kibana提示“Your Kibana index is out of date, reset it or use the X-Pack upgrade assistant.”

时间:2022-09-20 16:30:19


 2017/12/15_第1次修改                       ccb_warlock





备份还是体现了价值,更新后发现kibana挂了,报“Your Kibana index is out of date, reset it or use the X-Pack upgrade assistant.”。

kibana提示“Your Kibana index is out of date, reset it or use the X-Pack upgrade assistant.”


kibana提示“Your Kibana index is out of date, reset it or use the X-Pack upgrade assistant.”






vim /etc/kibana/kibana.yml



kibana.index: ".kibana6"



systemctl restart kibana



kibana提示“Your Kibana index is out of date, reset it or use the X-Pack upgrade assistant.”

