
时间:2022-09-19 23:18:48


npm install redis-connection-pool
var redisPool = require('redis-connection-pool')('myRedisPool', {
    host: '', // default 
    port: 6379, //default 
    max_clients: 30, // defalut 
    perform_checks: false, // checks for needed push/pop functionality 
    database: 0, // database number to use 
    options: {
      auth_pass: 'password'
    } //options for createClient of node-redis, optional 

redisPool.set('test-key', 'foobar', function (err) {
  redisPool.get('test-key', function (err, reply) {
    console.log(reply); // 'foobar' 

Implemented methods


get(key, cb)

    set set(key, value, callback) expire expire(key, value, callback) del del(key, callback) hget hget(key, field, callback) hgetall hgetall(key, callback) hset hset(key, field, value, callback) hdel hdel(key, [fields], callback) brpop brpop(key, cb) blpop blpop(key, cb) rpush rpush(key, value, callback) lpush lpush(key, value, callback)