
时间:2022-09-22 17:08:13

I've wrote a code to select data from my database, and I test if the statement returns something or no with fetchColumn() and I display the results if it's not null using a loop with fetch(). But event when the results exist it soesn't show me anything.. Here's my code :


$req = $bdd->prepare('SELECT NOM_Etudiant, PRENOM_Etudiant FROM Etudiant WHERE CNE_Etudiant = :cnev AND PASS_Etudiant = :passv');
$req->execute(array('cnev' => $cne, 'passv' => $pass));

$count = $req->fetchColumn();
if(!$count) {
    header('Location: authentification_etud.php?status=invalid');
else {
    // Doesn't work
    while ($donnees = $req->fetch())
        echo '<strong>Bienvenue </strong>' . $donnees['NOM_Etudiant'] . ' ' . $donnees['PRENOM_Etudiant'] . ' ! ' ;

Do you know why it doesn't work ? Thank you :)

你知道为什么它不起作用吗?谢谢 :)

2 个解决方案



You should use a rowCount() method to determine the number of rows not fetchColumn(). fetchColumn() will actually advance the pointer in the result set to where you will no longer have access to the first row of data.

您应该使用rowCount()方法来确定不是fetchColumn()的行数。 fetchColumn()实际上会将结果集中的指针前进到您将无法再访问第一行数据的位置。

Notice the big red warning on this page http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetchcolumn.php




fetchColumn returns one value of the first column and moves the result pointer to the next dataset. So, when calling fetch(), you don't get the first, but the second dataset (or nothing, if there is only one row).


Instead of using fetchColumn() you could just use rowCount() to check if there are results.




You should use a rowCount() method to determine the number of rows not fetchColumn(). fetchColumn() will actually advance the pointer in the result set to where you will no longer have access to the first row of data.

您应该使用rowCount()方法来确定不是fetchColumn()的行数。 fetchColumn()实际上会将结果集中的指针前进到您将无法再访问第一行数据的位置。

Notice the big red warning on this page http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.fetchcolumn.php




fetchColumn returns one value of the first column and moves the result pointer to the next dataset. So, when calling fetch(), you don't get the first, but the second dataset (or nothing, if there is only one row).


Instead of using fetchColumn() you could just use rowCount() to check if there are results.
