Integer i = ...
switch (i){
case null:
In the code above I cant use null in switch case statement. How can I do this differently? I can't use default
because then I want to do something else.
在上面的代码中,我不能在switch case语句中使用null。我怎么能做得不一样呢?我不能使用默认,因为我想做别的。
11 个解决方案
This is not possible with a switch
statement in Java. Check for null
before the switch
if (i == null) {
} else {
switch (i) {
case 1:
// ...
You can't use arbitrary objects in switch
statements*. The reason that the compiler doesn't complain about switch (i)
where i
is an Integer
is because Java auto-unboxes the Integer
to an int
. As assylias already said, the unboxing will throw a NullPointerException
when i
is null
* Since Java 7 you can use String
in switch
*由于Java 7,您可以在switch语句中使用String。
More about switch
(including example with null variable) in Oracle Docs - Switch
更多关于转换(包括带空变量的例子)在Oracle Docs - switch
switch ((i != null) ? i : DEFAULT_VALUE) {
will throw a NullPointerException if i is null
, because it will try to unbox the Integer
into an int
. So case null
, which happens to be illegal, would never have been reached anyway.
如果i为null, switch(i)将抛出NullPointerException,因为它将尝试将该整数解压缩为int类型,因此,无论如何都不会到达null,因为这种情况下,null是非法的。
You need to check that i is not null before the switch
Java docs clearly stated that:
The prohibition against using null as a switch label prevents one from writing code that can never be executed. If the switch expression is of a reference type, such as a boxed primitive type or an enum, a run-time error will occur if the expression evaluates to null at run-time.
You must have to verify for null before Swithch statement execution.
if (i == null)
case null: // will never be executed, therefore disallowed.
public enum PersonType {
private final int typeId;
private PersonType(int typeId) {
this.typeId = typeId;
public final int getTypeId() {
return typeId;
public static PersonType findByTypeId(int typeId) {
for (PersonType type : values()) {
if (type.typeId == typeId) {
return type;
return null;
For me, this typically aligns with a look-up table in a database (for rarely-updated tables only).
However, when I try to use findByTypeId
in a switch statement (from, most likely, user input)...
int userInput = 3;
PersonType personType = PersonType.findByTypeId(userInput);
switch(personType) {
case COOL_GUY:
// Do things only a cool guy would do.
case JERK:
// Push back. Don't enable him.
// I don't know or care what to do with this mess.
} others have stated, this results in an NPE @ switch(personType) {
. One work-around (i.e., "solution") I started implementing was to add an UNKNOWN(-1)
…正如其他人所说,这会导致一个NPE @ switch(personType){。(即续航。我开始实现的是添加一个未知(-1)类型。
public enum PersonType {
public static PersonType findByTypeId(int id) {
return UNKNOWN;
Now, you don't have to do null-checking where it counts and you can choose to, or not to, handle UNKNOWN
types. (NOTE: -1
is an unlikely identifier in a business scenario, but obviously choose something that makes sense for your use-case).
You have to make a
if (i == null) {
} else {
switch (i) {
A switch works with the byte, short, char, and int primitive data types. It also works with enumerated types (discussed in Enum Types), the String class, and a few special classes that wrap certain primitive types: Character, Byte, Short, and Integer (discussed in Numbers and Strings).
Since null has no type, and is not an instance of anything, it will not work with a switch statement.
Simple if statement inside switch:
//if 'i' different from 'null' return 'i' else return 'DEFAULT' switch(i != null ? i : DEFAULT) { case DEFAULT: break; }
Or if you switch on String:
String i = null; // equal to -> value != null ? value.toString() i = String.valueOf(i); : "null"; switch(i) { case "null": break; }
Last solution without null checking:
Yes!!! I love to use TRY / CATCH or THROW new Exception as IF / ELSE replacement :)
是的! ! !我喜欢用TRY / CATCH或THROW new Exception来替换:
Integer i = null;
switch (i) {}
} catch(NullPointerException npx) {
// VM implementation specific message ->
// Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException:
// Attempt to invoke virtual method
// 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null object reference
// you need to ensure child method don't throw npx
// or throws some other exception in replacement of npx
if(npx.getMessage().indexOf("java.lang.Integer.intValue()")>=0) {
// handle null
edit - in reply:
For your last solution: Don't program Python in Java. – glglgl Feb 15 at 14:33
对于最后一种解决方案:不要用Java编写Python。- glgl 2月15日14:33分
...I meant to say: In Python, exceptions are considered as a normal flow control method (EAFP). In Java, they are considered as what their name says: exceptions. They are quite expensive and should be used with care. Unlike in Python, use TRY / CATCH or THROW new Exception as IF / ELSE replacement is not good here. – glglgl
…我想说的是:在Python中,异常被认为是一个正常的流控制方法(EAFP)。在Java中,它们被认为是它们的名称:异常。它们很贵,应该小心使用。与Python不同,在这里使用TRY / CATCH或抛出新的异常,就好像/ ELSE替换不是很好。——glglgl
Programming with Exceptions
Exceptions can be used to help write robust ^1 programs. They provide an organized and structured approach to robustness. Without exceptions, a program can become cluttered with if statements that test for various possible error conditions. With exceptions, it becomes possible to write a clean implementation of an algorithm that will handle all the normal cases. The exceptional cases can be handled elsewhere, in a catch clause of a try statement.
