如何迭代命名不规则的Xml子元素。在Powershell XmlElement吗?

时间:2022-09-23 00:14:15

I have an XML file of the following format:


        <foo float="99.0"/>
        <bar float="12.0"/>
        <tribble bool="true"/>
        <flibble int="1"/>

If I fetch that data in Powershell, I can see all the child elements of data with a Get-Memeber:


> $xmlData = [xml](Get-Content myfile.xml)
> $xmlData.data | Get-Member
    foo     Property    System.Xml.XmlElement ...
    bar     Property    System.Xml.XmlElement ...
    tribble Property    System.Xml.XmlElement ...

And I can access each child element individually. But how would I iterate over all the children, processing them with pipes? I'd love to be able to write something like this:


> $xmlData.data.Children | ?{$_ -eq "foo"}

...But alas that's just wishful thinking.


EDIT: Ok so I can reflect on the properties like this:


> $xmlData.data | get-member -memberType Property | ?{$_.Name -eq "foo"}

But I can't then go from the property (above I'm operating on a MemberDefinition) to the actual child element. Or can I?


2 个解决方案



First: You need to use Get-Member -Force ... which will show you everything. Note with particular interest the get_* methods which represent properties which for some reason aren't exposed as properties in PowerShell. So when you see get_ChildNodes in the member list, it means there's a .ChildNodes property on the object (even though PowerShell hides it for some reason).

首先:你需要使用动员部队……它会告诉你一切。特别要注意的是get_*方法,它表示由于某些原因而不作为PowerShell中的属性公开的属性。因此,当您在成员列表中看到get_ChildNodes时,它意味着对象上有一个. childnodes属性(尽管PowerShell出于某种原因隐藏了它)。

Second: So therefore, there are lots of ways, including the get-member method you hinted at (I append the Format-Table because it makes it easier to tell that you got something):


  1. $xmlData.data.SelectNodes("*") | ft name, OuterXml
  2. $xmlData.data.SelectNodes("*") | ft name, OuterXml
  3. $xmlData.data.ChildNodes | ft name, OuterXml
  4. xmlData.data美元。ChildNodes | ft name, OuterXml
  5. $xmlData.data | gm -type Property | % { $xmlData.data.($_.Name) } |
    Where { $_ -is [Xml.XmlElement] } | ft Name, OuterXml
  6. xmlData美元。数据| gm -type属性| % {$xmlData.data.($_.Name)} |,其中{$_是[Xml]。} | ft Name, OuterXml



For some reason Get-Member doesn't display the other properties System.Xml.XmlElement provides. Here is the full member list: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmlelement_members.aspx


As you can see, there is a ChildNodes property, so you can do this:


(Select-Xml -Path "file.xml" -XPath "//xml/data").Node.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "foo" }

(选择xml文件路径”。xml“xpath”/ / xml / .Node数据”)。ChildNodes | Where-Object{$_。名字eq“foo”}



First: You need to use Get-Member -Force ... which will show you everything. Note with particular interest the get_* methods which represent properties which for some reason aren't exposed as properties in PowerShell. So when you see get_ChildNodes in the member list, it means there's a .ChildNodes property on the object (even though PowerShell hides it for some reason).

首先:你需要使用动员部队……它会告诉你一切。特别要注意的是get_*方法,它表示由于某些原因而不作为PowerShell中的属性公开的属性。因此,当您在成员列表中看到get_ChildNodes时,它意味着对象上有一个. childnodes属性(尽管PowerShell出于某种原因隐藏了它)。

Second: So therefore, there are lots of ways, including the get-member method you hinted at (I append the Format-Table because it makes it easier to tell that you got something):


  1. $xmlData.data.SelectNodes("*") | ft name, OuterXml
  2. $xmlData.data.SelectNodes("*") | ft name, OuterXml
  3. $xmlData.data.ChildNodes | ft name, OuterXml
  4. xmlData.data美元。ChildNodes | ft name, OuterXml
  5. $xmlData.data | gm -type Property | % { $xmlData.data.($_.Name) } |
    Where { $_ -is [Xml.XmlElement] } | ft Name, OuterXml
  6. xmlData美元。数据| gm -type属性| % {$xmlData.data.($_.Name)} |,其中{$_是[Xml]。} | ft Name, OuterXml



For some reason Get-Member doesn't display the other properties System.Xml.XmlElement provides. Here is the full member list: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.xml.xmlelement_members.aspx


As you can see, there is a ChildNodes property, so you can do this:


(Select-Xml -Path "file.xml" -XPath "//xml/data").Node.ChildNodes | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "foo" }

(选择xml文件路径”。xml“xpath”/ / xml / .Node数据”)。ChildNodes | Where-Object{$_。名字eq“foo”}