为什么我的LIKE'%\ _'查询会返回所有行,而不仅仅是以下划线结尾?

时间:2022-09-23 12:36:36

I currently have the query running on Postgres:


SELECT * FROM addenda.users WHERE users.username LIKE '%\_' 

But rather then returning just entries ending in an underscore, I get all results back, regardless of whether it contains an underscore or not.


Running the query below returns a username which is just an underscore, so the escaping does work:


SELECT * FROM addenda.users WHERE users.username LIKE '\_' 

And running the query below returns a username which ends with a specific letter (s):


SELECT * FROM addenda.users WHERE users.username LIKE '%s' 

What am I doing wrong?


4 个解决方案



Is your backslash not getting through to PostgreSQL? If you're passing the string through another layer that treats the backslash as an escape character (e.g. a Java String), then that layer may be removing the backslash, and you might need to escape your backslash for that layer.


Do you have any more single character usernames? If the backslash wasn't getting through to PostgreSQL then they would also match '_'


You might be able to try the ESCAPE clause: username LIKE '%!_' ESCAPE '!'




"_" is the single-character wildcard in most SQL variants. You HAVE to escape it if you want to match an actual "_" character.




It's been a while since I've used postgres, but I think you can do '%[_]' to get what you want. That certainly works on SQL server, though I don't have a postgres database setup right now to try it on




You have to replace the backslash on your query with a double one, like this:

SELECT * FROM addenda.users WHERE users.username LIKE '%\\_'

Still you may get a nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal warning, but the query will be executed.
Tested in Postgres 8.4.

您必须使用双精度替换查询中的反斜杠,如下所示:SELECT * FROM addenda.users WHERE users.username LIKE'%\\ _'仍然可以在字符串文字警告中非标准地使用\\但查询将被执行。在Postgres 8.4中测试过。



Is your backslash not getting through to PostgreSQL? If you're passing the string through another layer that treats the backslash as an escape character (e.g. a Java String), then that layer may be removing the backslash, and you might need to escape your backslash for that layer.


Do you have any more single character usernames? If the backslash wasn't getting through to PostgreSQL then they would also match '_'


You might be able to try the ESCAPE clause: username LIKE '%!_' ESCAPE '!'




"_" is the single-character wildcard in most SQL variants. You HAVE to escape it if you want to match an actual "_" character.




It's been a while since I've used postgres, but I think you can do '%[_]' to get what you want. That certainly works on SQL server, though I don't have a postgres database setup right now to try it on




You have to replace the backslash on your query with a double one, like this:

SELECT * FROM addenda.users WHERE users.username LIKE '%\\_'

Still you may get a nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal warning, but the query will be executed.
Tested in Postgres 8.4.

您必须使用双精度替换查询中的反斜杠,如下所示:SELECT * FROM addenda.users WHERE users.username LIKE'%\\ _'仍然可以在字符串文字警告中非标准地使用\\但查询将被执行。在Postgres 8.4中测试过。