例外可以用来帮助编写健壮的^ 1的程序。它们为健壮性提供了一种有组织和结构化的方法。如果没有异常,程序可能会变得混乱,如果对各种可能的错误条件进行测试的话。除了例外,可以编写一个干净的算法实现来处理所有的正常情况。在try语句的catch子句中,可以在其他地方处理异常情况。
When a program encounters an exceptional condition and has no way of handling it immediately, the program can throw an exception. In some cases, it makes sense to throw an exception belonging to one of Java's predefined classes, such as IllegalArgumentException or IOException. However, if there is no standard class that adequately represents the exceptional condition, the programmer can define a new exception class. The new class must extend the standard class Throwable or one of its subclasses. In general, if the programmer does not want to require mandatory exception handling, the new class will extend RuntimeException (or one of its subclasses). To create a new checked exception class, which does require mandatory handling, the programmer can extend one of the other subclasses of Exception or can extend Exception itself.
Here, for example, is a class that extends Exception, and therefore requires mandatory exception handling when it is used:
public class ParseError extends Exception {
public ParseError(String message) {
// Create a ParseError object containing
// the given message as its error message.
^1 one place where correctness and robustness are important -- and especially difficult -- is in the processing of input data, whether that data is typed in by the user, read from a file, or received over a network.
^ 1正确性和健壮性是很重要的一个地方——特别是困难的处理输入数据,这些数据是否由用户输入,读取一个文件,通过网络或接收。
even better here i can gave you an example for android app:
* start catcher on main thread loop
* @param context - app or any other context
* @param handler - handler to post any background thread exceptions to ui thread
public static void startCatcher(Context context, Handler handler) {
/** grab app default exception handler */
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler systemUncaughtHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
/** the following handler is used to catch exceptions thrown in background threads */
LogsExceptionHandler logsExceptionHandler = new LogsExceptionHandler(context, systemUncaughtHandler, handler);
/** set to app our handler as default one */
/** loop while any exception in main looper */
while (true) try {
/** start message que loop */"Starting crash catch Looper");
/** if we exit unexpectedly set app default handler to initial one */
/** and throw Runtime exception */
throw new RuntimeException("Main thread loop unexpectedly exited");
/** catch */
} catch (LogsExceptionHandler.BackgroundException e) {
/** log and start exit hook same as for main ui caught exception */
String message = "Caught the exception in the background thread " + e.getThreadName() + ", TID: " + e.getTid() + " cause: " + e.getCause();
} catch (Throwable e) {
/** log and start exit hook for caught exception */
App.log.debug("Caught the exception in the UI thread, e: {}", e);
Some libraries attempt to offer alternatives to the builtin java switch
statement. Vavr is one of them, they generalize it to pattern matching.
一些库试图提供构建java switch语句的替代方法。Vavr就是其中之一,他们将其推广为模式匹配。
Here is an example from their documentation:
String s = Match(i).of(
Case($(1), "one"),
Case($(2), "two"),
Case($(), "?")
You can use any predicate, but they offer many of them out of the box, and $(null)
is perfectly legal. I find this a more elegant solution than the alternatives, but this requires java8 and a dependency on the vavr library...
You can't. You can use primitives (int, char, short, byte) and String (Strings in java 7 only) in switch. primitives can't be null.
Check i
in separate condition before switch.
你不能。您可以在switch中使用原语(int, char, short, byte)和String (java 7中的字符串)。原语不能为空。在切换前分别检查i。
switch (String.valueOf(value)){ case "null": default: }
switch (String.valueOf(value)){case“null”:default:}
You can also use String.valueOf((Object) nullableString)
switch (String.valueOf((Object) nullableString)) {
case "someCase"
case "null": // or default:
See interesting SO Q/A: Why does String.valueOf(null) throw a NullPointerException
This is not possible with a switch
statement in Java. Check for null
before the switch
if (i == null) {
} else {
switch (i) {
case 1:
// ...
