马逊的DNS(Route53)而不是namecheap的DNS吗? - 将我的域名注册迁移到亚马逊? (我的电子邮件是在namecheap上托管的,不想丢失它)? - 其他选择?

Thanks in advance


1 个解决方案


Point the A Record of your domain to the public IP EC2 gave you.Or better yet, grab an elastic IP, associate it to your instance, and point the A Record to that.

将您的域的A记录指向公共IP EC2给您。或者更好的是,获取弹性IP,将其与您的实例相关联,并将A记录指向该记录。


Point the A Record of your domain to the public IP EC2 gave you.Or better yet, grab an elastic IP, associate it to your instance, and point the A Record to that.

将您的域的A记录指向公共IP EC2给您。或者更好的是,获取弹性IP,将其与您的实例相关联,并将A记录指向该记录。