查询 text 表中,user_name字段值重复的数据及重复次数
select user_name,count(*) as count from text group by user_name having count>1
删除 text 表中,重复出现的数据只保留 ID 最大的一条数据,没有重复的数据不删除。
delete from text where DW_DATE=20171227 AND id not in( select id from (select max(id) as id,count(user_name) as count from text WHERE DW_DATE=20171227 group by user_name having count =1 order by count desc) as tab) AND id not in( select id from (select max(id) as id,count(user_name) as count from text WHERE DW_DATE=20171227 group by user_name having count >1 order by count desc) as tab)