You can't use arbitrary objects in switch
statements*. The reason that the compiler doesn't complain about switch (i)
where i
is an Integer
is because Java auto-unboxes the Integer
to an int
. As assylias already said, the unboxing will throw a NullPointerException
when i
is null
* Since Java 7 you can use String
in switch
*由于Java 7,您可以在switch语句中使用String。
More about switch
(including example with null variable) in Oracle Docs - Switch
更多关于转换(包括带空变量的例子)在Oracle Docs - switch
switch ((i != null) ? i : DEFAULT_VALUE) {
will throw a NullPointerException if i is null
, because it will try to unbox the Integer
into an int
. So case null
, which happens to be illegal, would never have been reached anyway.
如果i为null, switch(i)将抛出NullPointerException,因为它将尝试将该整数解压缩为int类型,因此,无论如何都不会到达null,因为这种情况下,null是非法的。
You need to check that i is not null before the switch
Java docs clearly stated that:
The prohibition against using null as a switch label prevents one from writing code that can never be executed. If the switch expression is of a reference type, such as a boxed primitive type or an enum, a run-time error will occur if the expression evaluates to null at run-time.
You must have to verify for null before Swithch statement execution.
if (i == null)
case null: // will never be executed, therefore disallowed.
public enum PersonType {
private final int typeId;
private PersonType(int typeId) {
this.typeId = typeId;
public final int getTypeId() {
return typeId;
public static PersonType findByTypeId(int typeId) {
for (PersonType type : values()) {
if (type.typeId == typeId) {
return type;
return null;
For me, this typically aligns with a look-up table in a database (for rarely-updated tables only).
However, when I try to use findByTypeId
in a switch statement (from, most likely, user input)...
int userInput = 3;
PersonType personType = PersonType.findByTypeId(userInput);
switch(personType) {
case COOL_GUY:
// Do things only a cool guy would do.
case JERK:
// Push back. Don't enable him.
// I don't know or care what to do with this mess.
} others have stated, this results in an NPE @ switch(personType) {
. One work-around (i.e., "solution") I started implementing was to add an UNKNOWN(-1)
…正如其他人所说,这会导致一个NPE @ switch(personType){。(即续航。我开始实现的是添加一个未知(-1)类型。
public enum PersonType {
public static PersonType findByTypeId(int id) {
return UNKNOWN;
Now, you don't have to do null-checking where it counts and you can choose to, or not to, handle UNKNOWN
types. (NOTE: -1
is an unlikely identifier in a business scenario, but obviously choose something that makes sense for your use-case).
You have to make a
if (i == null) {
} else {
switch (i) {
A switch works with the byte, short, char, and int primitive data types. It also works with enumerated types (discussed in Enum Types), the String class, and a few special classes that wrap certain primitive types: Character, Byte, Short, and Integer (discussed in Numbers and Strings).
Since null has no type, and is not an instance of anything, it will not work with a switch statement.
Simple if statement inside switch:
//if 'i' different from 'null' return 'i' else return 'DEFAULT' switch(i != null ? i : DEFAULT) { case DEFAULT: break; }
Or if you switch on String:
String i = null; // equal to -> value != null ? value.toString() i = String.valueOf(i); : "null"; switch(i) { case "null": break; }
Last solution without null checking:
Yes!!! I love to use TRY / CATCH or THROW new Exception as IF / ELSE replacement :)
是的! ! !我喜欢用TRY / CATCH或THROW new Exception来替换:
Integer i = null;
switch (i) {}
} catch(NullPointerException npx) {
// VM implementation specific message ->
// Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException:
// Attempt to invoke virtual method
// 'int java.lang.Integer.intValue()' on a null object reference
// you need to ensure child method don't throw npx
// or throws some other exception in replacement of npx
if(npx.getMessage().indexOf("java.lang.Integer.intValue()")>=0) {
// handle null
edit - in reply:
For your last solution: Don't program Python in Java. – glglgl Feb 15 at 14:33
对于最后一种解决方案:不要用Java编写Python。- glgl 2月15日14:33分
...I meant to say: In Python, exceptions are considered as a normal flow control method (EAFP). In Java, they are considered as what their name says: exceptions. They are quite expensive and should be used with care. Unlike in Python, use TRY / CATCH or THROW new Exception as IF / ELSE replacement is not good here. – glglgl
…我想说的是:在Python中,异常被认为是一个正常的流控制方法(EAFP)。在Java中,它们被认为是它们的名称:异常。它们很贵,应该小心使用。与Python不同,在这里使用TRY / CATCH或抛出新的异常,就好像/ ELSE替换不是很好。——glglgl
Programming with Exceptions
Exceptions can be used to help write robust ^1 programs. They provide an organized and structured approach to robustness. Without exceptions, a program can become cluttered with if statements that test for various possible error conditions. With exceptions, it becomes possible to write a clean implementation of an algorithm that will handle all the normal cases. The exceptional cases can be handled elsewhere, in a catch clause of a try statement.
