Return Rows (Array) where the first 2 columns are bigger than 0.1

时间:2021-01-29 20:10:29

An easy Example for what i want:


I have a Matrix with many columns where i want to keep rows, if the cells in the first 2 columns are (both!!) bigger than 0.1


something like that:


import numpy as np
wildcard = np.vstack((B, A[A[:,0 and 1] > 0.1]))

obviously the "and" does not work, but that is what i want- both values in each line should be checked before they are returned to a new array where just the rows with these conditions remain.

显然“和”不起作用,但这就是我想要的 - 在返回到新数组之前,应检查每一行中的两个值,其中只保留具有这些条件的行。

1 个解决方案



instead of using and you can use &. Extra parenthesis are required because & binds tighter than >


a[(a[:,0] > .1) & (a[:,1] > .1)]

The method proposed by Ophion in the comments works as well but is slower.


In [85]: b = np.random.random((100000,3))

In [86]: %timeit np.all(b[:,:2] > 0.1, axis = 1)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.99 ms per loop

In [87]: %timeit (b[:,0] > .1) & (b[:,1] > .1)
1000 loops, best of 3: 542 us per loop



instead of using and you can use &. Extra parenthesis are required because & binds tighter than >


a[(a[:,0] > .1) & (a[:,1] > .1)]

The method proposed by Ophion in the comments works as well but is slower.


In [85]: b = np.random.random((100000,3))

In [86]: %timeit np.all(b[:,:2] > 0.1, axis = 1)
100 loops, best of 3: 2.99 ms per loop

In [87]: %timeit (b[:,0] > .1) & (b[:,1] > .1)
1000 loops, best of 3: 542 us per loop