
时间:2022-09-19 10:47:22

作者:王选易,出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/neverdie/ 欢迎转载,也请保留这段声明。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请点【推荐】。谢谢!




litjson是用C #编写的,它的目的是要小,快速,易用。它使用了Mono框架。


将LitJSON编译好的dll文件通过Import New Asset的方式导入到项目中,再使用Using LitJSON即可使用JSONMapper类中的简便方法。dll的下载地址在这里.




为了这个目的,LitJSON包引入了JsonMapper类,它提供了两个用于做到  JSON转化为object 和 object转化为JSON 的主要方法。这两个方法是jsonmapper.toobject和jsonmapper.tojson。




using LitJson;
using System; public class Person
// C# 3.0 auto-implemented properties
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public DateTime Birthday { get; set; }
} public class JsonSample
public static void Main()
} public static void PersonToJson()
Person bill = new Person(); bill.Name = "William Shakespeare";
bill.Age = ;
bill.Birthday = new DateTime(, , ); string json_bill = JsonMapper.ToJson(bill); Console.WriteLine(json_bill);
} public static void JsonToPerson()
string json = @"
""Name"" : ""Thomas More"",
""Age"" : 57,
""Birthday"" : ""02/07/1478 00:00:00""
}"; Person thomas = JsonMapper.ToObject<Person>(json); Console.WriteLine("Thomas' age: {0}", thomas.Age);


{"Name":"William Shakespeare","Age":,"Birthday":"04/26/1564 00:00:00"}
Thomas' age: 57



using LitJson;
using System; public class JsonSample
public static void Main()
string json = @"
""album"" : {
""name"" : ""The Dark Side of the Moon"",
""artist"" : ""Pink Floyd"",
""year"" : 1973,
""tracks"" : [
""Speak To Me"",
""On The Run""
"; LoadAlbumData(json);
} public static void LoadAlbumData(string json_text)
Console.WriteLine("Reading data from the following JSON string: {0}",
json_text); JsonData data = JsonMapper.ToObject(json_text); // Dictionaries are accessed like a hash-table
Console.WriteLine("Album's name: {0}", data["album"]["name"]); // Scalar elements stored in a JsonData instance can be cast to
// their natural types
string artist = (string) data["album"]["artist"];
int year = (int) data["album"]["year"]; Console.WriteLine("Recorded by {0} in {1}", artist, year); // Arrays are accessed like regular lists as well
Console.WriteLine("First track: {0}", data["album"]["tracks"][]);


Reading data from the following JSON string:
"album" : {
"name" : "The Dark Side of the Moon",
"artist" : "Pink Floyd",
"year" : ,
"tracks" : [
"Speak To Me",
"On The Run"
} Album's name: The Dark Side of the Moon
Recorded by Pink Floyd in
First track: Speak To Me


一些人喜欢使用stream的方式处理JSON数据,对于他们, 我们提供的接口是jsonreader和jsonwriter。



using LitJson;
using System; public class DataReader
public static void Main()
string sample = @"{
""name"" : ""Bill"",
""age"" : 32,
""awake"" : true,
""n"" : 1994.0226,
""note"" : [ ""life"", ""is"", ""but"", ""a"", ""dream"" ]
}"; PrintJson(sample);
} public static void PrintJson(string json)
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(json); Console.WriteLine ("{0,14} {1,10} {2,16}", "Token", "Value", "Type");
Console.WriteLine (new String ('-', )); // The Read() method returns false when there's nothing else to read
while (reader.Read()) {
string type = reader.Value != null ?
reader.Value.GetType().ToString() : ""; Console.WriteLine("{0,14} {1,10} {2,16}",
reader.Token, reader.Value, type);


Token      Value             Type
PropertyName name System.String
String Bill System.String
PropertyName age System.String
Int System.Int32
PropertyName awake System.String
Boolean True System.Boolean
PropertyName n System.String
Double 1994.0226 System.Double
PropertyName note System.String
String life System.String
String is System.String
String but System.String
String a System.String
String dream System.String


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