例外可以用来帮助编写健壮的^ 1的程序。它们为健壮性提供了一种有组织和结构化的方法。如果没有异常,程序可能会变得混乱,如果对各种可能的错误条件进行测试的话。除了例外,可以编写一个干净的算法实现来处理所有的正常情况。在try语句的catch子句中,可以在其他地方处理异常情况。
When a program encounters an exceptional condition and has no way of handling it immediately, the program can throw an exception. In some cases, it makes sense to throw an exception belonging to one of Java's predefined classes, such as IllegalArgumentException or IOException. However, if there is no standard class that adequately represents the exceptional condition, the programmer can define a new exception class. The new class must extend the standard class Throwable or one of its subclasses. In general, if the programmer does not want to require mandatory exception handling, the new class will extend RuntimeException (or one of its subclasses). To create a new checked exception class, which does require mandatory handling, the programmer can extend one of the other subclasses of Exception or can extend Exception itself.
Here, for example, is a class that extends Exception, and therefore requires mandatory exception handling when it is used:
public class ParseError extends Exception {
public ParseError(String message) {
// Create a ParseError object containing
// the given message as its error message.
^1 one place where correctness and robustness are important -- and especially difficult -- is in the processing of input data, whether that data is typed in by the user, read from a file, or received over a network.
^ 1正确性和健壮性是很重要的一个地方——特别是困难的处理输入数据,这些数据是否由用户输入,读取一个文件,通过网络或接收。
even better here i can gave you an example for android app:
* start catcher on main thread loop
* @param context - app or any other context
* @param handler - handler to post any background thread exceptions to ui thread
public static void startCatcher(Context context, Handler handler) {
/** grab app default exception handler */
Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler systemUncaughtHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
/** the following handler is used to catch exceptions thrown in background threads */
LogsExceptionHandler logsExceptionHandler = new LogsExceptionHandler(context, systemUncaughtHandler, handler);
/** set to app our handler as default one */
/** loop while any exception in main looper */
while (true) try {
/** start message que loop */"Starting crash catch Looper");
/** if we exit unexpectedly set app default handler to initial one */
/** and throw Runtime exception */
throw new RuntimeException("Main thread loop unexpectedly exited");
/** catch */
} catch (LogsExceptionHandler.BackgroundException e) {
/** log and start exit hook same as for main ui caught exception */
String message = "Caught the exception in the background thread " + e.getThreadName() + ", TID: " + e.getTid() + " cause: " + e.getCause();
} catch (Throwable e) {
/** log and start exit hook for caught exception */
App.log.debug("Caught the exception in the UI thread, e: {}", e);
Some libraries attempt to offer alternatives to the builtin java switch
statement. Vavr is one of them, they generalize it to pattern matching.
一些库试图提供构建java switch语句的替代方法。Vavr就是其中之一,他们将其推广为模式匹配。
Here is an example from their documentation:
String s = Match(i).of(
Case($(1), "one"),
Case($(2), "two"),
Case($(), "?")
You can use any predicate, but they offer many of them out of the box, and $(null)
is perfectly legal. I find this a more elegant solution than the alternatives, but this requires java8 and a dependency on the vavr library...
You can't. You can use primitives (int, char, short, byte) and String (Strings in java 7 only) in switch. primitives can't be null.
Check i
in separate condition before switch.
你不能。您可以在switch中使用原语(int, char, short, byte)和String (java 7中的字符串)。原语不能为空。在切换前分别检查i。
switch (String.valueOf(value)){ case "null": default: }
switch (String.valueOf(value)){case“null”:default:}
You can also use String.valueOf((Object) nullableString)
switch (String.valueOf((Object) nullableString)) {
case "someCase"
case "null": // or default:
See interesting SO Q/A: Why does String.valueOf(null) throw a NullPointerException