I have the following query I'm using (which mostly came from the help I received here):
public IEnumerable<Entities.AuditAgency> GetAuditRuleAgencyRecords(IEnumerable<Entities.AuditRuleEnterprise> rules)
using (LinqModelDataContext db = new LinqModelDataContext())
// Left-Outer Joins on Agency and its various other tables.
var auditAgencyRecords = (from ag in db.Agencies
join ara in db.AuditRuleAccounts on ag.Agency_Id equals ara.AgencyID into aran
from ara in aran.DefaultIfEmpty()
join arr in db.AuditRuleResults on ara.AuditRuleAccountID equals arr.AuditRuleAccountID into arrn
from arr in arrn.DefaultIfEmpty()
join are in db.AuditRuleEnterprises on arr.AuditRuleEnterpriseID equals are.AuditRuleEnterpriseID into aren
from are in aren.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new
AgencyID = ag.Agency_Id,
AgencyName = ag.Agency_Name,
AuditRuleEnterpriseID = arr.AuditRuleEnterpriseID,
AuditRuleEnterpriseName = are.OverrideDisplayName,
CorrectedDate = arr.CorrectedDate,
NbrDaysToCorrect = arr.NbrDaysToCorrect,
IEnumerable<AuditAgency> AuditAgencies = auditAgencyRecords
.GroupBy(a => a.AgencyID)
.Select(ag => new AuditAgency()
AgencyID = ag.Key,
AgencyName = ag.First().AgencyName,
Rules = ag
.GroupBy(agr => agr.AuditRuleEnterpriseID)
// ----> Do a left outer join on parameter "rules" object and the returned group above
// ----> on both of their ID's
.Select(agrg => new AuditAgencyRule() // Now I would like to only be creating "rules" for the rules with IDs that match the rules passed into this method
AuditRuleID = agrg.Key,
AuditRuleName = agrg.First().AuditRuleEnterpriseName,
Days = (Int32)agrg.Average(agrgr => agrgr.NbrDaysToCorrect)
return AuditAgencies;
This returns me a list of AuditAgency objects and each AuditAgency contains a list of AuditAgencyRules.
Now, as my final step in this query, and the part I'm having trouble with.. is, you can see that an IEnumerable rules is passed in as a parameter to this method.
What I would like to do, is in my second query there, where it creates a list of rules for each agency, I want to do a left outer join on my local "rules" object. Each rule object I'm passing in has a rule.ID. I want each agency to contain only the rules passed in, and if there is no data for them then simply leave its contents null.
Right now, my query contains all rules returned from the database and their data. However, I need it to contain only the rules passed into the method, regardless of if it has a match with the rules returning from the database. So in other words, I need to do a left outer join on my local "rules" object with the rules I have in there now.
You can see where I added comments to the above code to explain where and what I'm trying to do.
So, if "rules" only contains 3 rules with their ID's set, then this query will only return those 3 rules for each agency, regardless of whether there is data for those rules (its data will be null). Rather than return all rules for each agency, which is what it does now.
How do I write this left-outer join for a "local" object in my LINQ to SQL query?
如何在LINQ to SQL查询中为“本地”对象编写此左外连接?
Here is an attempt by me to do my left-outer-join on my "rules" object and the rules in my AuditAgencies after that second query above:
foreach (var agency in AuditAgencies)
agency.Rules = from rule in rules
join lr in agency.Rules on rule.EnterpriseID equals lr.AuditRuleID into g
from lr in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new AuditAgencyRule
AuditRuleID = rule.EnterpriseID,
AuditRuleName = rule.Name,
Days = lr.Days,
Flagged = lr.Flagged,
PercentFlagged = lr.PercentFlagged
No dice. Now, instead of all the rules, I'm getting ~no~ rules. When all I want is to just get the rules I'm passing into this method.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
3 个解决方案
I can offer you a bit of meta-help. You should go grab LINQPad and start using .Dump() to see where you're going wrong (you can also look at the direct SQL translations as well).
Basically, you do a left outer join with local objects in the same way you would do it with any other Linq source. The problem comes in when the provider may not understand what you're doing.
So, have you tried it the obvious way to see if it worked? If that doesn't work, then you may find it reasonable to simply return the results and filter out the undesired rules in a third Linq statement.
It could be due to a deferred query which has not returned yet, especially considering your using IEnumeratable<>... check out Charlie Calvert's blog on the subject, to quickly check you can try slipping in something like a .ToArray() assignment which will cause the query to execute immediately.
这可能是由于一个尚未返回的延迟查询,特别是考虑到你使用IEnumeratable <> ...查看Charlie Calvert关于这个主题的博客,快速检查你可以尝试滑动类似.ToArray()的任务。将导致查询立即执行。
I can offer you a bit of meta-help. You should go grab LINQPad and start using .Dump() to see where you're going wrong (you can also look at the direct SQL translations as well).
Basically, you do a left outer join with local objects in the same way you would do it with any other Linq source. The problem comes in when the provider may not understand what you're doing.
So, have you tried it the obvious way to see if it worked? If that doesn't work, then you may find it reasonable to simply return the results and filter out the undesired rules in a third Linq statement.
It could be due to a deferred query which has not returned yet, especially considering your using IEnumeratable<>... check out Charlie Calvert's blog on the subject, to quickly check you can try slipping in something like a .ToArray() assignment which will cause the query to execute immediately.
这可能是由于一个尚未返回的延迟查询,特别是考虑到你使用IEnumeratable <> ...查看Charlie Calvert关于这个主题的博客,快速检查你可以尝试滑动类似.ToArray()的任务。将导致查询立即执行。