This question already has an answer here:
- Google AJAX API - How do I get more than 4 Results? 7 answers
- Google AJAX API - 如何获得超过4个结果? 7个答案
I need to get google search results for query. But using something like this
$query = 'Nikita Platonenko';
$url = "".urlencode($query);
$body = file_get_contents($url);
$json = json_decode($body);
i get only 4 results, I've already read about google ajax search but couldn't understand it. Please advise how to get all resulsts, or just first 100 results?
2 个解决方案
$query = 'Nikita%20Platonenko';
$url = "".$query;
$body = file_get_contents($url);
$json = json_decode($body);
echo "<b>Result ".($x+1)."</b>";
echo "<br>URL: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->url;
echo "<br>VisibleURL: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->visibleUrl;
echo "<br>Title: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->title;
echo "<br>Content: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->content;
echo "<br><br>";
As the AJAX Api is now depreciated, you can use a third party service like SerpApi to get Google results. They have a GitHub repository, and it should be easy to integrate:
由于AJAX Api现已折旧,您可以使用SerpApi等第三方服务获取Google搜索结果。他们有一个GitHub存储库,它应该很容易集成:
$query = [
"q" => "Coffee",
"google_domain" => "",
$serp = new GoogleSearchResults();
$json_results = $serp.json($query);
The answer:
Here is what I use successfully:
I don't think you have full control over how many results that can be obtained in the query. But you can control the results size (rsz=large
), and where it starts.
我认为您无法完全控制查询中可以获得多少结果。但是你可以控制结果大小(rsz = large),以及它的起始位置。
Other notes:
In addition, it is always good to include the user's ip address there. Because, Google limits the number of queries based unique ip addresses (meaning, how many from an ip address). So if they are all coming from your server, you will be limited in how many queries you can send, but the limits go way down if you send the user's ip address. In addition, caching the results for a couple of days is an added bonus.
$query = 'Nikita%20Platonenko';
$url = "".$query;
$body = file_get_contents($url);
$json = json_decode($body);
echo "<b>Result ".($x+1)."</b>";
echo "<br>URL: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->url;
echo "<br>VisibleURL: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->visibleUrl;
echo "<br>Title: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->title;
echo "<br>Content: ";
echo $json->responseData->results[$x]->content;
echo "<br><br>";
As the AJAX Api is now depreciated, you can use a third party service like SerpApi to get Google results. They have a GitHub repository, and it should be easy to integrate:
由于AJAX Api现已折旧,您可以使用SerpApi等第三方服务获取Google搜索结果。他们有一个GitHub存储库,它应该很容易集成:
$query = [
"q" => "Coffee",
"google_domain" => "",
$serp = new GoogleSearchResults();
$json_results = $serp.json($query);
The answer:
Here is what I use successfully:
I don't think you have full control over how many results that can be obtained in the query. But you can control the results size (rsz=large
), and where it starts.
我认为您无法完全控制查询中可以获得多少结果。但是你可以控制结果大小(rsz = large),以及它的起始位置。
Other notes:
In addition, it is always good to include the user's ip address there. Because, Google limits the number of queries based unique ip addresses (meaning, how many from an ip address). So if they are all coming from your server, you will be limited in how many queries you can send, but the limits go way down if you send the user's ip address. In addition, caching the results for a couple of days is an added bonus.