
时间:2022-09-22 15:50:32

Suppose one has a table of 1000 entries. We want to pick a random number between 1 and 1000 and return all rows with an id greater than or equal to that value. It appears to work just fine when entering a static value. For example


Select * From myTable
Where id >= 500
Order by id Limit 10;

This returns the expected values of 500 through 509. However, as soon as I try to replace that fixed value of 500 with a randomly generated one, things become very strange.


Select * From myTable
Where id >= floor(1 + RAND() * (1000 - 1))
Order by id Limit 10;

Suddenly, it no longer returns sequential values. The values returned are also extremely biased towards the low end. I get results like this:


65, 80, 96, 98, 112, 114, 115, 116, 130, 131

Why does this happen?


3 个解决方案



This is why your random changes....


  mysql> select id,rand() from test_big;
    | id          | rand()               |
    |          10 |   0.9478371384999129 |
    |          11 | 0.024267499357711057 |
    |   123456789 |   0.2778261120224615 |
    |  1234567890 |   0.3163280927728192 |
    | 12345678901 |   0.7481621585303565 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

the random is execute for each row.....but you can use a variable to solve your problems....


mysql> set @random:= rand();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @random;
| @random            |
| 0.7918265450669699 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,@random:=@random+1 from test_big;
| id          | @random:=@random+1 |
|          10 |   1.79182654506697 |
|          11 | 2.7918265450669697 |
|   123456789 | 3.7918265450669697 |
|  1234567890 |   4.79182654506697 |
| 12345678901 |   5.79182654506697 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

in your case make


set @random:=floor(1 + RAND() * (1000 - 1));

before the select function




The random number in the WHERE clause is calculated separately for each row. So you don't have one random number to filter your results, but 1000 random numbers - one for each entry.

WHERE子句中的随机数是针对每一行单独计算的。因此,您没有一个随机数来过滤结果,而是1000个随机数 - 每个条目一个。



Because the random function in the where clause gets evaluated every time and thus generating a new random number each time.




This is why your random changes....


  mysql> select id,rand() from test_big;
    | id          | rand()               |
    |          10 |   0.9478371384999129 |
    |          11 | 0.024267499357711057 |
    |   123456789 |   0.2778261120224615 |
    |  1234567890 |   0.3163280927728192 |
    | 12345678901 |   0.7481621585303565 |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

the random is execute for each row.....but you can use a variable to solve your problems....


mysql> set @random:= rand();
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select @random;
| @random            |
| 0.7918265450669699 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id,@random:=@random+1 from test_big;
| id          | @random:=@random+1 |
|          10 |   1.79182654506697 |
|          11 | 2.7918265450669697 |
|   123456789 | 3.7918265450669697 |
|  1234567890 |   4.79182654506697 |
| 12345678901 |   5.79182654506697 |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

in your case make


set @random:=floor(1 + RAND() * (1000 - 1));

before the select function




The random number in the WHERE clause is calculated separately for each row. So you don't have one random number to filter your results, but 1000 random numbers - one for each entry.

WHERE子句中的随机数是针对每一行单独计算的。因此,您没有一个随机数来过滤结果,而是1000个随机数 - 每个条目一个。



Because the random function in the where clause gets evaluated every time and thus generating a new random number each time.
